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It is time to put the screen away,

To use your voice instead and say,

"Hey Google, ask Daryl about today."

Ask the Salt Cave: 

A Decade's Worth of Daily 

Wisdom You Brought Soleil's


You don't read this book from front to back;

You let fate find you a page... and after that, 

You read the message your thoughts attract.


To hear these on your phone, just say:

"Hey Google, Talk to the Salt Cave."


About the Author

Very soft-spoken, but he's lived quite a lot

And loves writing bits of mindful self-talk.

About a photo. he said, "How about...not?"



I believe everything happens for a reason.

I believe everywhere we go, we're needed.

I believe everyone we meet will teach us.


Let this remind you - You are the treasure,

With a way of being that's beyond measure.

Who you are puts everything else together.

Thank you for being as conscious as you are,

For shining with the light of a guiding star.

You continue to be the greatest gift by far.

Appreciated more than you could ever know,

Because you help everyone around you grow,

You are the gift - your life is a loving glow.

Dearest Beloved, this can no longer wait

Or simply be left to the timing of fate:

You are the gift - the process of great.

You are the gift, so welcome this thought

Because it could, would, should and ought

To be something that occurs to you a lot.

Your glow just continues to increase,

Yet even without this radiant reach -

You are the gift - already, complete.

Whether or not you needed a little lift,

Or something to name your latest shift,

Let this remind you: You are the gift.

Regardless of where your mind is at,

Or whether you recall this one fact:

You are a true gift, and that is that.

When you're in your own space,

What you begin to feel is grace

Within this moment's embrace.

When you finish resting, are you still tired?

Have you gotten the amount that you desire?

Are you getting the kind of rest you require?

Which are you thinking about right now?

Who, what, when, where, or maybe how?

Which thoughts deserve thinking about?

What are you most focused on today?

And what if this doesn't go your way?

Can you see goodness within a delay?

What are you wondering, right this moment?

Are these your own thoughts you've chosen?

Are all your intentions out here in the open?

You're still asking for reasons why?

What if you left that search behind?

What if all you did next was to try?

What are you assuming will always be here?

Things always change - is this not yet clear?

Why not put some focus on a new frontier?

Are you sure that your thinking is correct?

Have you actually taken the time to reflect?

If not, what else needs to be double-checked?

Does what you are thinking serve you today?

Or is it another small step leading you astray?

Which thoughts are ready to be thrown away?

Are there any undesirable patterns

In what you think and then do after?

For you yourself - what truly matters?

How are you using today's given time?

What feels wasted - what feels wise?

Where will you never compromise?

Did one issue all of a sudden become two?

Have they multiplied? Could that be true?

Which one matters - if you had to choose?

If you focused first on what you love most,

How would today begin? How would it go?

Would you even need to have any control?

Are these the best thoughts you can think?

Can you allow all the negative ones to sink?

Can you take yourself to the positive brink?

The things that bother your mind the most -

Are they things over which you have control?

What about the entire inner world you own?

Is there another way to think about this?

A way that in your heart feels like a fit?

A way that puts you in the middle of it?

How would it be to ignore everyone's chatter?

What would you need for no result to matter?

Who could you be if you broke one pattern?

What is the story that runs on its own?

That makes you feel like it's in control?

What is the story that is going to go?

If you feel you know who you are exactly,

You're thinking, and too matter-of-factly.

Fall in love with your unknowns - madly.

What do you love most? What do you least?

What do you lack? What could be increased?

Have you heard it said, "Enough is a feast?"

What makes you feel the exact way you feel?

Is it something situations themselves reveal?

Or are you the one who creates what's real?

"To thine own self be true."

If this is not an easy thing to do,

To whom do you have what to prove?

When do you feel put to the test?

When are you outdone by stress?

When do you perform at your best?

Is there something you need to ask yourself?

Is there a story you need to hear You tell?

Is there something you know all too well?

Are you looking at all this realistically?

Or are you seeing it as you need it to be?

Either way, are you doing so consciously?

Are you hearing just what you want to hear?

Or do you try to make your listening clear?

Don't both ends of this have to be sincere?

Is your initial intention still here?

Do you honor it or just keep it near?

Could it redefine what you hold dear?

Do you laugh from the belly or the chest?

Do you forget about whatever comes next?

Do you remember where you feel blessed?

Onto your approach, does it make sense?

Which part of it is feeling odd or dense?

How could you feel light yet immense?

Look again at how things are laid out;

Do they reflect what you're all about?

Are you investing your ideal amount?

Be mindful of what you tend to produce;

Does it put your goodness to good use?

Does it let even more creativity loose?

What do you find yourself doing today?

As you build, is this a solid brick to lay?

Should you be spending more time this way?

What is it you do to make them furious?

Aren't you more than just a bit curious?

Are they rightly concerned or delirious?

Let others choose what they will follow.

For you those options would feel hollow.

Which one makes your heart shout bravo?

What sort of role do you have to wear?

Are you expected to have a certain air?

Is it something you give proper care?

What lifts your feet up off of the floor?

When does joy well up from your core?

How could you enjoy this even more?

Above all, are you enjoying yourself?

Does this thing improve your health?

What else will matter but how you felt?

How are you doing with your life script?

Have you been keeping up with writing it?

Is it a story that you have the best role in?

What are the words you unthinkingly use

When trying to push yourself to choose?

Which are the words it is time to lose?

What question is content with one reply?

What question does not somehow multiply?

What question are you willing to let die?

Still thinking about it as all or none?

Is there a place between boring and fun?

Is there a way to get this gently done?

It should be big! Why make it small?

If you can leap, why choose to crawl?

Since you're able, why not give it all?

Are you getting yourself roped in again?

Is this another "and then... and then..."?

Can you get some advice from an old friend?

And why did you need to go over there?

Why did you believe you needed repair?

Can you flow with flaws and not care?

Have you ever been wrong before?

Then ended up finding out more?

Isn't it patience that opens doors?

When do you feel secure and safe?

Is it at the very end of your day?

Or the moment it gets underway?

Can you accept the importance of your name?

Without it, does your work breathe the same?

With it, how much trust will be ingrained?

Do you understand what they're about,

Before you follow them on their route?

Do they put more in or want more out?

Does it fit your set of priorities?

Does it deepen your sense of curiosity?

Does it enrich your life's quality?

What can you do right now?

What can you do - and how?

What in you already abounds?

How long will it take to build?

Who all has the required skills?

What vision will this fulfill?

Is it the root of the problem you seek?

Why not instead find where it is weak?

What dam outlasts its own worst leak?

How much do you identify with your name?

As for your stories, are you doing the same?

Do these even begin to describe your range?

Are you doing this to get something done?

Does what you're up to have an outcome?

Do you know how to do just for fun?

What thought could bring you relief?

Why not think this rather than seek?

As you do, is there any goal to meet?

Who here stays busy simply keeping track?

Who here is giving to get something back?

Who does your present personality attract?

Can you wiggle your toes in imaginary sand?

Or daydream gardens where butterflies land?

Can you move through today without a plan?

Was that the point - to achieve and excel?

Is it to give so much you sacrifice yourself?

Is that any kind of way for you to be well?

Was that last journey too hard to repeat?

Would you rather find a comfortable seat?

Or are you ready to get back on your feet?

Do flowers only grow if there's a fence?

Does light shine through what is dense?

What is the point to being this intense?

Before you march to the beat of their drum,

Do you know where they are coming from?

Would you join all of them, or only some?

Does kindness strive to dominate?

Does fairness move to manipulate?

Does simplicity try to complicate?

When were you last completely quiet?

When did you last attempt to try it?

When will you go on a word diet?

You're expected to want something more,

And so what is all that wanting ever for?

Does it point to a place that feels pure?

Have you realized more about love?

Have you felt what you are made of?

Have you come to realize you are enough?

What does love mean to you now?

Has it changed - and if so how?

Is it something to fight for or allow?

As you train to become beyond compare,

Are you honestly able to say, "I failed,"

Knowing each try is as vital as fresh air?

Doesn't it keep you in this spot?

Doesn't it ask of you quite a lot?

What would happen if you forgot?

What if your best habits hold you back?

What if you can travel without a track?

What if you don't even need to pack?

Who do you know who's wiser than you?

Are they a part of your social group?

If not, how can you make this true?

What was the point of this adventure?

Was it ever to pile up more treasure?

Wasn't it to put the pieces together?

What if you didn't have to be consistent?

What if rules were actually non-existent?

What if you only cared about this instant?

Your hard work can become its own addiction

That is only satisfied when you feel friction:

Could gracefulness become your life mission?

You were lied to, and now know the truth:

Could that discovery create someone new?

Could it ever? Or is that part up to you?

How much rest do you get by oversleeping?

Or how is tea that spends too long steeping?

If you can give, why even think of keeping?

Do you get the importance of being clear?

Is your message simple as well as sincere?

Is it something that you should also hear?

Is this the time and place to share?

Are you surrounded by those who care?

By people already awake and aware?

The same ones who keep asking you to wait

Are the ones for whom you never hesitate.

Do you need to rethink how you navigate?

Are you leaving space to let things go?

Can you let the empty space in you grow?

Can there be truth in what you don't know?

What matters - that you have understanding?

Or that you allow, without being demanding?

Are you fully open to what life is handing?

You keep standing in your own way

By hiding behind your own résumé.

Can you throw the qualifications away?

Do you do the same thing over and over?

And has it made you any faster or slower?

Most importantly: do you feel any closer?

Life goes as it goes, not as planned.

This is not a request - it is a demand:

You get back up. Do you understand?

Is your position supposed to stay the same

Despite how the conditions have changed?

How can you adapt, adjust and rearrange?

Can you imagine an infinite light?

One that gives you infinite sight?

Didn't you just turn it on inside?

Yes, appreciate all the beautiful things!

But also notice what the ordinary brings.

Are you the song or the one who sings?

Is it actual or just appeal?

Is it truly something real?

How supported do you feel?

How deep inside your precious home

Do you let someone you don't know?

It might be time to ask them to go.

If there's no training left to work toward,

If you throw all those steps out the door,

Then you're already here, needing no more.

Are you happy knowing or happier on the go?

Are you the ice on top or the stream below?

Each one is water, but does each have flow?

Are you just delivering another deliverable?

Or are you climbing toward some pinnacle?

Do you know your own guiding principle?

Do you wonder why you do certain things?

Are you happy with what their results bring?

Could you be more aware before and during?

Do you wonder why you get the same results?

Do you identify with awareness or impulse?

Are you closer to your inner child or adult?

If you thought of yourself as much more,

As someone more important than ever before,

Then would it be easier for you to be sure?

Would you like to feel amazing all the time?

Do you know what effects your state of mind?

Are your actions and your interests aligned?

Are you open to letting life take control?

Are you willing to wait for things to unfold?

Are you able to feel what your future holds?

Who in you hears without a word spoken?

Who has keys to the doors you want opened?

Are you the one who decides what's chosen?

Are you speaking in defense?

Do you need to be so intense?

Does this make complete sense?

Do you realize you're still telling a story?

Even though having one is not mandatory?

Why do you still have it in your inventory?

How do you feel about being right here?

About being this far along, yet unclear?

Could you make this feeling disappear?

When things go poorly, how do you cope?

How long do you allow yourself to mope?

What thought always fills you with hope?

What was once, but is no longer upsetting?

Did you get here by being more accepting?

Did you get here by eventually forgetting?

A feeling you've been through this before

Is far from something you should ignore -

Why don't you knock on a different door?

Do you realize pursuing comfort gets old?

Do you realize part of you craves a new goal?

Do you realize most of you is still unknown?

Is there another way to think about yourself?

One that has a broader definition of wealth?

One that has a deeper definition of health?

Worrying about what you can't control

Overlooks the mindset you actually own

That can conquer as well as it can console.

Do you know the way? Are you sure?

What if you get sidetracked or detoured?

What are you willing to endure?

Do you want the destination or the journey?

Can you dig up gems without getting dirty?

How do you show Time that you're worthy?

Do others have their own plans for you?

Do those plans feel anything like truth?

Does your heart know what to pursue?

What wars do you unquestioningly take on?

When do you disregard right versus wrong?

How can you live from here all day long?

Are you sure this is what you truly want?

That your passion is far from nonchalant?

That you'd give all the strength you've got?

Waiting for someone to be your guide?

Remember all the things you've tried?

Aware of the wisdom you hold inside?

Are you working from an inner vision?

Do you care about anyone else's opinion?

Are you going to make your own decision?

Are you filtering out all the noise?

Are you considering everyone's voice?

Will they feel included in your choice?

Have you learned as much from the mistakes

As when things have simply gone your way?

Will you keep trying more, whatever it takes?

Who can you think of who is farther along?

Who, where you feel weak, is already strong?

Who has experience that you can build upon?

When did you feel like you knew it all?

Was it just before your last worst fall?

What do you do to keep your ego small?

You have a brain, but do you know the kind?

Do you feel better if you make up your mind?

Or better being free to change it all the time?

Are you expecting there to be some formula?

Success, by definition, goes to the abnormal.

Aren't you glad you're still unconformable?

Can you believe there's still a long way to go?

Can you believe you have a lot more to grow?

Can you believe there's nothing else to know?

Are you enjoying the journey as you go?

Do you feel like there's still more to know?

What will you do when you reach a plateau?

What are you most grateful for in your life?

What things would you rather leave behind?

Which of these opposites grows your mind?

Where are you when all this stuff happens?

Does your mind take you to way back then?

What better place can you vividly imagine?

Does it feel like you've reached the point

Past which you'll be far beyond annoyed?

Is the answer in the one thing you avoid?

Do you appreciate all of your emotions?

Even the ones that roar like the ocean?

Even the ones that ask not to be spoken?

They're speaking from fear, is that right?

Is that a good reason to become uptight?

Is it so easy for them to dim your light?

If the way you give wears you down,

Turn your idea of generosity around:

Give yourself more than you've allowed.

If thinking of staying makes you hesitant,

Then relocate to somewhere more pleasant

By feeling it first and planning it second.

Have you heard it's from what you focus on?

Does that explanation fit here or feel wrong?

What's possible if you continue right along?

Just tell all of them to wait,

Just let yourself arrive late,

Just be here and appreciate.

Close the books filled with old stories,

Because not even the very best of these

Can top your own unfolding mysteries.

There is nothing you need to cut loose.

There is no solution for you to deduce.

There are only paths for you to choose.

Clarity needs ample room to see true, so

Stay unattached from all points of view.

Free of a plan you will know what to do.

Healing arrives hand-in-hand with calm

To listen to whatever they called "wrong"

And through tenderness keep you strong.

Things get better - that is what they do.

As wishes can change, so habits can too.

It all starts with you, undeniably, You.

As you grow the faith to rise up and out,

You also outgrow status, pomp and clout;

Something amazing is starting to sprout.

Smile about where you find yourself now.

Give all due credit to your own know-how

With one great big, self-celebrating bow.

Who's around you reflects what's within.

So look to the Chooser before you begin

To judge anyone - friend, enemy, or kin.

All you can improve is your own attitude

So beware of feeling consumed by a mood

Lest you become that one emotion's food.

There's always a way to recognize lack -

Just a habit on which to turn your back

By leading your focus to positive facts.

Love in a big way - give what seems small:

Remind everyone you appreciate them all.

Thanks to you, many more will stand tall.

Keep your heart flame burning brightest.

Though others ask you to tend to the rest

Stoke what brings warmth to your chest.

Time always reveals more, so just wait.

Have a lifetime view; you can't be late.

You see turns, but the way is straight.

Notice the souls you give the most time -

Do they offer goodness of body and mind?

Are they your example of how to be kind?

Insist on loving no matter what happens.

Turn away from "I'll love only when..."

Heart survives even its own time's end.

If you can choose to be kind or be right,

Choose to be One who prefers to be nice

And yields lovingly by remaining light.

This may be the time for you to be brave

And stand for yourself and others today.

Be here rooted in truth, come what may.

There is a world far beyond being liked,

Where you uncover more than you might

Once you put their opinions out of sight.

It may take all you have to get back up.

Know this is not a should - it is a must:

Rise again with renewed love and trust.

Bypass roads that run shrouded in dark,

That twist round corners or seem stark.

Head toward the light, guided by heart.

Know when you've had exactly enough.

Maintain yourself with focus and love.

Parent your desires; be firm not rough.

It is time to come out from your shell

Where things are ready to go very well

And give you incredible stories to tell.

Asking yourself is a most powerful skill

That takes as much honesty as pure will.

Ask again and again without an "until."

Forget about limits - forget about clout,

Forget about all of that word-of-mouth. 

Forget about thinking. Be here and now.

Given the insight you now know to use,

Each of your senses can also help choose

The way that holds your greatest truths.

The words themselves are nearly useless.

How they're delivered is the truest test.

Forgo what's said to hear what's meant.

Today brightens or dims your tomorrows

Depending on if you sacrifice or borrow,

So one-by-one resolve all your quarrels.

Make action certain. Make action swift.

Make the kind of decision that is quick.

Nimble non-attachment has its benefits.

Consider as much as possible beforehand,

But when it's time, simply do all you can,

Not what you don't quite yet understand.

Require positivity of yourself. Insist.

Invites to fume or fuss or feud, resist.

Speak brightly as light piercing mist.

Who cares if others have failed before?

Such talk takes time you cannot afford,

Because the work itself is your reward.

Keep seeking flow as your way of being.

Always go deeper past what you're seeing

To what is most captivating yet freeing.

What you are doing is considered pursuit

Of what you have greatest attachment to.

Without your chasing, would it find you?

It's good to acknowledge areas of limit.

It shows you are willing to yield within

With flexible grace - a tree in the wind.

Don't say you can't - say that you don't.

Though you surely can, you simply won't.

Practice this until it is fully your own.

Who thus far has been the strongest force?

Who would you call your greatest source?

Who when you ask always says of course?

Lumping these all together is incorrect.

To split those up could be to disrespect.

So weigh what your decision will affect.

There is no place you need to be going,

Nothing critical for you to be knowing.

This is simply what it is to be growing.

Surrender to rest, don't push it around.

Once it overtakes you, give in, lay down.

When it says hush, don't make a sound.

Thinking you know, you may deeply err.

Only through feeling can you get there.

Head will assume but heart rarely dares.

Stillness will come if you just continue

To do everything that you are most into,

And be open to finding a favorite venue.

Be true to your word for its own sake do

Because new worlds unfold for people who

Decide, then proclaim and then execute.

Wait before calling circumstance unfair.

Instead find the opportunity to be aware

Of what needs work, and precisely where.

Wanting it all is a part of being human;

But you will only be truly wealthy when

You let the strings of attachment loosen.

Stay outside of it a few moments longer.

This will make your perspective stronger

And help your imagination do its ponder.

It hurts the worst yet blooms brightest,

Wherever failure has drained you driest;

Soak in this rain and grow your highest.

Looking at the effort you've exerted,

Has this made you even more certain?

Do you see another door you can open?

Sometimes, you'll do best to disappear -

Put yourself where you are nowhere near

Influences that would cause you to veer.

Being good to yourself can mean to stop.

Let all the tasks and appointments drop.

Raise your busy hands and let them flop.

You are still doing more than you might

Were something else to hold you alight.

Do a bit less. It will all be just right.

To understand, try to breathe like them.

How air moves can tell you what's meant

And can even tell what they'll say next.

Let go of all the emotional belongings,

Reminiscences, grudges and old longings

They're too much for you to be hauling.

Belief is a perfect substitute for knowing

Since it makes sure interest keeps growing

Until you find your own seeds for sowing.

You do not have to accept what you see.

And may even do better to rely on belief

Until this seed looks more like a tree.

Being spontaneous you outrun resistance,

Gain momentum and surround opposition.

Surprise them all - defy every condition.

Stop talking to those who fuss and rage,

Rattling against their own imagined cage.

Nurture a peace that surpasses your age.

Interrupt whoever drudges up history.

Politely redirect talk of dark mystery.

Mind all that travels conversationally.

There is no need for defense or retreat

Once you decide to be unmoved by defeat

And choose to become impossible to beat.

Until you can move on, keep your spirit

By being mindful of who you let near it.

Among noisy folk will you even hear it?

The one who's asking, "Oh, but what if?"

Would be better off just looking within

To see there is only from here to begin. 

With words, speak caringly and sparingly

And use other means to convey unerringly

Whatever needs to be expressed unwarily.

Stop wondering what anyone else thinks.

In your plan that will make some kinks.

Opinion gets stale and then it stinks.

Waiting can serve as a precious aspect

In pursuing a goal and looking ahead.

Anticipation can be energy well spent.

Health extends from a healthier center.

Tender areas - use tenderness to enter.

So be gentler on yourself, far gentler.

Be polite with your faults - be polite.

No "How long until they turn right?"

Realize they obey only loving insight.

Rough self-motivation is just as rude as

A teacher shouting the lesson in school.

Loving-kindness is more powerful fuel.

Hold your tongue as you would a feather;

Your ears and words are closely tethered

And turn the world when used together.

Your body tells you it has had enough.

There is little point remaining rough.

A master is flexible - not just tough.

Your body has spoken, so do not delay.

It keeps telling you in its gentlest way

That what is within can no longer stay.

What if you have nothing left to earn -

No new next offers over which to churn?

You're richest when you forget to yearn.

Your mind's job is to fish for reasons,

To deliver a why, no matter the season.

To refuse to accept any isn't treason.

Going forward takes more than spending,

It takes humility and true heart rending.

Even in life, the soul can be ascending.

Become bored by villains, plots and twists

That busy your mind yet all wisdom miss;

Lovingly trust where each one's role fits.

Expectation can stifle joy. Be mindful.

Explanation can go unending. Be final.

Everything but love can go. Be primal.

When you need to ingrain better patterns

To maintain focus on what truly matters,

Light the way with love as your lantern.

Keep leading your mind back from there

Because of what awaits it's not yet aware.

New benefits are to be found elsewhere.

Listen closest to what is sitting silent.

Clues that were never openly expressed

Point directly into what's truly meant.

Which part of you will you let choose -

The one that usually gets you to refuse,

Or the one that always finds your muse?

How it feels makes all the difference

As your choices make the most sense

When conviction drives your intent.

The value comes from what you don't get.

Endless options remain within "not yet,"

Which means no goal is ever truly unmet.

You are gathering allies as you go along

And sometimes the mix will feel wrong.

Difficult partnerships make you strong.

The long or short way through your desert,

Whichever seems easier tricks your effort;

Whichever way worries you will be better.

Replace what worries with what's light.

Get plenty of sleep and dream at night. 

Wake up to goals that grant new sight.

This is just what becoming looks like -

No longer back there, nor fully in sight

Peeling back layer upon layer of mights.

How necessary each and every mistake is:

Flawless for triggering learning within.

Bow to lessons that come from each miss.

Some search for themselves by using you.

While yet an honor, it has nothing to do

With your purpose or what you're up to.

Turning back to find the way is silly.

It is not warm back there, it's chilly.

Turn to the sun as if you were a lily.

When wants can just be, you've arrived.

Most never challenge the voices inside

That are a shallow part of being alive.

Whatever unravels you again and again

Is just asking life's toughest question:

Whatever you want, can you first lend?

Giving up the old welcomes in the new.

Now to figure out what to give the boot:

It's for the practice, anything will do.

Drop should-haves, maybes and oughts;

Lead your mind toward its best thoughts.

Show it what body and soul have brought.

There is a time to be wary of extremes,

Of mosts and bests, without in-betweens.

Neither glut nor starve: find your lean.

Trust the hints that you are receiving.

Though words and acts can be deceiving,

Your body grants the truth of feeling.

You first summon your power by deciding.

When you do the work, you're fortifying.

Again and now your power is multiplying.

And sometimes it takes one huge push,

A grueling effort, a send-off, a whoosh,

If your Will were a sled dog, a "Mush!"

You will know when you have tried hard,

When effort relieves you of your guard,

And nothing you've ever done is on par.

There is another self inside You

Who would love to be invited to

Show off talents you never knew.

Tranquility is something all your own -

Something that lives within your bones,

Something that in your posture shows.

Stop all that unconsciously apologizing,

Yielding time-space without recognizing

Mindless retreat keeps you from rising.

You've outgrown fitting in with anyone,

Heedlessly brilliant as the noonday sun.

Just being yourself you warm everyone.

Acting on impulses will humble you when

You are asked to deliver the words again,

Forced to replay what you barely meant.

Be as interested in giving as in getting

Because it is as important to be letting

Others enjoy the pleasure of begetting.

Whether as a member or out on your own,

See that your truth always stands alone,

And the mirror reflects one well-known.

Being whole by yourself is impossible -

The world has awaited you most of all -

Both you and your gift are inseparable.

Be whole first. Become a part afterward.

First you find your own inner wonderful,

Then you help unveiling the same in all.

Be with it. No matter how hard it is.

Don't turn away. You dive directly in.

If it hurts, hurt. Hold up your chin.

The feelings will go and you will stay.

So be with what you know to be underway

And allow everything, including a delay.

Remain right here and see for yourself:

You don't need anything to enjoy health;

Just as you are, you define being well.

To keep the crowds out of your garden,

Post up signs, implore visitors' pardon

To not step where you've worked hardest.

Mend your fence and latch up your gate.

When the need comes it may be too late.

Boundaries are nothing to leave to fate.

There is so much to have gratitude for.

When you begin, there'll be even more.

Thanks opens for you a spiritual door.

You need to refuse what they're offering.

It is not time for you to be broadening.

You need to be deepening and softening.

There is something to be said for focus.

It trains us to set up our own locus of

Sharp thought so nothing can yolk us.

They may know more than you do today.

Best to silence inner backtalk and wait

To hear everything they have to say.

You might know more than they do today.

So keep quiet a moment more and refrain

From doing as told or believing hearsay.

Move your dream forward one step today.

Come up with some half hour-long foray.

Confidence grows from little hoorays.

Your certainty makes you more effective.

It convinces them you have perspective,

And then renders your charisma electric.

Life is long. You have time. Calm down.

Wake up. Open your eyes. Look around.

Wiggle your toes deep into this ground.

Try another approach and see the results

But whatever your theory, don't give up.

You're farther than you had dreamed of.

You can regroup, retrain and rebound by

Leaving those who prefer to trend down.

Upward again might mean turning around.

You are wise to turn from some journeys,

To roll up those maps and sound retreat,

When just pressing on is just unhealthy.

No "figuring out" or "working through."

Just pause right here, where within you

Flows power you've barely begun to use.

Say goodbye to unchosen feelings.

Free of them, no longer kneeling,

You are sheer lightness of being.

The reasons are rarely as loud as news,

But latest events are not of much use.

Stick with clear thoughts as your tools.

This time allow the passage of some time

Before interrupting with logic and mind.

Step back and appreciate this grapevine.

Today is your invitation to shed layers,

To be rid of charlatans and soothsayers,

To start over with a new set of prayers.

Are you sure this you knows what's best?

Have you eaten properly and gotten rest?

Are all your senses sharpened and fresh?

Speak too soon and you may rouse a riot.

All the better if you can covertly try it;

Keep your goal warm, close and quiet.

Try pleasant, flexible and eager today,

And if blocked, creatively another way.

Get your chosen results, come what may.

Be true and truth won't be hard to find.

Be forgiving and everyone will be kind.

Be brave and you will unlock your mind.

The error of judging them is behind you,

Mastering forgiveness and starting anew.

This time around, let opinions be few.

Treasure this living wisdom you hold,

And trust that it does not fully unroll

Until you go and face your unknowns.

If they feel more comfortable shouting,

Or blaming others or even just pouting,

Quietly escape: take an internal outing.

Emotional routines carve unmeant masks

That others copy to make their own cast.

How you choose to feel spreads and lasts.

This is all you need: make the decision.

Don't be too attached to fine precision.

Trust the accuracy of your inner vision.

Trust your gut - your wordless instinct,

Your sage giving teachings most succinct.

Thanks be to the way that you're linked.

Give your likes and dislikes equal say.

Take no sides until things are underway.

Whichever asks more of you, by it stay.

Surroundings influence all your beliefs.

Surroundings tell your eyes what to see.

Choose your own surroundings carefully.

So do the right thing at the right time.

To the trigger let your reaction rhyme,

And best of all if it can be oh so kind.

Indeed, timing makes all the difference.

Act too early and instead erect a fence.

Too late and the action makes no sense.

Your friends are mirrors to well behold,

All of them copies of the self you mold.

What does each of your reflections show?

And now get ready to outdo yourself -

Precedents are there to surpass or else

You risk sitting your power on a shelf.

Now are you ready to let go of the rest?

To redefine what it means to be blessed?

To be what you've given, not possessed?

Whatever you cling to should go out next

To put your comfort zone to the test and

See with or without, you remain blessed.

Dislike means you still require clarity

And self-forgiveness to accurately see

That everyone makes up your "Me."

Discover more by observing yourselves -

How each reacts when someone delves

Deeper than what each normally tells.

Successful your every chosen endeavor,

Provided you prepare for daily weather,

And just as often, expect to do better.

Time now to decide what you want to see

Of the world and who you're ready to be

Because you have enough to do anything.

Be right here where your power resides,

Drifting to nor fro despite rising tides,

Floating on the tranquility deep inside.

Faithfully follow your plan for the day,

But of course be open to destiny's sway.

If asked to, unquestioningly give way.

You embody what is precious about life,

So drop here now, any remnant of strife.

In this, your enlightenment has arrived.

Know you are living your life perfectly.

You have overcome what no one will see

To become this example of manifesting.

Today brings another treasure trove more

Of uncanny, precious coincidences galore

Delivered right to your schedule's door.

Be as deaf ears to their negative words.

Mind your manners as you inwardly turn.

Save hearing for what helps to be heard.

Use patient ears to hear negative words.

Someone is trying to convey their hurt.

Open heart, toward love and light turn.

You must be done with correcting others;

Passion breathes but correcting smothers

Via revisions the sentiment of Another.

Neither fact nor opinion lives eternally

So why should you feel anything but ease?

Take a breath and enjoy the witnessing.

You did what fit for then. This is now.

Past is just a When. Focus on your How.

Give all you did before a farewell bow.

Do activities that build up your being.

When not busy, find yourself practicing.

Potency is in simple acts of preparing.

Can you recognize what makes you whole?

When with others, do you feed your soul?

Will you discover truth past being told?

The day is meant for little investments,

Small, key decisions, subtle sentiments.

Where you are going's a half step ahead.

Today runs on what was possible before.

From here your options increase tenfold

Provided you let the future stay untold.

Freedom and access - these are worth it.

The ability to step on in and be certain

That each option is pursuable and open.

Your intentions are supposed to change

As experience gives you a wider range.

Revisit what you want again and again.

Masters of details are junk collectors.

Pupils of perspective are the investors,

The ones to search out as your mentors.

Escape your own rules. Run free. Go far.

Faster, take flight. Find your lucky star!

See? Its shine just reflects who you are.

You can be disinterested yet discerning,

Serenely detached while deeply learning,

Bearing witness to the endless churning.

You can figure this out - You are ready.

Aim with sharpened sight holding steady.

Target what's hiding behind what's petty.

Go face the source of all this confusion,

Through each of its fine veils of illusion

And bring this chapter to its conclusion.

Choose a fitting attitude. You're ready.

Focus on your feeling. Don't turn heady.

It will work out, even what seems petty.

Attitudes reflect you the same as clothes:

Too big or small and people will suppose

You don't check yourself from top to toes.

Wear attitudes that express your heart.

No need to put on what will fall apart.

Just as you are, you are a work of art.

What you give freely always makes more.

It's the magic little spell by which your

Release triggers endless deeper stores.

There will always be new places to go,

To taste or to touch or to see or know.

Life is long, so make your process slow.

Climb the higher ground toward your goal

By sacrificing today what's comfortable.

Self-discipline is worth itself in gold.

A sense of purpose will keep you healthy

And if it does not also make you wealthy

The reward's just nearby being stealthy.

Have you made a list yet?

That is a dream's best bet

To get you in its mindset.

How you do today is what matters most.

Be lively, do not haunt it like a ghost.

As guest, see the day as gracious host.

You are a waking aspect of your dreams,

Using what sleep gave you effortlessly,

So enjoy this part with masterful ease.

Expectations are weeds - clip them back.

Garden well, and what threatens, attack.

Uproot each and every sprout of a lack.

You will find stillness outlasts skill.

Hiking mindfully beats dashing uphill,

And serenity is a better ally than will.

Grace beats effort so, work on your flow.

Shift from doing only what you can show.

Become the spirit that harmony bestows.

Cherish your life in day-sized servings.

Weeks, months and years are all unworthy

Of focus because they're ever-diverging.

Experience yourself not just the events.

Lest you find built round you some fence

Edging you outside of your own presence.

Choose a little bit more consciously

So that whatever you may be deciding

Matches up with some deeper belief.

What nourishes you changes all the time.

Have to be listening to hear the rhyme -

The belly's verse followed by the mind's.

Body's needs first, heart's desire next.

In this order, you'll only feel blessed

Whenever love has for stamina a test.

Untangle from your stories - be set free.

What is behind you is a disproven theory

About who is here now and has yet to be.

Make Levity and Lightness your friends.

A life lived with laughter knows no end;

Its tales retold rebirth laughter again.

Spread allies out, around on each side.

You never know when you'll be surprised

And need someone else to turn your tide.

When the time to fight comes, be quick.

Swiftness can make you uneasily tricked

And ensure that to your plan they stick.

Key is to focus on just one front, else

Jeopardize the whole point of the hunt.

Relentlessly chase what it is you want.

Leave familiar territory far behind,

The mission in front, your allies beside,

And be in the center - lead from inside.

Allow negativity to exhaust itself out -

To hoot, holler, fuss or scramble about.

True positivity has no message to shout.

Limits and delays are mostly dreamed up

Because who knows the right schedule of

The plan your destiny makes from above?

Refuse to judge it, and it will move on.

Stay where you are. Be consciously calm.

You be the landmark that you base upon.

Appreciate every one of your cravings:

How they can instigate some misbehaving,

Yet thanklessly handle daily lifesaving.

Savor times between wanting and getting.

They're when you see what you're letting

Jam up your present by never forgetting.

Forgiving transforms you, it truly does.

It rewrites your past in phrases of love

And ensures the future will rise above.

To feel obligated is to ignore yourself,

Lose your time and squander all wealth.

Choose all you do: this creates health.

Obligation should make your skin crawl.

Duty will build around you a high wall.

Instead let your mindset be charitable.

When thrown off course, orient yourself.

Do an assessment of your overall health.

Keep track daily of what you last felt.

Make small shifts with intense patience.

Search until you find the ideal occasion

To alter yourself, your finest creation.

Time to look at your current direction

Side-by-side with your life momentum

So you'll recognize useful connections.

If you can see confusion up ahead, turn.

Chaos leads one way - straight to a burn.

Closer to harmony, it's easier to learn.

This is all to peel away your eggshell,

To shed your before as enough and well

And to convince you a new story to tell.

Choose that least certain opportunity,

Since it's the only vantage point worthy

Of showing you who you're waiting to be.

Too many work hard; too few work smart.

Savvy ends where the strong back starts so

Conserve your power and use other parts.

No one lies to anyone before themselves.

Whether it is from you or someone else,

Deception points back to a heart unwell.

This is but one way to see things. Tilt

To notice how your perspective's filled

With details that only matter until...

Health isn't an investment; it's a way.

Forget tomorrow's benefits - notice today

How a bit of exercise helps your brain.

Step outside of it, and walk its edges.

Get to where you can see how precious

It all is - even the tiny imperfections.

There is no point in forever responding.

To hear yourself should get you yawning.

You're the sun - it is time for dawning.

Be mindful because your thoughts attract

Vibrations that always reverberate back

To key people who are vague or exact.

Everything has proof of your potential,

Whether spiritual, physical, or mental.

Anything you think or sense is tenable.

Are the rules necessary, or convenient?

Do they cheer you on or watch, silent?

Can you tell which ones are irrelevant?

The heart doesn't have nearsightedness.

When you use it to see you'll find this,

That they haven't found their way yet.

Words tangle the truth, so please simplify.

Remove any and all that might jeopardize

The plain and clear brevity of being wise.

Accept apologies with very special care,

Boldly delivered only by those who dare

To forgive their ego's not being aware.

Difficulty is neither friend nor enemy,

But that from which you choose to see

Each violent wave or one peaceful sea.

Dream before dawn and do before dusk,

This is the life you've chosen and must

Honor what elders in you did entrust.

You must consciously make time to relax.

Unplug all connection. Forgo more facts.

You gain ground when you just sit down.

Give up social norms for personal depth.

Deviate from all those regimented steps.

Your destiny is an unpaved path ahead.

Kindness will heal you from within when

You touch wherever your blockage begins.

Illness versus love? The heart will win.

Do things that build, bridge or blossom.

Check in with everybody often, being a

Living example of all you taught them.

You will need to claim your own space,

So get away from those whose words raid 

Your ideas before their base is laid.

Reasons only seem deeply important. It's

Really how much feeling you afford them.

Your whys bloom as much you adore them.

Sleep waits at the other end of strength,

To prove you have done your best when

At day's end you crave nothing but rest.

You are the source of truth you seek, no

Additional corners around which to peek.

The mind just full of training is weak.

Rise - it is now the time for you to rise,

To face the master you already are inside,

And see yourself from behind your eyes.

Rise in relation to where you have been.

That was fine then, but not once again.

It is never too late or soon to begin.

There are no one-size-fits-all methods.

You must be listening to all your senses.

Each says what another didn't mention.

It is only about what is true for you,

With no one to whom you owe any proof.

You are on a path that is totally new.

See this from that other point of view.

It's not absurd, it's simply new to you.

If you were them you would do it too.

The brain will overspend its attention.

You should stay focused on the lesson.

Patience is worth more than intention.

Body needs mind as mind needs heart.

You are less useful without every part,

Like canvas by itself trying to be art.

Feel and then think; think and then do,

In this order and you'll follow through.

To bloom, you need an emotional root.

You bear as much as you can surmount - 

More of a feeling than measurable amount

So gauge by your heart, not a headcount.

What provokes you is what improves you,

Just as waves make jagged rocks smooth.

The trick is for you to simply not move.

This is when you need to be impatient,

To refuse to be stuck in the station, to

Go get yourself reliable transportation.

Things either fill space or make room.

What you own should not also own you.

Everything's highest form is servitude.

Make the space to be loved and be lover.

This becomes impossible amongst clutter,

So, out with what takes you no further.

Give it the time it requires to happen.

Even though your patience it's sapping,

Somehow find a reason to keep laughing.

Overstimulated minds and toddlers whine.

So unplug from it all from time to time.

We each have a child to parent inside.

What makes you healthy is unique to you. 

Eat nothing but what your senses approve,

And pay attention the whole way through.

By neither apathy nor habit be overtaken

Because whenever one of them's forsaken,

It blames the other for troublemaking.

When injured, rest, reflect and recover,

Or else one pain will turn into another.

Guarding wellness puts crises asunder.

Everything deserves full consideration -

How to respond when in conversation and

When to slip into silent contemplation.

The day's an hourglass filled with sand;

Each soul you meet a grain yet so grand.

Take every chance to extend a kind hand.

You're already ready to see on your own.

True clarity you have found and grown.

It perceives, no matter what is shown.

Leave preferences aside and get moving on,

On toward your own daily innermost dawn,

On toward the whispers from your beyond.

Though you feel ready enough to burst,

Before you set out to quench this thirst

Decide which priorities will come first.

Turn toward the changes; face into them.

Courage and crisis make a perfect blend.

Each is the one that to the other tends.

Don't believe you have to have it nailed;

Learn lifetimes from those who've failed

To make a plan by which you'll prevail.

If you wish to dodge a stampede,

The thunder is not what to heed;

Sense of direction is all you need.

The moment you rise is when to begin.

Instead of expecting this chance again

Use today to grant the wishes within.

As every drama has a cast of performers,

Every regime has its mass of conformers.

Have you memorized any scripted orders?

To live for the future is to live a lie,

And the past is a life you must let die.

If this isn't obvious only you know why.

Your skin is a symbol: your boundaries,

Where thriving safely ignores disease,

As important as fresh bark on a tree.

When emotions rise and rage, face them.

You will be threatened but never taken,

Because you already decided to awaken.

Let your heartbeat be your guide today:

It races when there is something to say

And slows when life is perfectly okay.

Pay attention to what ebbs and flows and

Look past to what neither comes nor goes

This is the You without highs or lows.

Tend to the gentle upkeep of your body.

Head swiftly to bed when it is yawning,

And get up when a new day is dawning.

Be generous without sparing.

Be unique without comparing.

Be hilarious without caring.

Are you there more than you realize?

Ask someone with a fresh set of eyes -

As denial can put on a clever disguise.

Love each one and have no expectation.

Come what may, find cause for elation.

Your smile has a life-giving vibration.

Time will sweep away all these details.

Your explanations' uses eventually fail.

Take this chance to pull back your veil.

If you love what you do, share it freely

Because once you manifest your dreaming

Wealth has already started streaming.

That coat was perfect for those storms

And now it is a bit tattered and worn;

Go on, take it off and wear it no more.

You'll find shiny things along the way,

Some will save time, others will waste.

At your mind's yard, do guard the gate.

If someone is certain they are in crisis

Little you'll do to turn them from this.

Do not address what they claim's amiss.

You'll be ready, while others hesitate.

You'll get up and get out and navigate.

You'll be the one who sets it straight.

You've gotten all this way without it -

Though its lack has sent you into fits.

So you had no need, not one little bit.

Focus on what you're feeling, not doing

And with time, skills will keep accruing

And with ease, you will keep improving.

A bounty is soon to be bestowed

From all of the seeds you sowed,

Blessings of a garden well-hoed.

What made you think you could accept

Not what's special but just what's left?

Don't, that habit will leave you bereft.

What they do may even deeply annoy,

But irritation is the mind's best ploy.

Work on yourself; see past this decoy.

Though their words can easily rile,

Set your opinions aside for while.

This time listen and simply smile.

Whether it feels true or non-existent,

It's freeing you from past resistance:

What's taking over is called patience.

You might not be as aware as you believed

Of who you are and of this Self perceived.

You're beyond anything you can conceive.

All preferences are misconceptions,

Your mirror's long-past reflections;

Use fresh thought, not recollection.

All of the signs are in front of your face:

This is meant to be a journey, not a race.

So, which thoughts is it time to replace?

No one needs lessons to sing with heart;

To do so, training doesn't help you start

To discover your source and stand apart.

Think of a time when you lost your voice

And see if you had already made a choice

To silence your inner expressing of joy.

There's nothing to buy, nor to believe,

No one to follow, nor for you to lead -

Only roles to shed, here and now to be.

In your recipe, they would be the spice:

Some pungent, riling; others mild, nice.

Flavoring is just that - not core advice.

You're going to be relearning as you go,

Because of the gradual way life unrolls:

You do, and do, and then deeply know.

You'll assume you've been here before,

The familiar faces and feelings galore.

It's a misjudgment you should ignore.

Whenever you run straight into a block,

Some surface of sheer, impassable rock,

There's an entrance to find and unlock.

Appreciate ordeals that feel harder still,

When the intended goals go unfulfilled,

When all you truly are and own is Will.

The sun will certainly beam once more,

You will bloom even better than before.

Thank the darkness and what it was for.

Keep yourself a little bit unsatisfied,

With something still irking your pride,

So that when you roar, fear will hide.

A fool tries to fit a week into a day,

To do it all, rushing every which way.

But life's finer things require delay.

If an "I love you" feels transactional,

Stop. Give an "I love you" intentional,

Letting your "I love" be unconditional.

Forgive yourself first. Have you truly?

Mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

Let go. You deserve to live peacefully.

Be at peace with disappointing others.

Wiser to beware their fog of druthers,

Smoke that blinds before it smothers.

About what comes first, next and last,

That stale advice belongs in the trash;

Live life in to out - not front to back.

What does succeeding have to do with it?

Put your focus solely on the movement.

All lose who think in terms of some win.

You can let go of understanding your why.

Just watch it unroll in its own due time.

You are the first line - it is the rhyme.

Not everything need be quite so obvious.

Over-explaining proves you need to trust

That a knowing flows through each of us.

If it were time to, you'd already know.

It is time to produce, so less is shown.

It is time to recognize your very own.

When exploring, don't cut your own path:

Duck, bend and turn keeping close track

Of landmarks you may need to get back.

Keep on. Forward! Ignore those voices,

The ones that offer distracting choices.

Momentum will drown out side noises.

Small gains are better than ones grand:

Proven by an hourglass versus its sand.

Prove this yourself, by your own hand.

You will need neither to blame nor adore

Their endless pursuit of more and more;

Just set your own goal and of it be sure.

Where does your mind travel to soften?

Where does your heart need no caution?

Where do you find yourself most often?

If you could see more of what others see,

You would be energized with an urgency

To hurry up and make what you believe.

Delay for as long as your ego requires.

Existence can wait a much longer while,

Or you and Habit could just reconcile.

If fortunate enough to do what you love,

Then blessed enough to uplift everyone,

And wise enough to stop and rest some.

Out loud or not, you've heard it before:

"Why can't you do just a little bit more?"

Answer, "That's not what I'm here for."

What you're doing is sowing the seed,

Tomorrow's steadfast and fruitful tree

That'll sprout, spread, shade and feed.

You're given a gift; how do you then treat it?

Do you look for what still seems incomplete?

Can you look deeply into how you receive?

For all of the effort you put into selling -

Into figuring out what's most compelling

Could you let your values do the telling?

Your ego is too concerned with results.

That is why it pressures you to consult,

Trying to save itself from the catapult.

Which one's routine, which one's ritual?

Which one of your habits feels spiritual?

Which inspires you to be unconditional?

Old superstitions might bully new ideas,

So to their warnings make it very clear:

You are doing something original here.

Remain right here in the grip of the storm

Knowing deep inside you're safe and warm

Going through this in order to learn more.

Your difficulties are not all dreamed up;

The uninvited are drinking from your cup

And need you to tell them that's enough.

Keep on thinking about your alignment,

About what you need to be most vibrant,

About where to best await fate's timing.

Resist their current before you get caught.

Spend more of your time where you ought,

Outside the flow of your river of thoughts.

Expect the mind to deliver you doubt.

Give it some attention, just not clout:

Stop and listen if the warning shouts.

In food and fitness, spend generously.

Be well through these - not medically.

You will benefit more than physically.

As good as it is to know your dislikes,

Which activities fill you with delight?

Choosing these will shine your light.

To the thoughts that have yet to let go,

That in years haven't one lesson shown,

Tell they are unwelcome in your home.

Unkind thoughts must be thrown away

Lest over anything else they gain sway;

Let love and understanding own today.

Recognize when you have nothing to say

And see if some words come out anyway.

If so, to your silence more attention pay.

There are 1,000 paths to 1,000 places so

Welcome the one in front of your face as

A road to be enjoyed at a personal pace.

Of all of the things that instigate strife,

The most serious ones work from inside,

Wearing your cravings as their disguise.

Become better at knowing the way back

Because when you find yourself off track

You need only draw upon workable facts.

You're wonderful, not for what you think

But for what is more You than instinct -

For the way your love keeps you linked.

Blaming yourself for the setting sun, or

Bragging over wars your ancestors won?

Neither serves, so both can be given up.

It's possible you're being too relaxed

About what you'll need to stay intact.

That said, start keeping better track.

Speaking holds an energy that recreates,

Breathing life into all one contemplates

Echoing - ears to mouths - it circulates.

Pull yourself away from too much study;

Memorizing turns a mind's waters muddy.

More information is what you don't need.

Rebuild yourself, brick by sturdy brick,

Habits as cement, to the good ones stick

Aligning as you go, mind each next pick.

Does your destination still feel true?

Is it where your heart is leading you?

Is it close enough to be within view?

Perhaps you could use a bit more training,

Some help to reach where you are aiming,

Something to give your lion some taming.

Wake from daydreaming. Get to work.

Put your schedule and structure first;

Digging a well takes more than thirst.

Thoughts have a smell - some truly stink.

But when you journey to emotions' brink,

Forgiveness will freshen up all you think.

Making yourself out as hero or villain

Is limiting - even if it feels fulfilling,

A role too flat for anyone to be filling.

Say no, give in, and try to say no again.

Was what you felt worth that hesitance?

Was anything unmet by being resistant?

Turn right around and knock once more.

But this time knock harder on that door,

And when it opens, go on in self-assured.

Stick to your principles. Do not budge.

Be as unmoved by a shove as by a nudge,

For you answer to your own inner judge.

Your passion is your power ignited,

Which is more than feeling excited,

It is being what's just been lighted.

Something unmistakable fills your eyes.

Something about you can shift the tides.

Something in you just makes this right.

If only you knew how beautiful you are,

Those other voices would sound very far

As you took your place among the stars.

Treasure the aging of your lovely being.

Even greater than what's for the seeing:

How you keep birthing deeper meaning.

Do take the time to reach out and touch

Those who are not asking for much, just

To be felt, a bit of connection as such.

Appreciate and you'll never go hungry;

Once you behold any bit of it as lovely,

Somehow you start feeling just bubbly.

It is all about the words that you use;

Everything else just serves to confuse.

Expression is beautiful from any view.

Lasting changes arrive in odd packages

So when receiving, the best practice is

To be as open to gifts as to challenges.

If you get the chance, take fate's dare

Look it in the eye with an impish glare

At least for a time, chase it anywhere.

Beautiful, lulling spots along your way

May have much to show but little to say

So look more than listen - do not stay.

Pick any friendship to take measurement

Of how much is heard, how much is said.

If there's an even mix it is far from dead.

Sharing ideas is a partnership practice

That both opens up and lightens baggage.

Such an alliance can brave any passage.

Take advantage of every chance you can

To tell your story where it's in demand.

Wit accomplishes more than the hands.

Go on, keep enriching yourself with

Daily-earned savings of inner wealth

By doing things that treasure health.

Laughter is priceless. Treat it as such.

With fun folks, spend time, and much.

If hurt, it eases the need for a crutch.

Treasure those who find ways to despise;

Their misdirected abilities to recognize

Are the ones we use to regress or to rise.

Key people will be there along the way,

With just the right word to know to say

To instruct you in how not to overpay.

Take not as genuine that which is guile:

A venomous snake also appears to smile.

Stand still and watch from here awhile.

Before you vouch, make sure they qualify.

Listen to accomplishments, not to alibis.

Choose making sure over answering why.

There's a time for nurture, a time to go;

Needing parenting is a thing to outgrow,

Shedding the seeking of anyone's say-so.

Some say that love is a fiery emotion,

As intoxicating as some magic potion.

No. You are a wave. Love is the ocean.

If even now they are still looking back,

Reminiscing, narrating, rehashing past,

Are you in fact with those who will act?

When you need one, a teacher will appear

To grant lessons or to speak into your ear

What your soul has been waiting to hear.

You mean more than you will know to

People who just seem to come then go:

Your impact doesn't need you to know.

They're all part of your transformation

Regardless of the details or situations

That feel to you like inconsideration.

Your defiance in the face of the storm

Is a noble yet misdirected venture, for

It comes, not to surprise, but to warn.

The ones who fret are constantly plotting,

Rooted in all of their conspiracy-spotting.

Outgrow them so fast you need repotting.

Part from those who sell light to the sun

Whose goal is to do a thing then be done;

The gift is to find how to serve everyone.

Those who find problems, always find more

Though you carry solutions to their door.

Stop trying to win their inner civil war.

Take as long as you need to come to peace

To the spot where inner accusations cease

And things don't bother you in the least.

Perhaps what you have to do is be there

To convey to someone that you do care

Or that of their struggle you are aware.

Your role is to simply start the legacy,

To be the first who helps others to see

That giving is the best way to succeed.

Smile at challengers - right in the face.

Via clever surprise, leap and give chase.

Via wit and will, put all in their place.

It doesn't matter how long it takes you

Because that which appears to delay you

Only proves it's impossible to sway you.

Be aware, just when you hit your stride

And the conversation leans to your side,

It's your ears that should be open wide.

If you catch yourself correcting another

Stop yourself from speaking any further

Until you can appreciate what you heard.

And with whom you had most in common

Are those who misunderstand most often

That as you change, toughness softens.

There are benefits to looking your best

To inhaling all the air into your chest

And inviting the world to be impressed.

There are all sorts of little mysteries

Things that are tantalizing to believe;

Don't get tangled in retelling's weave.

Place your focus beyond your own self

To things that can make everyone well;

A broader vision is, by itself, health.

Is it better to have well-sharpened wit

Or just an awareness of when to give in?

Sometimes the one who loses truly wins.

One way or the other, you are an example

Either by letting your reactions trample

Or taking steps that are lovingly ample.

What may sound like a rough delivery

Is your latest lesson's outer packaging

Well worth whatever inconveniencing.

Don't get caught up identifying them -

Allies or adversaries, foes or friends,

Since everyone benefits you by the end.

Some people just prefer to oppose you -

It's something you'll have to go through

To discover all that you're supposed to.

Stand by your truth in every situation.

No matter what their latest permutation,

It still goes against your inclination.

What you consider to be the right thing

May instead be your identity deflecting.

What is your ego still busy protecting?

The trick over time is to entrust more

Of tomorrow to those closer to its door

As you mature into awareness evermore.

You have to get to it, without thought.

Thinking can get tangled and distraught

Where doing gathers only what it ought.

Be mindful of whatever deal you request,

Because it does not serve your interest

To finagle a way out of a pivotal test.

Avoid saying things you don't truly mean;

Be quiet in the vastness that lives between

What's to be done and where you've been.

Ever since you rounded that corner,

Why has nothing returned to normal?

Because you're on a new way forward.

There are 100 ways to go where you wish

This would be obvious if you were a fish,

No paths - a whole sea in which to swish. 

Find a good friend and tell it to them;

Hear how it sounds and then notice when 

They ask you to say what you said again.

An uplifting friendship is best of all;

It comes to find you whenever you fall

And goes on reminding you to stand tall.

Enjoyment, comfort - these aren't enough

To be your complete expression of love.

You are Everything, not a part thereof.

You be the one who decides your beliefs.

Think about every single thing you read.

Be a pupil for only as long as you need.

Give what you can and give it more time

To mature into something one-of-a-kind

Into what invites you beyond your mind.

If you will work, you will not be denied.

Even if the weather decides to be unkind,

Don't be among those who sigh, "I tried."

Listen only lightly to those who boast

And claim of anything to know the most.

For now let them serve as humor's host.

Take lightly the commentary of a critic

Who preferred to look for the fault in it

Rather than stand for, beside or within.

Fitness can serve as your best medicine

To keep any negativity from getting in

And keep you focused on how you'll win.

Not everybody likes laughter or a smile

From not having shared either in a while

But yours will remind them to reconcile.

Help others, but take care of yourself

So you're giving from a place of wealth

With both physical and financial health.

Whenever big words surround small deeds

It means someone is stuck in their weeds

And needs to first find a place of ease.

There is no lack, not in any given thing

You simply decide, then get in the ring,

Step, tuck, advance and take your swing.

If you stay focused on one single goal,

You might lose sight of You as a whole.

You are love itself, you are not a role.

The news might trigger your deepest rage

A feeling you had put in a thought-cage.

Face it and rise to a more honest stage.

Some people say things that truly hurt

That make you feel as low down as dirt

Which is where growth awaits rebirth.

Receiving an unpleasant offer

Will train you never to waffle

Declining all except awesome.

Forgive yourself for the role you played

In triggering someone's unpleasant ways.

You helped lead them out of their maze.

You're naturally and constantly training

Everyone around you to avoid complaining

So the goodness becomes self-sustaining.

Infatuation with dates, facts and names

Is one form of love but is not the same

As daring to touch and risking the pain. 

How long will you force yourself to hear

Words that roam, drift, wander and veer

From what your heart has made so clear?

Being who you are is being nothing else,

Except that which makes it clear to tell -

That you honor life itself by living well.

Fall no farther past where you are safe.

You know the place you should never stay

That can far more than just time waste.

Bad examples can provide the best advice

Needing to neither be packaged nor nice.

Listen to every life for the lessons inside.

Small decisions have the biggest effects,

With greatness or not, each one connects,

So create a schedule your mind respects.

The best lessons are easy to understand

But hard to await patiently as they land

As lightly as a butterfly upon the hand.

You need more than walls to make a home

And more than money to live on your own:

You need to love who you are when alone.

There are golden people in your history

Reminders that you are more than worthy

Of a loving living and of living lovingly.

Everyone may say, but you won't hear or

See it until you can look in the mirror

Loving yourself day-by-day ever-dearer.

What they see is only a delayed reflection:

Where you were, not where you're headed.

You do not owe them their misconception.

There are those who need you to react

To keep their inner world view intact:

Lovingly disarm all their petty traps.

You succeed alongside who you befriend;

Time is the money you must daily spend

Funding those on whom you will depend. 

There'll be no problem you cannot solve

If you open your heart to forever evolve:

Watch all you let go of simply dissolve.

You are your best when you do far less;

You are not You when you harbor stress.

You are so attuned when in quiet quest.

So much is perfect the way things are -

You should inhale before raising the bar:

Enjoy what's close before traveling far.

Truly, sometimes some things choose you

Because you are either ready or willing to

Welcome whatever they blossom you into.

Stop measuring how long it's been for now

You should stay focused on what, not how;

You've already made your ancestors proud.

This is a necessary stop along your way

To reorient, assess and some homage pay

To your process, but you must not stay.

The time for celebrating has moved on -

Not to say that to relax would be wrong,

But it's time to do what keeps you strong.

What you're making will last a long time.

Others will use it along their own climb.

Find their future thanks in subtle signs.

Allow your example to be a bit of a mess

So others can relate and not feel stress

As they try to copy what in you is best.

It's good to live by a code for a while,

To focus more on discipline than style,

But quit before your rules merely pile.

Of the powers beyond your understanding,

You should be eager, but never demanding

To learn from each how to keep expanding.

Something incredible is already waiting

So very nearby to where you are staying

Nothing you do will cause any delaying.

The way you express your joy is healing

Especially when your laughter is peeling

You away from every unpleasant feeling.

When you can create as part of a pair,

And offer up your soul completely bare,

You'll channel power found only there.

Protect your center. Protect your core.

Above its strength there's nothing more

Important for you to be working toward.

It's alright to let your schedule bend,

But you must return to what you intend

To see your original goals to the end.

Thinking will lead you deep into a canyon

And once it gets you there, may abandon; 

Your gut is a more trustworthy companion.

Putting positivity into every word said

Signals gossip's vultures high overhead

To flap elsewhere for the dying or dead.

Symptoms are rarely immediate: be aware.

If today's choice is made with more care,

It gives tomorrow so much less to bear.

It won't come from speaking your mind -

It will come from being quiet and kind.

Watching is what will help you unwind.

Ask everything you allow into your body,

If it will keep you safe or make you sorry,

And refuse whatever answers, "Probably."

Go over each thing you do, thoroughly,

And check that it is still unswervingly

Taking you to where you want to be.

Pull yourself away from a daily routine

To talk to someone you do not normally,

Who is sure to have just what you need.

Keep the strategy but change the tactics

Because so far you've only been half in,

Though more of you is ready for action.

Revisit some of your less pressing goals

To see which ones are now stale or cold

And which if any can still serve a role.

Protect your nest but know when to stop,

So you do not end up hatching some plot

That doesn't build upon what you've got.

When you hold firm to what matters,

Even though all else be torn to tatters,

Commitment is your rescue ladder.

Least important is where they come from;

Rather be sure you share the same tongue

In matters of positivity, work and love.

The conversation is not worth your time

Unless it is of that special engaging kind

That makes each one of you look inside.

Time for a transformative connection,

Not just one that upholds convention,

So start by asking a better question.

That question you assume to be relevant

Comes from a practice all too prevalent:

That right answers are the ones to get. 

If you don't get just what you expected,

You must see that it is you being tested

For what you yourself actually invested.

How you send someone off after a defeat

Is a chance to perform a most noble feat:

To bow to their graciously given treat.

No one's going to show you the right way

Ask the supposed experts though you may;

This is one part of the price you must pay.

Nothing you think was done so in malice;

Certain people simply have a special talent

For showing you where you're off balance.

You're not interested in going back to

Letting your needs be met impromptu.

This is the reason you do what you do.

Life has a way of always getting better

If you follow this advice to the letter:

See goodness in every season's weather.

Dedicate yourself and get right to work

Ignoring anyone who says you can shirk;

Shortcuts turn into self-inflicted hurt.

Do not obsess about it - just calm down.

Something inside you knows the way out.

You will never need to think about how.

Do you go where the welcome is warmest?

Or are you now willing to brave the forest,

Where favorite comforts may be poorest?

It's the result of each and every habit;

The routine is what reaches to grab it.

The craving did not create the pattern.

You've been growing all this for years,

Watered it with blood, sweat and tears;

You cannot stop until everyone hears.

Just relax and lean back on experience,

Proof you needn't fret nor turn furious

As life likes you to not be too serious.

Get things ready for what's on the way.

What needs to go and what should stay?

Make haste as if you had only this day!

And while they are sharing their worry,

Permit your mind to go off on a journey

To anywhere else and return in no hurry.

So much more of this mystery would clear

From knowing more about those most near,

But knowing that is not why you are here.

If conversations take a superficial turn

Don't let your impatience ignite or burn

The listening lesson you need to learn.

It only seems petty because of your eye

That's trying to focus elsewhere nearby

Instead of upon this answer in disguise.

Be firm, don't let anyone dissuade you.

Your decision was key, and made through

A steady, unshakable willingness to do.

Be flexible and open to their suggestion

Because regardless of a hidden intention

Every new idea raises a useful question.

The future you dream of, is it external?

If so, it is but the smallest of a kernel

Of a harvest that is already internal. 

Speak your mind, then hold your tongue.

What your words do is not easily undone;

Wisdom is verbally lost and silently won.

If you aren't being heard, then be quiet

Until you determine to once again try it

With whichever words best calm a riot.

You're en route, no matter how you feel

So why not go on and sweeten the deal by

Choosing a lighter definition of "real?"

Give out compliments; wait for none back.

Whether as words or thoughts, you attract

Adoration in too many ways to keep track.

If you find yourself repeating yourself

Take your common sense off of the shelf

For it's time to listen to someone else.

The memories help when times are tough

But reminiscing because today is rough, 

Misses the fact that here now is enough.

Keep on creating - no matter what comes,

Don't try wondering when you'll be done

Just focus on effort mixed in with fun.

If you're doing it right, days speed up

And fill with things you had dreamed of,

When you keep expressing what you love.

It's not mysterious, complicated or profound:

Sometimes you're up, and other times down.

You need to travel both high and low ground.

You can't be expected to master it all.

In some areas, your standards may fall.

Get up until you once again stand tall.

You might not be at peace with your past

Until you reframe those circumstances as

Your life birthing itself through chance.

Those who want better will try to do so;

Don't be a judge of what you don't know.

Many who struggle try hard not to show.

There are so many powerful words to use,

Your holiest act is to mercifully choose

Which to deliver and which ones to lose.

If you were asked about your intention,

Would your answer also include mention

Of your living in that same direction?

Once you are done wanting and getting

Come to the place of intention-setting

Manifesting more in living by letting.

You became whatever your life required

Just as you now keep yourself inspired:

By always aiming a little bit higher.

It is you who brought all of this about

Without so much as a scream or a shout;

What if you were to let everything out?

Eventually there are no leaders to model

Just one path-paving intention to follow

Keeping you, in the best of ways, hollow.

Go ahead call it dark - call it so lonely

The whole point is that this is the only

Set of stairs up to your innermost holy.

Assuming you prefer your power to last,

See through the mob's tendency to dash

And to your own intention be steadfast.

Were you supposed to live, frozen there

As if their fears should get you scared?

It is alright to say you just don't care.

Temper prowls with mouth open wide,

To devour whoever will not move aside

And take the flow of events in stride.

Again they're asking you to play a game

Which each and every time ends the same:

With you wondering why you ever came.

You grow apart, even without any strife

This is purely the ebb and flow of life

So don't let theories or tales run rife.

Stop rummaging through all that trash,

And sifting other people's campfire ash;

Let today be today and past remain past.

What happened, happened for a reason:

To turn all of your doing into being,

As you unroll this feeling's meaning.

If your words are missing the hearer,

Perhaps you must make it much clearer

Via means that bring you even nearer.

Conversation is such a life-giving act;

Half skill, half ritual best kept intact

Doing more than resuscitating facts.

You may not have been seeking this fight

Yet here you are, asserting you're right

Instead of using this to deepen insight.

Be ever mindful to deflect the chatter

That leaves woven thoughts in tatters.

Get right down to what truly matters.

You come, you go; you shed, you grow.

Only in darkness can you see it glow:

A star in the direction you must go.

Allow them to frown upon your quietude,

To disapprove and demand more of you -

You keep still until you have no mood.

It is important that you grow a feeling

About whatever you hope to be achieving

To direct and drive your every dealing.

The hardest decisions you have to make

Are pointing out which excuses are fake

And letting them go for your own sake.

You are obliged to use your critical mind

To think your own way through this time.

You must do more than hope it goes fine.

Use what you gain to let something go;

What is overgrown has no room to grow.

Your inner landscape could use a mow.

Where you get stuck, take special note:

This is where there's no room for rote,

You will become the expert they quote.

Sometimes, for a time, you need to quit

So you can come back with a lighter grip

And by letting go, be true to your spirit.

Check on their work before they return.

Pay those who sell, just what they earn.

In business, charity is not the concern.

This image of success that you've drawn,

Is there some example it is based upon?

Or is it the sketch of an unseen dawn?

Any hesitation to do as they suggest,

Or urge to stop listening to the rest

Is your intuition saying what's best.

Whenever you're tempted to put up a fuss

Consider the urge itself to be humorous:

A burping baby ego starting to spit up.

Perhaps the best part about a second try

Is that you get to focus entirely on why

And really get to know the inner guide.

It comes from where you least expect -

The guidance you will be needing next,

So be open and have both ears prepped.

When things slow down it's time to stop

To be thankful for that which you got,

And even more so for what you did not.

Tip your chin up, because you don't know

Who is watching and needs you to show

An example of gracefully making it so.

Above all, it's time for you to reflect,

Await patiently and with all due respect

So when it comes you will deeply connect.

You did, it did not. That is that. It is so.

Thoughts run everywhere yet nowhere go.

Let today's be straightforward and slow.

Your body requested the right remedy

And hopes you paid attention especially

By silencing that know-it-all tendency.

When it doesn't seem to be about you,

But about what you can selflessly do,

You're rich because you contribute.

Though you may be swimming in tasks,

And to offer help, no one seems to ask;

Realize your abilities are beyond vast.

Only trust advice that is proven by time,

Not green buds from someone's grapevine.

Who has the ripest fruit for your mind?

You have thought all this through before

So trust in yourself and revisit no more;

Build up with all of that as your floor.

Work with yourself a little bit longer

So you can become a whole lot stronger;

It's almost time to divide and conquer.

You've done so much - stop and remember.

You grew this blaze from just an ember

And given love that will last forever.

To find the way to your heart's desire

Look at your list of priorities entire

And rearrange your day as it requires.

Where others stopped is not far enough;

Because what they considered too rough

Is just where you must drop some stuff.

Because time is the only asset you get,

Part from everyone you find wasting it

And study anyone who's schedule is set.

Certain incidents need to be forgotten,

Not because they're particularly rotten,

But because they don't help you broaden. 

Tricksters will come to spread confusion

And offer you more than a few illusions,

None of which you need to be choosing.

"I don't understand why they act so..."

Is an attempt to forget what you know:

That everyone has their own way to grow.

Your anger is part of you for a reason:

To defend you against emotional treason

And arm you with your own inner legion.

You can predict what's going to happen

Based on all of their previous actions,

So you already know just what to fasten.

You were speaking before you were fluent

And building before needing a blueprint;

Continue to trust in your own movement.

Whether intentional or just by accident,

If it keeps you from your accomplishment

Then it is the opposite of an advocate.

The reason you're being treated this way

Is not to have negative things to replay

But to learn when it is time to disobey.

Right after you reach this next plateau,

See all the new directions you could go,

But to each and every one of them, "No."

Take a closer look at what you are doing:

Are you nourished or still just chewing?

Put finishing power into your pursuing.

Moving forward means not looking back.

You have allies who'll guard your tracks.

So all that is left for you to do is pack.

As you are bringing life to your dream,

It is vulnerable in this place between,

And needs you to leave all who demean.

You are comfortable here for a reason:

You know how to dress for this season;

But your wardrobe is becoming uneven.

If you need more focus than balance,

You'll do well to stick to your talent;

Work where you are best challenged.

Have your gratitude and yet remain open

To all that comes with what was chosen.

Your future with so much more is loaded.

Hopefully by now you look back and see:

Progress walks closest behind adversity

So ease is exactly what you don't need.

Or you can find out by taking a detour;

It helps to go where you're not so sure

To recognize the one path that is yours.

If you dislike the term procrastinating,

Then think of it as an internal debating

Only won through attempts, not waiting.

As you align, the ideas will overflow,

Blending with what you've already grown

To make something that is all your own.

You have to trust that greatness builds,

Never outward from more and more frills,

But ever-inward from daily-honed skills.

Keep your head down. Work on your craft,

Close the workshop door. Let in no draft.

You need to be driven - not well-staffed.

Gather up treasures as you journey along

So that even though your journey be long,

You will only become increasingly strong.

They're wise to as far as they have gone

And past that, can only steer you wrong.

Reposition yourself to where you belong.

There is most certainly a price to pay:

What you were in exchange for this way;

Every tomorrow in exchange for this day.

Keep yourself organized because of this:

Whatever response will need to be quick,

And you must know where everything is.

You have done well to not get roped in,

But before you declare an official win,

Look well at what next thing you begin.

Living is only ever about how you feel:

Though motivations are easily concealed,

They are all your mind regards as real.

In the faces of those you don't yet know

Is where to catch a glimpse of your soul

As they reflect to you what they behold.

Must it sound the way they say it should

To make a difference or to even be good?

Are you here to be, or to be understood?

Everyone is traveling somewhere special,

So if you can't help to speed their vessel,

At least help them keep to their schedule.

Hold this ground. Do not advance.

Plant both feet. Own this stance,

Unmoved - as if deep in a trance.

Your habits are as waves in your ocean,

Keeping everything you start in motion,

Drowning out every unproductive notion.

It does not have to feel good every day

So long as it still makes sense to stay

On a path that heads this general way.

Whatever you feel as if you have lost,

Reached a bridge it was time to cross.

Thank you for paying the toll's cost.

If you understand that seasons change,

Why not embrace your own heart's range

And think none of your moods strange?

When will you allow yourself to be You?

Stop saying you don't know what to do!

You know it all, including the truth.

Whether you remember how to or not,

Be grateful to whatever you forgot,

Because enough is as good as a lot.

The decision is not between that or this

But whether to consider a loss or a win 

As the same, and just keep surrendering.

Since there are so many forces at play,

You do best to let go, come what may:

See how everything happens anyway.

All this effort you are prepared to use

Should instead go to help you to choose

Which of your stories it's time to lose.

The words you use are the most deciding

Of what you will be feeling and inviting,

So use words you yourself find exciting.

Imagine you just finished everything -

Feel all the ease that that would bring:

Change what happens next by imagining.

Busy? Tired? At the end of your limits?

Experiencing life via tasks and minutes?

On your way home or just paying visits?

Here, new habits don't look like much,

And so for now, let faith be your crutch

Until they manifest what you can touch.

Become entire

As air is to fire:

Give up desire.

Rather than impress,

Take sincerity's test:

Use gain to own less.

The time for travel will soon be over,

Not like turning from dazed to sober,

But like rising up from being covert.

It's just the words, and nothing else,

So don't invite your high-minded self.

Fewer words generate greater wealth.

Observe you yourself listening to this,

That so simply put - everything exists,

Including there being no need to get it.

Once they go, then you'll have the gift,

Not all at once - rather a gradual shift.

You've been chosen because you uplift.

Someone is waiting at your next plateau

With climbing details you need to know:

Which rocks to dodge and which to hold.

Even in the darkest one of your moods,

Even if there is barely a sliver of moon,

Toward that, all of your attention tune.

Certain memories that still feel like loss

Are not at all about you paying life's cost,

They feel like this to keep your heart soft.

Change is taking its own sweet time,

But it is coming as you will soon find,

So stay flexibly strong, body and mind.

You are the result of all your trials

All these years over all these miles,

So seal with love all your old files.

Console yourself - it is not about you

But about what they are going through,

Searching their inner world for truth. 

You are wise to make this deeper root,

As winds of change are blowing through

Removing whatever can be pulled loose.

Sift their words for pebbles and chaff,

Ideas that do not keep you on track or

Untested advice that may set you back.

Now get outside - breathe in some air.

You stagnate in here. Go get out there.

Be out with Nature and without a care.

You root in the past more than you know,

As proven by that certain way you say no

Whenever you forget 'as above so below.'

When mulling over which path to choose,

Make peace with what you intended to do;

Build upon what already comes from you.

Put it off for as long as you need to,

But eventually you must tell the truth

About what is no longer in you to do.

We never lose that which matters to us;

It simply asks us for a new level of trust

When it transcends what can gather dust.

This is the time to look it in the face,

To be duly firm, to put it in its place,

To embody power that embodies grace.

The choice is not between this or that,

But between your path and a given track;

One's forever forward, the other, back.

First, line everything up the right way:

Closest to what's most important stay;

Head into yourself, not into the fray.

It is good to have two different goals -

One to dream toward and one you can hold

To make it impossible to ever grow old.

Neither win the future nor beat the past

But completely do today's clearest tasks

And when you can, be thorough, not fast.

Being understood will never be required.

Just keep finding new ways to be inspired,

Looking only and ever and inward higher.

You are allowed to grieve and sit awhile

But listen closely for the voice inside.

When it says to return, do so in style.

What it leads you to, through, and from

Are new ways to grow in truth and love,

And challenge what used to be enough.

Work on your words until you are sincere

Not just saying what they expect to hear

But expressing what is loving and clear.

Improving your process should come first

Because it does more than quench thirst -

It unleashes flow not occasional spurts.

After the plan, the feeling will remain -

Because it's about much more than gain:

Growth is in your heart, not your brain.

So much of it lives within the delivery

That you will excel as soon as you see

What you can give instead of receive.

Open your arms. The world will come.

It wants to respond with so much love

And meet you in your pursuit of fun.

Your intensity will never be a match

For what easeful alignment can catch

Nor for an itch only time can scratch.

Shrinking from it can only shrink you

So be brave and come out to introduce

Yourself and offer terms for a truce.

Generosity even toward your inner miser

Because by opening your arms out wider

Your inner creator becomes the decider.

Now close that door that is still ajar -

There's plenty to do here where you are

And you are the most qualified by far.

The planning is done. It is time to do.

Enough thinking. That time is through.

Begin the routine and begin with you.

Remember that this is only a projection

Of your thoughts and more so intentions

Even the ones you prefer not to mention.

It's time to change your whole approach

Even if this calls for getting a new coach

Because habit on progress can encroach.

Too comfortable doing what you're doing?

Know you only gain ground when improving

Because this requires conscious choosing.

You'll be amazed. Just take another look:

See how much everyone loved it and took?

Remember which spices you used to cook?

Offer a question instead of a defense

Whenever asked to explain your intent;

Where you're going - not where you went.

Activities are not what get it done -

Aligning, like a blossom toward the sun

Is how an easeful life should be run.

It's already here, just line things up

Like using a waterfall to fill a cup -

You'll be getting more than enough.

When you are done, it will just be shed;

When other things interest you instead,

Not a bit will dwell inside your head.

Some prefer to take it all in at once.

This is a habit that is rarely undone,

So just tend to your own digestion.

If it irks you - how they keep taking,

Ask that inner voice so busy blaming,

"What's to steal if we're donating?"

Of all the things you "have to do,"

Which ones are habits to cut loose?

Which ones lead to something new?

Beware of advice that is based upon greed,

That implies there is something you need

To win it all or from something be freed.

Some things cannot be explained in words:

These are the things you'll never unlearn.

To study them, get up when it's your turn.

Hold your humor close to your heart,

To greet with laughter, not tear apart

Anyone bumping into your day's cart.

Give yourself permission to move on,

To be freed of being Thought's pawn

And raise the sun of your next dawn.

A rut is good, both to measure how deep

A thought can dig a hole and go to sleep,

And how high to escape you have to leap.

This isn't one to think your way through,

But one to find you being something new

- a rainbow with never-before-seen hues.

Thank your thinking and now let it rest.

For what comes next it may be but a pest;

Heart is your home and mind but a guest.

Mistakes are the soul of transformation,

Teaching you focus through tribulation:

Less judgment and more contemplation.

It is as foolish to blame your reflection

For a blemish you see in its complexion

As it is to find the fault in the tension.

This is a wonderful journey. Do you see?

By deciding today will go just perfectly

Because joy is in choosing momentarily.

That was only something you used to do,

Congratulations! You cut yourself loose.

Look ahead. Never dwell. Simply refuse.

Though it betrays your values, you do -

To keep the peace and make it through,

But this takes an improper toll on you. 

It may not be time for the actual words,

But you can start simply living it at first

So the blossoming can go on undisturbed.

It is time to be more than an observer.

It is time for you to go even further -

Into what inspires your deepest fervor.

It is good to face occasional doom

To be reminded not later but soon

To keep your adaptability in tune.

Stand in this. Be in every bit of it -

Even parts that you'd rather not admit

And when you do, labels cannot stick.

The answer does not need to come to you,

Rather it is you who will come to truth

By daily doing what it is that you do.

Starting requires you stop sitting there;

With no special feats or any oath to swear

It's about beginning regardless of where.

Gifts can get thrown out unintentionally

Unless we decide to sort conscientiously

What belongs inside versus on the heap.

Are you sure this is what you should do?

Yes? Then refuse to take on anything new

Until your schedule reflects your truth.

Keep going - some days will be very easy

And others may make you feel very queasy

But a climb leads to where it is breezy.

Every day leave one unkind word unsaid,

And with better food for thought be fed,

And you'll be the owner of a clearer head.

You have one job - to keep progressing,

Not to be measuring or second-guessing,

Or even spending your time confessing.

To help you decide, think of it as this:

Any of those you will eventually quit,

But the right one is here as you sit.

Change is only necessary if you say so;

Staying the same brings benefits also -

Like learning how to maintain a flow.

Enough of trying to meet their demands

That always use the work of your hands;

Root your two feet. In stillness stand.

You can listen regardless of interest,

And hear if a heart is being addressed.

If not, words are just making a mess.

Thought-circles will dizzy your peace

For years until you tell them to cease

So you can distinguish west from east.

Preparation will be behind you soon,

Like the dawn behind the afternoon,

You are emerging from your cocoon.

Figure out a way for it to remain fun

Because you'll recall when it is done

How fully-enjoyed, not how well-run.

A mind on the task and a heart on hand

Will ensure you are doing all you can

To help some fly and let others land.

There is little use in being a judge

Of that which has no need to budge so

Dismiss your inner court with a nudge.

If you can look past each circumstance,

And past every opportunity to advance,

You'll see your genuine, actual chance.

Without any of it, you'll still be you;

Not your oldest things, not what's new,

But what notices points to your truth.

So much of what you carry is irrelevant

But you simply do because it's expected;

Why not bring more emptiness instead?

It is by being present that you have seen

The many places to which you have been,

Going everywhere, yet remaining serene.

Less fun alone, so find temporary guides

Who invite you to explore places inside

And take a tour of all you have tried.

You can be comfortable you chose right,

And at very least you prevented a might

From ruining your well-deserved delight.

Despite distractions' attempts to lure,

Whether you seek or find, do be sure

To keep your desires few - and pure.

No one else can direct you exactly what

From your daily rituals you need to cut

So decide for yourself which digs a rut.

You will come across it everywhere else

So why not start right here with yourself?

Work solely on your own highest health.

In matters of eating, fitness and wealth

Find one way each day to push yourself:

Do what you learned despite what's felt.

Spend time on bringing people together;

You are the sun in their day's weather,

The kite to which they love to tether.

You need to inhabit this space above all

And let other activities around you fall

Away as you rise, stretch and stand tall. 

For now, just find out a little bit more

So that you build on a foundation sure

Something that will work and endure.

Don't think much about whether it will,

Just pay attention to honing your skill

And forget even the idea of an 'until.'

Be patient until the right people come.

Until then, there is work to be done -

Refining yourself and being your One.

When it is right, there is no knowing,

No trial with evidence to be showing -

Only a feeling that just keeps growing.

Take time for your own sake, take time.

Down the long road awaits the sublime.

Your impact is a poem; you are one line.

Recognize this place you've reached -

Proof you learned by letting life teach

And take you from your familiar niche.

If you wish it would all go more quickly

Your mind is heading somewhere prickly;

To your heart's time just keep sticking.

Safeguard by investing in your own idea,

Something that uses your current career

To look where your vision is most clear.

Prosper by pressing in one new direction

In which fine-tuned powers of perception

Can repurpose your well-learned lessons.

Sometimes none of it will make any sense

And you'll have to decide which elements

You're going to acknowledge as relevant.

You need a day off - a day just for you;

There are many ways to see this through,

And each must leave you nothing to do.

If you're hearing from just one source

You're ignoring life's far greater force

Available all along your entire course.

It is time to reach out to other ones

Who can help you get much more done -

And show you what you find most fun.

It may not matter as much as you think,

Though this may feel as if it's a brink;

It really is as fleeting as one blink.

No need to decide, simply be as you were

And notice when the heart begins to stir

And when all else just becomes a blur.

Use your mind to point to every option,

But let your heart pick, no precaution;

This is the journey - not some auction.

The pieces are coming together perfectly

With some imagination you'll clearly see

Not far ahead, the breakthrough opening.

Keep your space clean and keep it clear

So that confusion has nowhere to appear 

And inspiration knows it's welcome here.

All your tasks contribute to your goal,

Provided you can do them from the soul.

So tell them they are part of the whole.

You weren't meant to tend to everything

Since you're the only one who can bring

A life expressed with your special zing.

Focus is waiting for your sacrifice,

Not to ensure things turn out right,

But to re-aim with sharpened sight.

Do you think of the end when you begin?

Do you lead with your nose or your chin?

What comes out is based on what went in.

Some things are simply here to refuse -

To remind you you should always choose

Bare feet rather than too-tight shoes. 

You don't go backwards by doing it again

Though toward the longer way you'll tend

As everything within asks, "Now when?"

Deal with it before it gets any bigger;

So far there is nothing it can trigger

Since you outdo it in will and vigor.

It is going to go exactly how it will,

because nothing goes differently until

You can master the art of being still.

Look at what you are doing to yourself

To see whether it benefits your health

Or just echoes what someone else felt.

The new way awaits your certain say-so,

Which comes once you head-to-toe know

It is solely about imagining your flow.

Set out with more than a running start

To give even more support to your heart

As it does what makes you stand apart.

Ranking yourself from expert to novice

Only adds sand to a desert of nonsense;

Put your focus on remaining conscious.

When given the words you prefer to hear,

Treat your ears as eyes that keenly peer

Past them to what quickly draws near.

Lead your way by being perfectly clear

Because whether or not they even hear,

This is how the heart learns to steer.

Remind those who matter that they do

And you will expand what is good into

Infinitely more: the power of gratitude.

When someone resonates deeply to you,

Pause to find out what else they value

And this may uncover more inner truth.

Perhaps not what you'd preferred,

Perhaps even noticeably awkward,

Perhaps just the only way forward.

The best you can do is to give it time,

Not having that impatience of the kind

That expects the fruit without the rind.

When all the inputs start to overwhelm,

Remember you are a captain at the helm

Able to sail toward any chosen realm.

When there are too many new things to do,

Is precisely when you need to kindly refuse

To be pushed, pulled or in any way moved.

And if it had happened in any other way

You would not have this awareness today;

Gather your regrets and throw them away.

You recuperate by listening to feelings

Despite the cures that sound appealing

To go on your own journey of healing.

Let it out - you are allowed to complain

Because it can bring relief to the brain

Which is not meant for carrying disdain.

Don't let their wording steer you wrong;

You're where you wanted to be all along.

You'll never need to argue to be strong.

And if they were to do as you requested

What you built would never get tested or

Show you who else is actually invested.

Once you give away what matters most

You become the universe's gracious host

Keeping nothing but your openness close.

Take the time to pick what matters most

By looking at the things you keep close

And revising your list of who you host.

A breakthrough need not be announced

Because it becomes even more profound

Without interruptions from the mouth.

Enough of the items - on to the action;

For planning brings far less satisfaction

Than genuine, meaningful interaction.

No need to feel burdened by the pile;

When you can at least once in a while

Laugh and give it your silliest smile.

Take a moment to see it from the finish

And see what stress this does diminish;

To be most effective, remain a witness.

Choose someone to be your muse today.

Someone right nearby or very far away

Who is for you the same as a sun ray.

Neither overrate nor downplay this time

All of the work you put in to harmonize

But let your own conclusion materialize.

Training is the reason you act this way.

The grooves were cut deep so you'd stay.

Escape options? You have a whole array.

If you let your thoughts linger here,

You'll train them in a loop to steer;

Decide and let it be perfectly clear.

Perhaps the truest words you can bestow

Are ones that tell the unwelcome to go

For they do not help your garden grow.

If someone is inviting you to criticize,

Be an example of other ways to describe

What simply is, versus what is desired.

Some lift you up and some wear you down;

Those who tend to leave you with a frown

Are telling you to go tread new ground.

To you, it feels like a poisonous thing.

To them, the holy ritual of complaining

Is worth their unquestioned sacrificing.

You needed it, but now complain no more.

It helped you sweep your feelings' floor

In preparation for new blessings galore.

Anger is a defense. Now end your war.

You do not need to fight against or for

What was only ever meant to be a door.

This is your cue that it's time to rejoice

Because you have grown into your voice

And so replaced obligation with choice.

This thing you are choosing not to say

Will end up getting in your future way.

Spend time while you can afford to pay.

Welcome the tears. They are a good sign:

You are tender and vulnerable by design.

Love - you need no one else to be kind.

Enough thought about what you'll begin!

The day to imagine's the day you are in.

It is the proven habit that's the win.

Your mind has no clue of what is perfect

And just uses that as a ruse to deflect

From how key it is for you to connect.

A slow start should always be preferred

Over a haste in which lines get blurred

To be fully present for all that occurs.

Whatever stays stable will resist change

And this applies the same to your brain,

So spend more time with the unexplained.

What you don't question picks at you

To pry your weakest assumption loose

So reevaluate your whole way through.

Put more focus on the how than the what

And more time with the if than the but;

It is the sharpening that makes the cut.

Pay attention to your mood when you pay:

Ecstatic to be making financial headway

Or eagerly anticipating your next foray?

It is only important that it is yours,

Not to feel justified in starting wars,

But to be poised to open new doors.

If you get tired, take that as your sign

That part of you is getting left behind.

It should be a deepening - not a grind.

A challenge that makes you feel queasy

Need not be gnawed on until it is easy;

Feed it to one who can enjoy it deeply.

As unpleasant a thought as it may be,

Things are only ever called upsetting

If unflattering angles are reflecting.

And if you feel the need for a change,

That is easy enough for you to arrange;

So much more difficult to just remain.

Whenever you think what's needed is aim,

That's just the ego casting false blame;

A most perfect life would look the same.

Even if you're only gradually gathering

The things others say are worth having,

You can lose what should be mattering.

Most of what that left behind is useless,

Except the part forcing you to be ruthless

In turning predatory thoughts toothless.

You're able to work hard, that's proven.

But it is time for a new level of doing:

One that lets creativity do the moving.

Perhaps success was your assumed goal,

But another journey - one of the soul -

Will deepen your definition of whole.

What now offers you feelings of stress

Is actually a simple point-of-view test

In both understanding and forgiveness.

Whether it's accurate, sensible or not,

You should just decide what you've got

And decide to make it add up to a lot.

Have a kind of clarity that stands guard

So that it makes a fence round your yard

And other things will no longer be hard.

Your thinking has a storyline it prefers

A familiar place where it always returns

But it is time to show it the universe.

Take a trip - in this moment here now

To a place reachable by one sworn vow:

"Love is the only voice I will allow."

What challenges you offers you a choice;

Realize the reason you're given a voice

Is to speak sense that quiets the noise.

Whenever possible, look to make rituals

Because that which you can make habitual

Is an investment paying daily residuals.

Finish. Bring it to some kind of close

So this can join with the larger flow

And help water other things to grow.

A habit might help you forget to grow

By praising you for just staying aglow

But you can burn brighter, you know.

Move on, because you are well past due

Leaving this place, despite its great view

And despite the lack of a dramatic cue.

It is time to say that this is enough,

That you are ready to call this done,

That you are finally prepared to run.

Need not one more drop of information

To step into a life of your own creation.

Pack up. Set out. Call it all exploration.

That is the sea, but you are on land;

So you must go where there is sand,

To hold both elements in one hand.

There's a time for hearing, but not now;

This is the time to tilt your head down

And work in isolation, no matter how.

All your doings should be more rigorous,

So nurture whatever keeps you vigorous

And map out all your inner wilderness.

And now either choice will be correct

Because you've decided to first reflect

On all you have, versus what you'd get.

Whatever was given will be taken away.

But what you've lived will always stay

So use it like your personal treasury.

Everything is going to take more time

When you interrupt your own deadline;

Make your schedule clear, not implied.

You are best fit to negotiate

Because you know how to wait.

Next, prepare to demonstrate.

Knowing what you have is no small feat,

Like tasting ingredients in all you eat

So take your time by taking a seat.

Your mind is less inclined to let go

Than it is to use new things to grow,

So surprise it with a whole new show.

Think deeper about what is driving you

As you ponder each and every new move;

One step back shows two ways through.

Most important to keep in mind is why

So that when you are asked to decide,

You are already so perfectly aligned.

Understand it is alright to disappoint,

Because someone always becomes disjoint

When you use your power to self-anoint.

You are not your skills, you are more -

The embodiment of what all is in store;

You are an exception, not a therefore.

End your search for the right question

And let the answers get your attention

By walking away from comprehension.

If your mind plays with any doubt,

It is at the same time filtering out 

The truth of what this is all about.

And now you are going to have to trust

Because if you are to keep on rising up,

Learning goes from a should to a must.

Now is not the time to look for a limit,

Or hunt for unnecessary things to omit;

It is time to inhale and expand into it.

It may feel new or seem like a leap,

Or like a hike that's a bit too steep,

But all this is is your time to reap.

Patience, because you're still building

Making real by virtue of sheer willing

So today let nothingness be fulfilling.

If you are so lucky as to find laughter,

Better everything will come right after

Since you'll already have what matters.

Stepping outside everyone else's rules,

Your sincerest and clearest way, choose.

Decide, using your own highest values.

Perhaps you just don't yet understand;

So before a complaint becomes a demand,

First get your point of view to expand.

Advice that does not treat you as more

Is but an invitation to politely ignore

While you do what you came here for.

And now open your hands for all to see

That you've shared with them everything

And that now they must all let you be.

You are most you when you are a channel,

And things greater than you could handle

Get done simply by lighting your candle.

The habit of taking a small step today

Is what gets obstacles out of your way

And keeps those who waste time at bay.

You may simply need another reminder

To be neither a seeker nor a finder,

But to be still yet be all the wiser.

Keep everything in order and in tune

Because health is your greatest boon,

Making you rich right now, not soon.

Being busy is another form of fear -

Preferring to ride rather than steer;

Take the wheel, but stop right here.

Do you find yourself overtasked again?

Do you wonder when this cycle will end?

Are you willing to love yet not bend?

Out of love you have invited this delay

But soon enough, you must get underway

So prepare for what you'll have to say.

While it's best not to assume malintent

Sometimes subtle harm is what was meant;

As if a landlord, do not let them rent.

To not go back, you must make a choice.

To go on, you'll need to use your voice.

To enjoy going, you'll need to rejoice.

Most important today is what you'll eat,

More so than where you point your feet

Because it decides what you you'll meet.

You got too comfortable - look around:

You blended into your own background.

You are hereby no longer spellbound.

You can walk away from compromise

If it requires you to close your eyes;

If it does not, it is the way most wise.

You'll be served best by putting it down

It is what holds you here on the ground.

Let go and let the wind take you around.

It is a myth, the search for direction,

At least in the way that others mention.

Do not search for - set your intention.

On the surface it acts like opportunity

But from a distance you'll plainly see

It's a well-wrapped box of busymaking.

You'll find out by being open to anything.

Be open to anything by expecting nothing,

And expect nothing by loving everything.

A spoken word has a creative vibration

That can create and spread inspiration,

So listen to what has sound foundation.

Cultivate the very best of habits.

When you find a good one, grab it.

Success waits for routine to happen.

Say whatever must be said - but kindly.

The mind opens when dealt with wisely.

Words work best when delivered mildly.

Be steady in who you see yourself to be

And yet willing to change into anything

That your vision tells you is necessary.

Leaving your comfort zone just to do so

May be you resisting today's given flow.

Your instinct already knows how to go.

Shift your focus away from an audience

To something somehow not as obvious:

It is in the doing that you are blessed.

They've given their trust; you owe them

More than promising words and sentiment

You must now deliver something definite.

It's good to have a tendency to jest,

But not if it's just a way to deflect

From admitting your preciousness.

Just as there are losing ways to fight,

There are even wrong ways to be right.

Let flow itself be your utmost delight.

Along with being more thoughtful,

You need to be patient and softer:

What does your heart want to offer?

Keep up with changes in your body,

Gauging your strength and flexibility

Because they decide tomorrow's ease.

It will take them a while to understand

So rather than leading them by the hand,

Prove by passion that it will be grand.

Within or around you, force won't work,

Neither to influence, to scare, nor to irk;

Your own inner power will simply smirk.

Do not be drastic - that is ineffective;

You should try to be more introspective

So that your gains are all protected.

When you don't wish to be singled out

Those who point, criticize and shout

Remind you to take a different route.

When your mind wishes to retaliate,

This is the perfect time to negotiate

And ask it to first let you appreciate.

An emotion is lightning without thunder,

But certainty gives it a deafening rumble:

Decide your weather, don't run for cover.

Just as it's useless to blurt out sounds

Before they have words to help them out,

You'll have to wait for it to come down.

Less-perfect versions will show up first

Making you think the right one is worse;

Choose the one that deepens your thirst.

Bravely will make the safest way there.

Those in hiding will hide and not dare

Because of your certain, confident air.

Since you're open to better possibilities

Others will come bearing more of these;

Choose the option that comes with keys.

Remind yourself that this is not a race

And that bandits also like a good chase;

No prize to win - just yourself to face.

Their praise might fill you with pride

And put a bouncier step in your stride,

But You are why your smile is so wide.

After a while, you won't be able to stop

Your very own rhythm won't let you drop;

By keeping tempo, you'll reach the top. 

Whatever feeds on fear, you can starve

Through a harder part of who you are,

Giving those termites stone to carve.

It can feel right - chasing enemies down

Until you catch up and turn them around

And see it's you yourself you have found.

As with the year, you have your seasons

And each has its own different reasons

Behind what it would rather be feeling.

Listen to yourself, but not too closely

To the inner chatter talking mostly:

It is just a guest - you are hosting.

What you do is not who you are

Just as the shine is not the star

You eclipse what's been thus far.

You have a pattern when you get tired

And end up doing things that backfire;

If you decide, this can all be rewired.

Something in you would love to blurt out

What's on the inside edge of your mouth,

But you know of an even cleverer route.

Live for today, though not recklessly -

Live in a way that uses time effectively,

But makes time to stop for serendipity.

You have forgotten how difficult it was

When you were first doing what you love

Now you easily know what to get rid of.

Let it out, no matter what impedes you.

You must live what you believe is true -

Take the step that brings You into view.

Tell it your way, with nothing held back

Because others need your example to pack

For their journeys off the beaten track.

Do your thing, needing to join no group

That may dilute the flavor of your soup

Or borrow time you'll need to recoup.

Some will let you know they are timid

Not to let you down or make you livid,

But so you can help them be rid of it.

Take what's needed, give back the rest

Just like taking air into your chest;

The rule is that enough is what's best.

Spot the thoughts that don't nourish you

The same way as your liver knows to do -

By checking everything coming through.

Take your time on things that will last.

Less gets absorbed when you just go fast.

What is mindfully done honors the past.

Catch things before they become an issue

Just as your organs faithfully do for you;

Clear inner pathways hold clearer truths.

It's not enough to know - you need tools

To shape things into a form you can use;

How else do you build what you choose?

You will need something to go between

So that everything goes forward easily;

What could help everyone else agree?

Make sure that everything is connected,

Even what is hardest to get redirected;

Join them yet also keep them protected.

Powers must ultimately be combined,

And the tricky part in joining minds

Is freeing them yet making them bind.

Things that are solid hold their ground

And whatever tied to, they'll pull down;

Just figure out what needs to be bound.

Go find that place between open and wild

Where you have the potential of a child,

An imagination that's anything but mild.

Keep going because you are so very near

To another spot where the path is clear

Enough to prove that you belong here.

If you need proof, just look back a year

To see no one single thing got you here

Yet you knew it would one day be clear.

If you leave, you can never go back

To the same place - you lose track;

But new adventures you will attract.

Timeless rewards go to undying faith:

You cannot know what wonders await

All thanks to your guarding the gate.

You sit in the theater of the uncertain,

Ready and able to pull back the curtain.

Rest assured, the play will be worth it.

It should be no mystery, how it affects

Just look to all those past failed tests;

Tell it thanks and no, again and again.

Your balance has benefitted just as much

From all the habits you never picked up,

As the ones you've never tried to hush.

The vast unknown is no cause for alarm;

Nothing out there can do you any harm;

Like a trained bird, call it to your arm.

What you've done the last 1,000 days

Is what decides whether it's too late

Or right on track or a bit of a wait.

Other things may make you feel full,

But take in more of what's original;

The best ingredients are intentional.

Look hard at the different distractions

That offer you temporary satisfaction

And don't prepare you for real action.

Stand guard at the gate of your mouth

And keep what preys upon judgment out

By honoring what being well is about.

So your want doesn't turn to greed,

Before you get what you truly need

Go do for someone else a good deed.

Here in your world filled with stuff,

Just about how much of it is enough?

Precisely the amount that feeds love.

Because that one little inconvenience

At the time may have made little sense,

But was a seed and is growing benefits.

Right now it will be hard to know why

And you will waste your time if you try

So just find a way to mindfully comply.

Just done daily, some things dig a grave

Just done daily, some things years save

Just done daily, choosing earns or pays.

Forget about what could come next,

Just keep letting air into your chest

And back out again. Forget the rest.

You've been busy collecting experiences

Appreciating them with all your senses;

Now it is time that you just share them.

A few key things you need to increase:

More water, rest and nutrients to eat

For the clarity you're going to need.

Right now it is about being stable

And doing well what you are able;

And keeping the rest off the table.

They have even more ways to get you upset

You've been dealing with them but instead

Try new tactics they would never suspect.

To not get yourself stuck halfway in,

There will be no better way than this -

Take time learning, and then be swift.

You should stay and see this through

For everything else it's connected to

And just do whatever you have to do.

Don't step outside of it, not just yet

Because the chapter that's coming next

Is guaranteed to become your very best.

Which of your talents has most impact?

Which does more than keep you intact?

To which one do you keep coming back?

The notion that you haven't done it right

Is fine once you see each mistake as light

That shows you a bit more in your night.

If they tell you you have to choose,

Do they also have something to lose?

Why can you not be left to peruse?

That other way has never worked for you

It's time for you to be breaking through

The habits that have produced this issue.

Love yourself and you'll see another way

One that you overlooked just yesterday -

One that would serve well, come what may.

As convincing as other methods may be

They're all just volumes in your library

You're now doing, not just researching.

Drink your wisdom from the cleanest cup

Hold your high standard, no matter what

Shrewd judgment is another form of love.

It only takes one decision to turn this

Into what can give power to your spirit

No one but you needs to know or hear it.

You're on the brink of a great big shift

By choosing what feels good and uplifts.

Entire destinies change just like this.

You're not obligated to be what you were.

Look back to see your past as a vivid blur.

So decide anew based on what you prefer.

True, you cannot be in both places now,

Though imagination claims it knows how;

So, to this one present, you should bow.

Everyone is looking out for you

Interacting to help you improve

Through everything that they do.

Press on yet give in when it fits;

Water crashes but can quietly sit.

Power uses what ways you give it.

You are not here to fulfill their goals

Nor are you here to do as you're told;

You are here to be imperfect yet bold.

Your calling is a task you cannot finish

Because it has the opposite of a limit;

What you can do is love it this minute.

At the place where your shovel gets stuck

Is where others before you had to give up

And where you must decide to get tough.

Draw from where you've been and improve;

Greatness follows no preexisting groove;

It follows those who make their move.

Just by showing up you open doors

That lock behind you and with force.

Should you still go in? Of course.

If for a moment you could recognize

Through it all, how easily you glide

You would stop being so surprised.

Can you see yourself as a conduit?

Realize you're not here to "do it."

Let yourself just sit here and intuit.

The rules you rage about were all fake,

Placed along your path for you to break

And live a life none but you regulates.

To some, you are the utmost authority

On thinking about patterns creatively.

Be proud of this and live accordingly.

Before life can be what you make it

Life's ears need to hear you say it -

That you've now chosen to commit.

Thoughts that make you breathe easily

Point in the direction of your destiny

And just as deeply, change everything.

Your purpose isn't to finish your tasks,

It's to be the one brave enough to ask

Why things need to be moving so fast.

What today holds is different for all,

Some will rise and others will fall;

You are blessed to heed your own call.

It took foresight to avoid being misled.

And since you were brave enough to shed,

Your lightness helped you to move ahead.

The beauty of where you've gotten to

Is not that it shows what you can do,

But that somehow you already knew.

You know a thing is far from dead

When you see its skin being shed;

Is your discomfort being misread?

You can if you say, can't if you don't,

And things will go on even if you won't;

You will change all to which you devote.

You've decided. Let that be that.

To decide without turning back

Generates the power to attract.

Don't get addicted to people's trust

Or start telling yourself you must;

Fixed thinking, like old iron, rusts.

Stubbornness only needs one false step

For others to heckle under their breath;

Reasonability works much better instead.

It's those you didn't choose that matter

Those you can neither fire nor flatter -

Who are steps on your spiritual ladder.

For a while it can all start to get tangled

Things coming in from every odd angle;

It's just to show what you can wrangle.

Take the day off for today. Look ahead.

Prepare for whatever is coming instead.

Tomorrow only pays whoever invested.

There was a time to reach far and wide;

Now it's time to play close and tight

Not forever, just for a little while.

You might let them dispute your worth,

But let them know what you value first

To bring the whole thing down to earth.

It helps to know which you're up against -

Someone who doesn't care or an opponent;

To hear what their words really meant.

The best skill is knowing where you are

Even if stormy winds blow you very far,

To be able to spot your guiding star.

The words don't even have to be hostile

To upend your sensibilities for a while

But reorient and go get back your smile.

You're looking at it from the wrong side

Although you feel you've already tried;

Find someone who can act as your guide.

You may find it hardest to obey, 

That which you now call your Way

Until your heart has had its say.

It will all come together perfectly

Like an intricate mesh of circuitry

If you keep moving this fervently.

Slow down, stop moving so fervently.

That is not leading toward harmony,

Which is now all that is necessary.

It's easy to get caught up in the day

And the circus of what people may say

But just keep making your own way.

There will be another time for sleep.

Today you've got big promises to keep

And need many hours to plan this leap.

There will be another chance for rest.

Today is for your record-breaking best

So prepare as though this were a test.

Sometimes the stretch is going to last

Far longer than you can bearably grasp

So draw from tales of adventures past. 

If you're known as the one who stays calm

And the one with whom everyone gets along,

You will draw to you others who are strong.

Face up to the changes and adapt to them.

You're better now than you were back then.

So keep this in mind and head in again.

Anything is bearable if you have a plan

So don't join the nay-sayers if you can;

Keep on climbing your own mountain.

What is it that you're waiting to hear?

You have proof your thinking is clear

And the feeling that you're very near.

Today it's about continuing on

Regardless of feeling the pawn;

You are at the verge of a dawn.

Don't think so much about how they feel.

You're at opposite ends of a turning wheel

And neither can either's momentum steal.

Sometimes it's best to plow on through

Despite the reasons they're giving you;

If given as an excuse, it's rarely true.

There doesn't have to be a reason why.

You just have to decide to and then try;

A bird doesn't question when in-flight.

Those who enjoy your presence the most,

Love you because you behave like a host

And seem proud enough of them to boast.

Of all the things you love to do,

Those that will most uplift you 

Fill others with that feeling too.

The reason they consider you a resource

Is that instead of making it about force,

You've wisely followed destiny's course.

If you intend to keep life at this pace,

The best parts will blur past your face;

Slow down enough to experience grace.

Before you decide, remember your norm

And now imagine it got lost in a storm:

What new foundation would you form?

Though they have quieted to a grumble,

They still sound anything but humble.

Keep composed. Preserve your thunder.

Find someone you can use as a model

In how to support and yet not coddle

Those who are beginning to dawdle.

What you do may sound very interesting

To others, but do you find it riveting?

If so, perfect. If not, start pivoting.

These attempts you've made are just that -

None a final version - each one is a draft,

Or a sketching, but not the finished map.

Of all of the ways to live your life -

Identifying, helping, easing strife -

Forget about fixing. Pursue delight.

Of the things you should be talking about

Negative small talk should never come out

Let praises and plans control your mouth.

For as long as your values align

Your happinesses should coincide

And you can be each other's guide.

A day of kindness costs so little

So even if you're feeling brittle,

Do something to share a giggle.

For what it's worth, keep holding on

Even though the thrill may seem gone

Thoughts of brightness bring the dawn.

Whether or not they show their support,

No diversion to which you could resort

Would be worth it, for time is short.

With many ways in but one way out,

You may be wisest to go on without

Until you know what this is about.

It may take a shock to make you believe

But the facts were not given to deceive;

There are habits you must forever leave.

It's been brewing for quite some time

And now you can't pout, deny, or whine;

You can only stop, accept and realign.

A chapter closes before the next begins

Whether or not you found it interesting;

Not everything important is riveting.

Perhaps toward the very thing you feared

Is where your journey should be steered

Perhaps that is why the feeling is here.

Meeting their deadline is nothing new,

So it's time you were finally through

And started on what appeals to few.

You can't learn this one soon enough:

Life starts when you stop doing stuff

And is loveliest when you won't rush.

You don't have to fit the normal story.

You don't have to seek standard glory.

You will only have yourself as jury.

There will always be some price to pay

Whether you take the easy or hard way;

How much exactly? Only you can say.

If it were otherwise it wouldn't be true

So get some sleep, wake up and continue

And you will soon enough have your proof.

If you can pick one thing let it be sleep

Since the right amount satisfies the need

For your spirit to enjoy a full renewing.

Let comments fall like rain on your roof

Let them trickle all over or deluge you;

Let them come down, just never through.

There's no need to clamor for more

All will be delivered to your door;

Go to it then - not a moment before.

You get to write this story of life

So draft and craft until it is right

Better than your dreams at night.

To your relationships be most devout,

More than whatever you worried about

For to your bliss, they are the route.

No matter how urgent the tasks,

Partnership first, deadlines last;

You should not even have to ask.

Great joy swells from a greater devotion

As big waves rise up from a bigger ocean.

What is deep underneath your emotions?

Your next conversation is like a key

To unlock the inner door that leads

Deep down into your soul's library.

Take it gradually, using what you've got

Otherwise you'll put yourself in a spot;

This way it's easier to unravel the knot.

Your love is equally strong in all its forms -

The sunny one that keeps everything warm,

Or the one from which creations are born.

Some small circle safeguards your trust

To feed you love until you're stuffed,

So telling them everything is a must.

Hopefully you can see you're much wiser,

Much more observant, yet far from a miser

In how you used this to open up wider.

Sometimes it's hard to see from up close

But what you have done deserves a toast -

Daring to be more vulnerable than most.

Your focus should be aimed at one thing

Or else you won't do enough of anything

To enjoy mastery's wonderful feeling.

After the longest stretch take a break

And see what's floating in your wake -

Anything there that you saw too late?

You won't even have to ask the question,

Won't even have a single need to mention

When you are living out your intention.

So long as you know your dependencies,

One by one, you can deal with tendencies

To deny, deflect, confront or please.

You have amassed some great friendships

The kind that you know will be endless

Because you laugh yourselves senseless.

They are easily your greatest treasure

Though there is no easy way to measure

How they fill your life with pleasure.

It's easiest once it fits some kind of picture

To help figure out what goes where quicker

And you can know if you end up the victor.

Once you are sure, then you have to press

On and on and shed all that brings stress

To make this a grand voyage, not a test.

Once you're creating, it's less about you

And more about letting it pass through -

The messages being sent from your muse.

Raise it high enough to see the heavens

But keep it where it is still relevant

Both in what's said and in what is meant.

You have traveled without expectations

And that has been good for contemplation;

Now it is time for conscious navigation.

Come up with an amazing story to tell

So whether or not a given day goes well,

You'll still be coming out of your shell.

How are you viewing it? Solely from here?

Have you looked down from the atmosphere?

And let your imagination see everywhere?

The act of creation is what gives life,

So everything else can move to the side

For you to be in this mode all the time.

It's more important to tell a great story

Although not for fortune or fame or glory

But to live forever as your own category.

Yes, it is going to look like obsession

To those in some passionless profession

But this is the path of self-invention.

History says you should do a bit more

To turn into real this vision of yours;

Feel free to make preparations galore.

Or don't prepare at all; Just improvise

If you find it too foreign to visualize

But try to have some feel of the prize.

Maintaining anything becomes difficult

If you don't know what it's built above

So take down what wasn't built in love.

Don't react to disappointment or sorrow -

Those without energy, seeking to borrow

What you are working on for tomorrow.

Free from labels of either bad or good,

Gone are all coulds, woulds and shoulds;

Try, whether or not you're understood.

This is an invitation to yet one more

Uncharted location for you to explore.

If you are willing, much is in store.

That place where thoughts like to dwell

Is simply their former hermit crab shell;

Out in the open is where you'll do well.

Though thinking you should is alright,

It may be tempting, but still do not bite;

There is nothing here worth the fight.

All it means is it's not yet your time;

Though you hear otherwise from the mind,

There is more left to peel of your rind.

Go over it again, for as long as you must

Being everything and anything but rushed;

More pressing bakes you a better crust.

Take that road - what is there to lose?

If anything, it will help you to choose

Since it is better to try than to refuse.

It's not always your reflection you see.

Sometimes you are faced with what's ugly

To learn about how not to create beauty.

Look at it with your own eyes. Go. See.

Because the picture is still incomplete

And you must have it before you agree.

When it's right, everything easily flows.

When it's right, everyone already knows

Because you embody it from top to toes.

Take the time to ask about their stories,

About their hardships and their glories,

To learn how they outworked worries.

Since you know you can go anywhere,

Get yourself up and fully out of there,

Up to where you can take in fresh air.

For all your doubts to be depleted

And your heart to feel completed,

You may need the lesson repeated.

You really need to give yourself time

For everything to come together inside

Before you can take all this in stride.

Everyone hurts, so show them you care

And they will come in from everywhere

To support you - not just stop and stare.

Starting is going to take a bit of trust,

Often not knowing why, just that you must

So let today be one wholehearted thrust.

Above all right now, keep being faithful

Because they are all so quietly grateful

For all you're serving by the plate full.

Some days you may feel incredibly tired

And some days may feel improperly wired

But keep on going. You are so admired.

You know what you know when you know it

Before nor After have anywhere to stow it

Once you are at peace with this, show it.

Tiny containers only hold but so much.

Let this be big, bold, brilliant and such:

It needs to be awe-inspiring to the touch.

Keep your mind clear of things,

Of the What each detail brings;

Tie them all to balloon strings.

Choose the path that honors You,

Not where you are or what you do,

But how you are, and for now, who.

Speak up for yourself and say no,

Because that was not the way to go;

You need to stop moving to grow.

They are telling you all sorts of things

Except for that which tranquility brings:

Confusion squawks while certainty sings.

Do they deliver, is the question at hand -

Otherwise you are dumping hourglass sand

Into bottomless buckets of promises grand.

It's also known as coming around the bend

When you see you haven't reached the end

But even more amazing road ahead instead.

You're not doing this for anyone's reward

Or because it is just what you can afford -

You sail with heart, mind and soul aboard.

Some offer violence in exchange for love,

Whether in word, deed or all of the above;

Without delay, they are to be let go of.

A situation becomes harder out of context;

A vision will keep you from getting vexed

So keep picturing what should come next.

You can look at this in a much better way

So there will be even better things to say

Which will benefit you as soon as today.

There is a reason to craft your own plan

It is not so you can make more demands,

But so you can recognize where you stand.

It's as important to know what you're in

As it is to know when and where to begin

Once you decide doing nothing's the sin.

This is just a change in the weather.

This is the time to keep it together.

This is how you chose to get better.

Imagine your most wonderful version,

The one boldly going on that excursion;

You're already becoming that person.

You do not need to know much more;

Come here, behold yourself and adore

The one who exceeds what was before.

Do not fall for it - you are being set up

To return to what you were once made of;

Stay within the light of your self-love.

It's a story that used to trigger you,

But you know what you need to do.

You're able to go straight through.

They want you to stop and go over there.

But all that going will get you nowhere.

Consider: does breathing go get its air?

Regardless of that, this is already enough

Despite your doubting whether it was just;

Empty spaces are for filling up with love.

To make your decision, go get some proof:

Before you move in, you inspect the roof.

This is the time to be anything but aloof.

As soon as you let yourself call this hard,

You put more energy into being on guard;

What you cannot enjoy, you can disregard.

If you are looking to be in demand,

There is a one thing to understand:

Do with your heart, not your hand.

It is alright to invite a little drama

If it can be for your sentence a comma

And not drag on into an endless saga.

Silence is difficult for the maladjusted

By whom you find yourself interrupted.

Who cannot be quiet cannot be trusted.

Once you feel it, it will be known

Before that, it's hard to be shown.

Only what you are will you own.

Time is what you are letting them thieve

When you sit amongst but do not receive;

Their conversation starves you, so leave.

Think less about how it will sound

And more about just getting it out

It is truer to blurt than to expound.

With certain things you need an end date

Not to stamp their delivery early or late,

But so you can edge them off your plate.

Be kind to yourself through compliments

Ones that sound sincere and heaven-sent

And are unrelated to any accomplishment.

When you're rough on yourself they see

And yet seeming silent, silently disagree.

Live your response to their wordless plea.

Being good to yourself shines the light

That signals other ones to burn bright,

So treasure the darkness of your night.

Be as comfortable saying no as saying yes

Because making decisions is how you bless

Everyone you deal with and reroute excess.

Perhaps the only useful lesson you learn

When all you want is to stop the churn,

Is that your fire must continue to burn.

If you stay in this funk, you get to see

That those patterns have no originality

And that you need new ones in actuality.

Going without is going to break you apart

Which then helps the transformation start

Which then reconnects you to your heart.

Unobserved, you become your routines -

Triggers, reactions, then you in between;

Check tendencies with an eye that's keen.

Think of a better way to look at this

And then improve even more upon it

Why should best-cases have a limit?

You need to have a deep discussion

Rather than just diving straight in.

Gather viewpoints not instructions.

If you keep talking about it, guess what?

It is exactly what will keep showing up.

Words - for the mind's wheels - dig ruts.

It is important to be right where you are

Whether or not you feel you've gotten far

Because you need this in your repertoire.

Stop everything - rethink your thoughts

To see if an assumption's got you caught.

Do what you dream, not what you ought.

What if you made it work just for you?

When being selfish you can find truth.

When you are satisfied, others are too.

Would you rather help them look away,

Or show them by getting started today?

Paint with any color to get rid of gray.

There is nothing more you need to hear

From those who ongoingly pull your ear

Because you need concentration to steer.

To call one thing bad or another worse

Is like living under a self-spoken curse;

Find out and speak of what is best first.

Be open. Be open. Be open. Be open.

Let those two words rule your focus.

Good if thought, great when spoken.

You don't need their love - you need yours

To welcome them in, or open closed doors.

You need a love that comes from your core.

This is still a time of transition;

Whatever seems out of position

Is just slow to obey your wishes.

Yes, they may be taking advantage,

But it's nothing you can't manage.

Momentum favors what is slanted.

Even good habits end up in stagnation

Without fresh sources for inspiration;

When was your last genuine vacation?

There is nothing that you "have to" do

Except to stay uncompromisingly true

To what stirs up the passion in you.

Even though you feel caught in a loop,

You have actually already broken through

As proven by your new point of view.

Ignore how it feels right now - continue

Because what you've gotten yourself into

Points to what you are truly here to do.

There is a journey beyond being the best

That leads to a deep and clear happiness

Because it is beyond doing more or less.

All of the things for which you yearn -

Put them on the fire and let them burn.

Wealth is who you are before you earn.

They will be cleared out of your way

Once you learn they are here to stay

And it's you who needs to turn away.

Sometimes it is most fitting to fight

Rather than flee what prowls your night

It is time to unleash all of your might.

The reason you worried about it at all

Is that your vision was still too small;

On other dreamers, it is time to call.

The same way the sun daily sets,

Get away and create time to rest. 

This is the way to be your best.

Surprises do not change who you are -

They poke fun at the "easy" and "hard"

And remind you adaptability goes far.

Those who "do" to please, crawl.

Do, just for the joy for it all.

Do - whether you fly or fall.

Whether it is given or taken blame,

Or fault put on anyone else's name -

Bundle all of it up and set it aflame.

Stick to your price or give it away,

But avoid being a deal-hunter's prey;

Spot all the traps of words they lay.

Words that are more than an annoyance

That can't be dodged by mere avoidance

Have their antidote, same as any poison.

So their issue becomes no greater

Handle it now - there is no later.

Your path could be no straighter.

Do, because there is no other chance.

Flow, because you are part of a dance.

Love, because life itself is a romance.

Let today be your best self's womb

As well as every stale habit's tomb

By being all about now, not soon.

Focusing on the good ones or the bad

Is a socially-accepted way to go mad;

Live for moments you have, not had.

Growing into a sense of self-worth is

Like knowing what to do with thirst:

Best to find where water flows first.

Serving them can make a fulfilling life,

But keep checking on what lives inside;

Give it the freedom to revisit your why.

You aren't the one who made that mess

So back away from the chaos and stress

And tend to the task of your own nest.

Your first instinct is correct

So neither retreat nor deflect;

Instead, very closely inspect.

You need to be completely upfront, 

Even to the point of sounding blunt;

You as the hunter, this is your hunt.

Sometimes you can't escape the tangle,

So position yourself at a strategic angle

And rally everyone you need to wrangle.

Understand they are struggling through

And let compassion flow from within you

Without judging what they are up to.

Let them find their own way now.

Let them have to worry about how.

Let your focus be on coming out.

Regardless of either luck or labor,

Regardless of coming now or later,

It will all work out in your favor.

This is your journey of self-expression

That from outside looks like obsession

But is answering your life's question.

It is uncomfortable to overextend

But you must, to see yourself bend

To break what's brittle at each end.

Soon enough, you'll reach your limit,

The place that might tire you to visit,

But where you'll reconnect to spirit.

Which part of it makes you tired?

Then ask your mind to be rewired

To form new ways to be inspired.

Did you drag the past this far?

Can you postpone the memoir?

Will you forget who you are?

At some point the habit must stop.

Lay down tonight and just let it drop

And awaken a little lighter on top.

Consider this your sign to move on,

A warning you've been here too long

And proof you should already be gone.

Not what you are, but what you become

Is what to wonder, not how to be done;

Focus a bit more each day on having fun.

This didn't yield because you were strong

Nor did it unroll because you worked long;

Like you, it opened by being focused on.

There was a time to be more intense,

Now that time is back behind a fence;

Here in the open, follow your sense.

Instead of wondering about the other side

And gathering knowledge that feeds pride,

Why not appreciate your own lovely stride?

There is so much you do not need to know

There is so little you need to love the flow

There are so very many ways you can grow.

After you've had your mighty brainstorm,

Now comes the time to consciously perform,

To turn hot nor cold, but perfectly warm.

Organize your thoughts. Give this time.

Get them to harmonize, not simply rhyme.

Seek to feel utilized, not simply fine.

Being authentic and relevant is good,

So long as you recall why you should:

To stand where no one else has stood.

Body and brain both need exercise

To keep you healthy as well as wise;

Work with each based on its size.

This may feel like a good time to plan

Rather than finish the mission at hand;

But focus and fulfill as only you can.

Not time for that - it is time for this

Regardless of whether you need to shift

Priorities rather than let them all mix.

Deciding whether to move on to the next

Implies that this you knows what's best;

Come up with a more thorough self-test.

Trust the closest examples of success

Rather than going away to be blessed;

Make results easier for time to test.

Look for some model to base yourself on

But don't hold on to that model too long

Just enough to right where you're wrong.

Perhaps difficult, but you must sit still

To meet your own restless ambition's will

And ask it which cup it's trying to fill.

You must trust in more than yourself

Both to strengthen your mental health

And expand your definition of wealth.

Schedule time to just walk away,

To give your mind space to stray

And keep predictability at bay.

And some connections need to be cut

To keep you from falling into a rut

Where it's hard to see what is what.

Exactly why does it need to be so huge?

Is your thirst only quenched by deluge?

How much of it all will your heart use?

Go ahead and be as specific as you can,

So precise you can feel it in your hand,

So clear you can see each grain of sand.

Once you admit these are distractions,

You can take more appropriate actions

To discover even deeper satisfaction.

Take this moment as your gift -

Not to be opened then dismissed

But to truly use what's within.

Get back in the habit, without excuse.

Whatever's in the way, do cut it loose.

Whatever's been learned, put it to use.

Do you consider your schedule your own?

Do you charge for all the time you loan?

Think of moments spent as seeds sown.

You know you've closed a life chapter

When your belly holds healthy laughter

Over your unique happily-ever-after.

If your ears could walk away they would,

But since they cannot, your feet should

Head to those who speak of what is good.

Only consider advice that has proof

That does more than just toss clues;

Trust what you can thoroughly use.

When you step away and then come back,

Push through if you feel out of whack;

Notice what gets you to stay on track.

Don't rush to fill every awkward silence

To avoid disapproval or outright defiance:

These are not the times for compliance.

It is healthier to be disliked

Than to bear even a little spite;

Be genuine, whether rude or polite.

You don't always have to be smiling

Or to be clever, quick or beguiling;

You should share what's underlying.

Seek to be visionary whenever you spend

Because more characters await you ahead;

Some will borrow while others will lend.

The way forward is the one most gentle

That will use your subconscious mental,

As you train it with some fundamentals.

Consider it hard and then it has to be.

Don't, and somehow it happens easily.

Think about how you want it to feel.

Before choosing, review your core values

Before you let one schedule become two;

Give what you are, not what you produce.

Partnerships are your best indicator

Of if you're ignoring now for later,

Or if you focus on today as greater.

What we accomplish matters little,

Goals alone are fleeting and brittle;

Make this day a poem, not a riddle.

If you knew the future, would it matter?

Today looks through a window of chatter

That tomorrow plans to open or shatter.

What feels like a child's shiny new toy

Should not be thought of as a real joy;

Long-lasting bliss is slower to deploy.

The art of living shows in your wit

So if you can, try to laugh about it

And invite everyone to giggle a bit.

If they need to complain you should say,

"Now that we know what you need today,

What is best for me is to be on my way."

Some things will never be worth doing,

Since they're not what you're pursuing;

Pour the time into what you're brewing.

It makes sense that you have fewer peers:

It means you've made yourself very clear

For the right ones to come find you here. 

A little more organization will help

So you can daily enhance your health,

Which is the essence of useful wealth.

When you yourself are traveling around

It's harder for you yourself to be found;

What seed grows in unsettled ground?

For the sake of days that turn upside down

Or endlessly spin you around and around,

Take the shortcut straight to safe ground.

When negativity shows up, it's only a guest

With lots of questions, but not with a test;

Work on the helpful ones, ignore the rest.

Get ready, amazing connections are coming,

Ones that will have all your senses buzzing,

Moving faster than they have been running.

Be open to meet those who slow life down

And force you to gaze, not glance around;

When they find you, you will feel found.

Greet even the most unpleasant surprise.

It is only a gust of wind. You're the sky.

It is only one second. You're all of time.

Be very strict about what you allow

Your mind to think - and also how.

Build later. Gather your tools now.

Don't focus on the path in the heat;

Focus instead on how your own feet

Are holding up and what they need.

Check in with others just to make sure

Your thinking is getting you to a cure

And dodging any bait that might lure.

Be flexible this time and change your tone

So your words don't cut right to the bone;

For now, let truth be quiet and your own.

Come out from that fixed point of view

That used very limited concepts of you.

You will become whatever you need to.

Life has added on one thing more,

Not to give you yet another chore,

But to show you yet another door. 

You are not here to rebuild or fix -

You are not here for any bit of this.

You are here to create your Oasis.

Sometimes you don't get to decide

What pushes your plan on its side;

Your job is to make things right.

The best use of your time is in training

Because it is both a way of maintaining

And a way to reach where you're aiming.

What can you sculpt on a finished statue?

Without hardship, what's left to react to?

In plainer words, no challenge, no value.

It's best to find others who are also seeking,

Because when people on a quest are meeting

They all stop starting and start completing.

A bird cannot move the wind, just each wing

Just as all you can do is each next right thing.

Attention to detail is really all you can bring.

Do you understand and uphold your worth?

Value your background, in fact, do this first.

Know your price like a farmer knows earth.

Bring the value of all your experience

And bring along all of your confidence

Because you already benefit all of us.

What you are feeling is a warming sunrise,

The hope that comes with a new enterprise,

And sheds enough light to help you clarify.

Add certainty, surprise, meaning, connection,

A sense of impact, a feeling of progression,

And you'll make yourself a life of perfection.

Hurdle the pit of overthinking

Wherein effort ends up sinking;

Be as certain as your blinking.

Giving is good, but keep in mind:

You can only share what you find,

So when searching, take your time.

You can make this a deeper connection

By embracing each bit of imperfection

And loving the art of paying attention.

How much of your day must be certain?

Do you have to pull back every curtain?

The unknowns keep all of it working.

The desire to take this risk,

And whatever it comes with,

Is the most important shift.

You are far from having reached your peak

Because what goes with being this unique

Is that you light the lanterns others need.

You lose one thing but always gain two:

First, a lesson and then something new.

Need proof? Just think of the past few.

For some, complaining is a form of fitness.

But only listen long enough to bear witness

To what's louder and softer - forgiveness.

Sordid histories can be so convincing,

Yet so long ago that you're squinting;

Instead, give your memory a rinsing.

Keep believing in being clear

For that is what keeps you here

And draws the best things near.

The shortcut never works out that way,

Though it does remind how not to behave

When next you choose to stick or stray.

In all of this there is a seed of joy

That to grow will need you to employ

Not a few thoughts, but a whole convoy.

You don't have to work - you have to align

In order to achieve anything one-of-a-kind:

Don't strain your back - ease your mind.

Make the decision. Yes, it's a hard one

Because it undoes what seems already done,

But in fact, you have only just begun.

It wasn't a mistake - it was necessary

To put a lesson in your bones to carry

So you can just know and not be wary.

They are offering you clear indicators

Of whether they do things now or later;

Promote yourself to chief investigator.

Put that down. You need to be learning.

You need to keep your interest churning.

What's obsolete you need to be burning.

Training your thoughts is not science

But pure persistence and self-reliance

And one great role model or alliance.

Accept that they ignored what you said.

Accept that they must clean their mess.

Accept that you have a garden to tend.

Keep building - even in the rain.

Keep building - even through pain.

Keep building - even yet again.

Part of you feels it would seem rude

And part yearns to unleash your mood;

Step away from both before you choose.

You shouldn't be there. You should go.

Moving ahead without so much in tow.

Be bold. Dig deep and just say so.

You underestimate your need for rest,

Your need to melt in a loving caress.

Your need to feel ease in your chest.

You need enough distance from problems

In order to measure and then solve them;

Step back, where your insight broadens.

Let everyone else choose their side;

Stay in between with arms open wide,

A reach that is both loving and wise.

What you're hearing isn't who they are

Any more than the melody is the guitar;

Are their words and deeds both on par?

They have certainly brought you abundance

Of what you want or else your comeuppance;

Gratefully accept this or risk redundance.

Even if perfection is your personal goal,

They don't care if it's half-done or whole;

They only seek some time with your soul.

The greatest kept treasure is your time,

The treasure chest is your state of mind;

You are wealthy when both match in size.

Even the worst parts can be entertaining

When you consider how silly is straining,

Like watering flowers when it's raining.

Take lightly this present role

And today will simply unfold

Without a complicated goal.

As of this moment, you are on vacation.

You have reached a dreamy destination,

Perfectly prepared by your imagination.

How often do you wake up and ask

If it's time to move to the next task?

Get an answer. Press on or turn fast.

If more of this will keep things the same,

Then the one decision to make is to change

Both your approach as well as your aim.  

Fear was being sold and they bought it,

Blame was being thrown and you caught it;

Do not pass it back, just gently drop it.

Be mindful of the words you select

To keep your mind's ears in check.

Try out new ones and then reflect.

Surely you'd be more comfortable knowing.

But what's coming won't do an early showing

Of all the new treasures it will be bestowing.

Part of your work must be public

So people can hold it and touch it

And share their love because of it.

Part of your work must be shrouded,

Somewhere you alone are allowed in,

So your center does not get crowded.

In order to help, they must first know

That you need help to continue to go.

They only see this by what you show.

It makes a great story, but misses the point:

Energetically things were just out of joint.

This is all the truth that you should voice.

Between passion and patience, pick the one

That's best today for getting the job done,

Or else will let you have the most fun.

If you consider what they might think,

Then how will you ever reach the brink?

Venture out to become the farthest link.

Do it for the sake of the adventure.

This way regardless, you'll treasure

The time all of you spent together.

In whom do you confide weekly about it?

Do they listen and occasionally comment?

Or do they bear witness so you'll commit?

Be willing. Be strong. Be rooted. Dig in.

When faced with chaos, perseverance wins.

Just deepen your stance and tuck your chin.

Be master of two things - yes and no.

Because they make time shrink or grow

Based on what they block or let flow.

It is more important to fully finish

Than to become slave to the image

Of the-one-who-responds-quickest.

When taking advice from the unhappy,

Convert it to something you can carry,

Go do the opposite of what went badly.

When you love them, it all becomes easy -

The hardest situations will turn breezy,

And your energy will flow more freely.

You're wealthy when you're generous,

You're powerful when you're curious,

You're immortal when it's effortless.

With more than enough on your plate,

You know it's time for you to delegate.

So find someone who can demonstrate.

It is more important to hold your vision

Than it is even to make right decisions -

Because clarity just absorbs collisions.

Who last told you what you ought to do?

Don't let one bit of it stick to your shoe

Trailblazing the wilderness you choose.

You always have the power to rewrite

Any part of this to create day from night

By opening to more inspiration and insight.

You'll have to collaborate with someone else

Because you should go no further by yourself

To guard and grow your own overall health.

In being the lone expert, there is no use,

For talent and skill are just a thin excuse

For why they just want to be around you.

You may have no trouble when you start

In doing something with less than heart,

But it will fall down, so take it apart.

Insincerity is still an untruth,

So in every word that you choose

Get your inner voice to improve.

We only think we know what we need

So the thing to do is look between

How it is and how it's perceived.

Why try to chart one straight line

To make such a steep uphill climb?

Avoid injury - not passage of time.

Whether a short or long-term friend,

They can help round this next bend

Like no other guide you have can.

Is there a schedule you need to keep?

Can you stop and enjoy what you see?

Is it alright to arrive eventually?

Consider things that are immense -

Do they work best when most tense?

Relaxing is all that makes sense.

What you are looking for can be found

Without even needing to go look around;

More water beneath than above ground.

Whether or not they're even aware,

They're making you the best out there;

Why not take them up on their dare?

Or else nothing needs to change -

Because things that stay the same

Help you sharpen your aim.

While working is fine,

Worrying wastes time

(Waiting is sublime).

When you let it come to you

You know it is meant to do,

And not just something new.

Now be brave and put your name on it,

Because courage needs to be flaunted

So others see how to be undaunted.

If ever you hear yourself stiffen,

A habit put you in that position:

Offer all of it up for revision.

For the new things you needed to know

How many old did you need to let go?

Do you allow for the ebb and flow?

This time let the first thing end

Before you go start another again:

Learn to be your energy's friend.

One year cannot hold extra months.

One guard cannot protect two fronts.

You should do much less, at once.

First there's what you should be doing,

Then there's what you're quietly brewing;

All else you're just naturally excluding.

Let them fret over what the future holds

Because even once it all seems unrolled,

It will refuse to be completely foretold.

Although for you it was unexpected,

What matters most remains protected;

What you needed least, you deflected.

There's a limit to the number of tasks

That can fit inside your life's baskets

What should they hold is what to ask.

Dive into a deep moment of thought

To appreciate everything you've got

And be grateful for what you're not.

The very essence of enjoyment is play,

So if you're getting stuck, don't stay.

Find a lighter, looser, lovelier way.

Would you prefer to be right or get results,

Or be the one with whom everyone consults

Or to be blessed with the steadiest pulse?

Remember when it gets tough,

That playfulness can be enough:

Laughter is a form of income.

All you can do is what you can do.

As for the rest, it is not up to you,

So decide what you want to be true.

What you really need to understand

Is that giving your heart and hand

Also means giving up all demands.

Going without knowing the way

Is daring to invest, not just save;

It is the very definition of brave.

Not everyone can relate to you -

And that needs to be alright too:

It will be better with just a few.

Everyone else will be able to relate to you

When you tell not what you went through

But what made you decide to start anew.

In giving others something to share,

It is what you choose and from where

That helps them to grow more aware.

If you don't, then no one else will

Share with the same love and skill

(This is not your time to sit still).

Wherever silence hides a fear

The greatest healer is the ear

That listens until all is clear.

No need to glare at what you want to change

But you must craft perfection in your brain

So your subconscious can see where to aim.

Along with patience have a plan

That includes everything it can -

Where to takeoff, fly and land.

There's not one thing you do that's small:

You pass unlit lanterns along a night wall

And your torch brings light to them all.

Some circular stories never go away,

They just turn slower every new day

Until they are a statue of yesterday.

As long as you're trying to get somewhere

You'll meet people with things to compare;

Be right here - all that's left to do is share.

This body is your perfect vehicle

To journey all that's meaningful

And experience the unbelievable.

Do any of them seem happier than you

Living the way you dream to live too?

Examine every detail, not just a few.

What you dream of is just a direction -

Go that way, but keep asking questions.

So you reach not a place, but the lesson.

The answer you're looking for is this:

You talk when you're just interested.

When you're serious, you schedule it.

Frustration weeds up the empty space

Wherever commitment isn't yet laid;

Hands in dirt is how a garden's made.

You don't know what you're getting into

When you begin. You're just not meant to.

So look for the questions, and hints too.

That was a tunnel that you passed through.

Crowded or twisted, that one's behind you.

Forget about that now and enjoy this view.

There is a whole other way to look at this,

One that rearranges the way everything fits

And puts you in a position to gain from it.

It only seems they took advantage of you,

That is, in fact, very far from the truth:

You freely gave - the thief was the fool.

How it is isn't worth complaining about,

Spend one full hour mapping another route

And then pack your gear and then set out.

What you love to hold, you sometimes drop.

When you do, it is just as important to stop

To see if you made a mess you need to mop.

Pick up after yourself

As a matter of health,

And proof of wealth.

When underneath the shade tree of grief,

Set yourself down and get a little sleep.

You will awaken to the light of peace.

What do you expect is in store?

Do you need there to be more?

Who are you doing all this for?

Forgive all those sellers of cheap things

Pressuring you to buy what they bring 

Unaware you already have everything.

That you are so responsible in

Tending to what's meaningful

Is nothing short of wonderful.

Right now, what are your priorities?

When we look into each one of these

Which ones stir both drive and ease?

If you think a thought then feel tension,

Slow down at once and pay close attention

To what's trying to avoid being mentioned.

The journey is going as it should:

Everything is not always all good,

But more is becoming understood.

You will soar once you let yourself plummet.

Study the stories of people who have done it -

Gone into the unknown to launch far above it.

Those who speak from a state of alarm

Spread a conversational form of harm;

Refresh the room with wit and charm.

What they offer, examine closely.

Do they also live it, even mostly?

Are they the guest to be hosting?

Start that next piece before this one is done

And if your mind keeps asking for a reason:

Nothing can finish until after you've begun.

Hold those fears in two closed hands

And let them escape as grains of sand

Each too small to make any demands.

To get rid of the stress,

Clean your mind's mess

Through genuine rest.

Looking to what any given day can bring

Is tending to the wind and not the wing

Put your health before any daily thing.

Be up to meet the day head on, 

Or work the whole night long -

Do whichever sings your song.

Splitting your time between here and there

Actually puts you in the middle of nowhere.

Do it if you must, but change it if you care.

Just listen whether they rant or rave.

Develop your own new way to behave,

One that considers acceptance brave.

You must allow them to deny,

You must even allow the lie,

You must allow their why.

Control isn't why you're here. 

Events are not yours to steer.

Be light and open and clear.

They will keep unloading hurt

Like a full truck dumping dirt,

Until the moment you self-assert.

They are allowed to hold up their own truth,

They are even allowed to consider you a fool;

But you must continue to choose. So choose.

Feel it in full, but don't spread it around,

The emotion that pulls all that's light down;

Quarantine it - let the rest of you rebound.

It's as simple to say as this:

"What once did, no longer fits."

Everything changes. Everything shifts.

As you're now finishing,

Here's to new beginnings!

By starting you are winning.

Listen to what is being offered -

Is it being said to sound proper?

Is it from a real doer or a talker?

Your very approach forces them to react;

Check what can be perceived as an attack

And get yourself to take a few steps back.

Hold longer and wiser conversations:

You'll need less time for preparation

By using the power of collaboration.

When they ask you for the story

Be sure to cover every category

As if they were an actual jury.

More people than is evident

Truly do appreciate silence;

Give it and see what you get.

Which creativity comes when alone?

Which creativity comes from home?

Which creativity comes on its own?

Know when to bring in other opinions,

Feel when to make your own decisions,

Sense when it is the time for division.

Check they know what they're talking about,

That they understand their work in and out,

And begin with mind, then end with mouth.

There is more wisdom than you can imagine.

You have experienced just a mere fraction;

The rest needs more discussion to happen.

Your body is an extremely obedient servant,

Following your mental example in earnest -

So think good thoughts as if it were urgent.

Things are headed right where they're going.

You get the privilege to witness life flowing,

And to see firsthand how useless is knowing.

Let them tell you it's unbelievable

As your knowing defies the physical

And creates completely new material.

No one knows what they're talking about

Except for the inner voice with no mouth.

Listen so well you become deaf to all doubt.

You do the same thing they do,

Thus it annoys you to the root;

Make peace with the inner fool.

Hear your default inner monologue.

Is it describing a journey or a slog?

Exactly who is bringing who along?

Can you see how you've repeated enough?

Do you see there's no more to gain from

Continuing with no point to speak of?

Center your focus on your intended goal

And you won't need to fight for control;

What must will just slowly, quietly go.

Whatever your age, seek out an elder,

A time-tested mentor, a genuine helper

To build you an experience-based shelter.

You are the villain and they fight for glory

What if they deeply need this as their story?

Are you here to play out their flat allegory?

You are not here for idle chitchat -

But to go where today's truth is at:

Be the listener - not the diplomat.

Dismantling doubt takes much more time

Than moving forward in one straight line

Be original later - for now, just rhyme.

When you put your hand over your throat,

It symbolizes you have something to choke

Which is important, so take special note.

When you put your hand over your core,

It means you're guarding against more.

Of what? Answering is your next chore.

Which words do you use in a conversation?

Are they ones that are used for persuasion

Or that acknowledge your inner location?

It is never too early nor too late

To build something that resonates:

Someone somewhere sincerely waits.

The mindset of training is a crippling one,

That swears something else must be done

Though you already shine like the sun.

As long as you keep believing reasons,

This will take you many more seasons.

Why not decide more delay is treason?

In case you were seeking an outside verdict,

No one ever needed your need to be certain:

You're most beautiful when you're imperfect.

Whenever you become perplexed,

Whoever comes over to you next,

Whatever in you do they reflect?

As soon as you're no longer chasing,

And have had enough of past-erasing,

You and true peace will be embracing.

The kind of preparation you favor

Isn't what you need now or later -

Build a space for you as Creator.

Let doubt have its chance to say

What it's sure is down this way,

Nod and come back out to play.

To make the next transition

And get beyond idly wishing,

Simply change your position.

Though it feels like pointless abuse,

What feels hardest to put to good use

Is a box holding transformative truth.

Once you cease seeing you as your habits,

The easier it gets to feel and then have it:

You can already just reach out and grab it.

The second you feel misaligned,

Or like an accomplice to a crime,

Give them no more of your time.

Signs simply wait to be read.

You're speeding by one again.

Rely on the eyes of a friend.

If you get stuck in the circle of thought

For far longer than you realize or ought,

Take one bold leap and out you will pop!

If you see that you've come back here again,

And as for returning, don't remember when,

Breathe in fresh knowing, to a count of ten.

If you feel uncertain where to go again

Or cannot begin to decide exactly when,

Breathe this mind out to a count of ten.

If they prefer to talk,

They're already caught:

You hurry up and walk.

Being able to sense a disguise

Is part of becoming this wise;

Do you also see what's inside?

Don't be the one to fill that space.

Don't rush to answer. Let them wait.

You're to be patient and contemplate.

The events that can't be undone

Teach you a personalized lesson:

You get to choose what to become.

You will never get enough -

You will only have enough -

Once you decide, "Enough."

Forget what you've been reading -

The kind of day you're completing

Is what decides what to be eating.

It is absolutely all about your attitude:

Great health comes from a great mood,

So let laughter spill into every room.

Once you start genuinely expressing,

What feels like a public undressing,

Is stripping away second-guessing.

You think you know. You surely do not.

Experience is a trap. Do not get caught.

Leave behind whatever you've brought.

See for yourself - not through a filter

And immediately spot what's off-kilter

Between what's new and what's familiar.

The part of you that wants to hide

Is sitting on what's deeper inside:

Dig just past it to your gold mine.

Feel free to listen well to everyone's advice,

But find the only one worth hearing twice -

The one that is as powerful as it is precise.

Thank the one who never hid -

The one who'd catch you if you slid,

The one who caught you last time you did.

Once you've given all you've got

You will arrive at the very spot

Where you can receive a lot.

It's time to journey upstream -

To the source of your mystery

To your answer's beginning.

Whenever you feel things go off-course,

Think your way right back to the source:

Make sure there is more flow than force.

Open up a little bit more of your attention

To take in all the beauty in every direction

And feel how it immediately cures tension.

You should now be asserting yourself

Via firm handshake or wishing well;

Make an impression that is heartfelt.

Don't do it because you perceive a need,

But do it because of where it could lead:

Do it because it plants one amazing seed.

The reason there needs to be a lull

Is not to give you time to grow dull,

But to let you regroup to be invincible.

There are things you still need to know,

Waiting around that corner in the road.

Let this be reason enough for you to go.

If you can practice a patient passion,

There are lessons you cannot imagine

On the way to what you will be having.

If what you're told contradicts

Something you just feel within,

You're not what needs to be fixed.

As if you're winning a bet,

Laugh in the face of fret -

Because you're not done yet.

There is nothing you can do

Except what you came here to:

Let that pass right on through.

Being angry enough to fight

Doesn't make you or it right;

Your grip on this is too tight.

When you want to just curl up

And admit you have had enough,

Remember your most loving hug.

When you want to just turn around

Or sit right here on the ground,

Allow yourself to be found.

When you want to stand up and run

In order to get everything all done,

Forget about the many for the one.

When you want everything to stop

To give you more time to gear up,

Tell this feeling, "That's enough."

Believe they're doing their very best

Without adding the pressure of a test;

Trust in the flow and get better rest.

There are so many ways to get there

That you can take any. But beware -

Halfway is the quickest to nowhere.

The story you tell has to be shorter;

Arrange everything in the proper order

And you will have yet another supporter.

Most of them won't matter at all, 

But one key detail is invaluable -

The one that feels least repeatable.

Exciting times are nearly upon you,

Not because of anything you'll do, 

But because of what comes through.

As you keep at it every single day,

Heading into your own made up fray,

Time will surrender, bow down and pay.

What feels like the definition of mad -

Pursuing something no one's ever had,

Is how you'll stay fulfilled... and glad.

Listen so closely, not for guidance,

But to find your next great alliance

Or who deserves your full defiance.

Why are they here now? Who knows!

Your job is to be the one who grows

No matter what the forecast shows.

A lot of people expect you to -

Should that decide what you do?

Be as quick to say hello as adieu.

You need to say that's enough,

That this road is plenty rough

Without hotheads flaring up.

The ones who feel like long lost friends

Are the ones you can trust, tell and send

Or ask to hear you out again and again.

If you won't listen to praise directly,

You're blocking things from connecting;

Gratitude is all about being accepting.

Very soon it will be bigger than you

And that is just plain, simple truth

As long as you keep yourself in tune.

Accidentally saying what's impossible

Sheds light on something meaningful -

That limits are absolutely reversible.

What you make will be greater than its parts

If you give it the best, earliest, farthest start;

All you'll ever need are momentum and heart.

You have an advantage you're not revealing -

That certain habits simply aren't appealing.

Use this as you head into deeper healing.

You don't have to like their decision,

But it's their life and their vision,

So you should move to avoid collision.

It's not true, despite all the debate:

They hold opinions they didn't create

So don't judge, just avoid and wait.

Don't respond to every knock at your door

Or else distraction will demand even more

And invite confusion to make visits galore.

Have you thought it all the way through?

Is there someone you owe for being you?

Is something outside of you more true?

You do not need to be any smarter

Nor do you need to work any harder,

You just need to walk a bit farther.

Without completely knowing

You just have to keep going:

Your map is still unrolling.

Though the end is out of sight,

Do the rest with all your might

So your foundation is airtight.

First, do it all the way,

Heading on into the fray,

Willing - come what may.

Luck runs away from the idle.

Be just like a horse unbridled

Then it cannot escape or hide.

Do your part of the work,

And if your helpers shirk,

Let this teach, not hurt.

Do all you can before luck arrives

And you'll discover it in disguise

Right here in front of your eyes.

Wisdom will not come from what others say -

Mistakes make experience, it's the only way;

Failing is nothing more than a price to pay.

Every day unearths another nugget,

More gold to drop into your bucket

So dig where the ground is rugged.

Learn all of it for yourself

So that even if darkness fell

You could generate new wealth.

Be cautious and bold,

Hearing what is told,

Taking your own road.

It's wise to learn from those who fail,

But beware those who repeatedly flail;

Ask about the direction of their sail.

Certain causes produce certain effects

So you already know what happens next

Just looking at what to what connects.

Go and get the best tools,

Learn all the basic rules,

Excel in your own school.

What is worthwhile takes effort -

Not reading a book by each letter,

But dedicating to growing better.

You have barely reached halfway,

So now that it's half underway,

You can do things more your way.

As heart cannot be mind,

Giving must not be blind:

Leave cluelessness behind.

No matter who tries to get you to move,

You have to stick to your own values.

All you have is your power to choose.

Don't seek more where you last lost.

Pay no more than what it already cost.

Consider this a border you've crossed.

You uplift everything around you.

The effects are tangible and true.

Knowing this, what will you do?

Think long-term but act right now.

Long-term thinking shapes your how

And uses your lifetime as its plow.

Do you keep wishing you'd already begun,

And then wish you were now already done?

Forget about the distance and just run.

Delay your gratification and get back to it.

Or let enjoyment lay in pushing through.

Know that in this you are among the few.

Know your target. Know yourself.

Rely on certainty, not on stealth.

Forget aiming far - just aim well.

You can be doing it right now

Even without yet knowing how

Once you completely allow.

Those are just the actual tasks.

Find those who can help, and ask.

Be visionary. Let others be fast.

What you assume is well-meaning

Is preventing you from varying:

Be willing to change everything.

Make your own decision,

Uphold your own vision

And by each be driven.

Be owner - not boss.

Study gain - not loss.

Look in - not across.

Hard work is pointless labor

Until your reason is greater,

And then the impact is major.

Your morning rituals are critical,

And when you see just how pivotal,

They become your secret miracle.

Finish the ones now growing old

And start adding some newer goals

So the rest of you can yet unfold.

Channel your passion.

Take immediate action.

Note: Put off satisfaction.

Organize tomorrow today -

Next week, the same way;

Unschedule all disarray.

Break it down into daily tasks.

Then do each one and do it fast

And the worst part will be past.

We all possess the same powers -

We all own the same 24 hours;

We all build tombs or towers.

Visualize to properly use your brain

Because what you imagine, you ingrain

And what you think is how you train.

Become a student of history

And what they call a mystery

Will reveal itself swiftly.

To help others to self-attune

Create more than you consume.

If you need time, make room.

What are you waiting for?

Someone to give you more?

What have you already stored?

You have to start with nothing

To understand this one thing:

You are what you're becoming.

Have nothing to do with it;

Being given is the opposite

Of getting via will and grit.

Energy goes where it finds its match:

What gets caught with what can catch.

What will your unique energy attract?

Of course you know how to protect,

But open up the gates and connect

With all the villagers you affect.

The basement is full - go upstairs.

Enjoy the view and the fresher air.

Everyone knows, but few go there.

Where is your backup plan based?

What would you do, just in case?

Are these thoughts you ever face? 

Is it too advanced for right now?

Is it an idea that dares the how?

For present reality does it allow?

Help those who help themselves

For the complaining it dispels

And the momentum it compels.

Give real things - not words

Because water quenches thirst

More than asking if it hurts.

Are you focused on your main endeavor?

Is it ready for every kind of weather?

Over the seasons is it getting better?

Constant hammering on one nail

Will certainly and without fail

Drive it like a train on a rail.

Be systematic - think about the steps.

Rearrange in your head what comes next.

Play until you are all done with stress.

Don't be too systematic - let it flow.

Just forget about where this might go.

Could any flower forget how to grow?

Know what's really happening. Find out

Because when you know what it's about,

Your light shines through the clouds.

If you don't like the way it sounds,

Perhaps they overstepped their bounds.

Do they stand on justifiable ground?

Why not be novel, if you have the choice?

And you always do, because of your voice;

Uniqueness is something you cannot avoid.

Check to make sure that is the truth.

If it is not, detour from this route.

If it is, tell other traveling groups.

Honesty. Mislead for no one.

Untruths shrivel in the sun;

Clarity blooms for everyone.

Expand your concept of personal joy

Beyond collections of physical toys

Into what even time cannot destroy.

What any experience will mean

All depends on your philosophy

So why not use one that's lean?

Whatever story appears to be rising

Is something all of you were writing

To act out together. Come out of hiding. 

The way they keep sabotaging your actions -

They are obviously well-timed distractions

You laid for You on the way to satisfaction.

You will save yourself so much trouble

By closing off into an imaginary bubble

With all of history's sages in a huddle.

Move in a way that is proud, but not hostile

For emotions gather up inside your posture;

Move like someone who expects to prosper.

Can you finally forget about the how?

To synchronicity can you finally bow?

Open and observe, appreciate and allow.

It's about more than just who can pay -

It's about if you like to work their way

And love hearing their voices every day.

Note how quickly you respond

To decide if you want to go on

Or say it's already too far gone.

There's no telling when it will end, so

Regardless of comfort zones or trends,

Adjust, accommodate, stretch and bend.

This time, yes, you need to vent

Both for all that it will prevent

And for the release it represents.

You be the one to break the ice.

But instead of trying to be nice,

Just be intentional and concise.

They don't have to have what you need -

You have to be able to quickly perceive

To know if they do, then stay or leave.

Temper is the most accurate indicator

Of what you already put off until later

And has grown into something greater.

Are you being deeply heard,

Deeper than the actual words?

Answer this question first.

You neither need them to agree

Nor be pointlessly provoking;

You need them to let you be.

When you do need to let it out,

Find who knows what you're about

And only then open your mouth.

No need to refuse out of spite, 

But if they wasted your advice

How will they treat your time?

Draw closer to those whose presence sparks

Something in the very center of your heart

And the nights will never again be as dark.

Though you may still pause for tears,

There simply is no time left for fear -

Your once far-off dream's nearly here.

You can say yes, just to find out

What their offering is all about:

What is true in what they tout?

Is there any more you can do?

There is. You know it's true.

Hunt down your next excuse.

Doubt lore, legends and such.

Search until patterns turn up:

It was by law and not by luck.

Look at everything from above:

No one succeeds from just luck,

Nothing long-lasting is rushed.

On what legs will it all stand?

Do you have an organized plan?

Study as many others as you can.

Do you want them to ignore their thirst?

To them, whose discomfort feels worst?

Have you helped them ease theirs first?

Helping is going to be your universal key

To get started and done with everything:

So first of all, go give what others need.

Are you spending enough

Time tilting your chin up

And expressing self-love?

Whether or not you feel recognized,

Keep working. You may not realize

The work is changing you inside.

Slow down - it is your earnestness

That brings out all your very best,

And draws wisdom out of patience.

Regardless of intention, the effect was what?

To deliver you a solution or leave you stuck?

You need better alliances - not better luck.

They don't know:

You must go slow

So you can grow.

There is too much to get done right now

For you to be constantly reinventing how;

Only constant daily execution is allowed.

Asking to find out why

Is one of the clear signs:

Trust your own insight.

Until it is scheduled, it cannot become real

No matter how intensely or certain you feel;

Committing time gives your wagon wheels.

There was no path from which to stray,

No charted route to sail through today

Because you are both wayfinder and way.

You will overcome the insurmountable

By holding only yourself accountable;

Draw upon what feels most bountiful.

Your evolution can happen overnight,

Or it can be a long, drawn-out fight;

Either way, it is going to be alright.

Do you worry that you'll sound too weird?

Or that you are precisely what they feared?

Head straight - your way has been cleared.

The conversation hasn't happened just yet,

Even though everything else has been set -

So go in seeing your needs as already met.

Negativity isn't anything more than help

To nudge you out of that yesterday's self,

Butterfly, asleep in your caterpillar shell.

Lay your habits as carefully as bricks

Because once time gets each to stick, 

They will withstand even direct hits.

Today, rather than bothering to analyze,

Just keep on loving what happens inside

And choose the deepening over the rise.

Let the outcome go either way.

If it matters, you'll be led astray;

Always benefit, come what may.

Fine, call this your obsession - 

But see what else must get done

To give more to your intention.

Fine, consider this your passion

But see that the mundane is done

To fully support your intention.

Doing a thing to get a thing is suspect.

Doing a thing to be that thing is correct.

Doing must be kept in constant check.

You are doing what your past wanted to do,

But did you originally, consciously choose?

Today pick a path that is in some way new.

You possess more strength than you realize,

More healing power than a hospital inside,

More wealth than could ever be monetized.

It is not about some one thing you do -

It's about your honesty coming through

By putting aside your how for your who.

Pain is allowed. Let it flow right by.

Bear witness with a compassionate eye,

Remembering that trust makes it subside.

That you should do more is just a concept.

Compelling, yes. But as a point, incorrect.

What should a mirror "do" but reflect?

There is no need to be combative -

What you are here to do is forgive.

Put down your shield and truly live.

What you have is not who you are.

Where you go brings you near, not far:

Use your center as your guiding star.

Be grateful for having made it here,

For being able to lend a genuine ear,

For recognizing those who are sincere.

All of your options are actually vibrations

Each amplifies or silences other creations;

Choose what sounds and feels like flotation.

Trust your ears even more than your eyes

And you will soon be pleasantly surprised

At how easy it is to know things' insides.

Being reliable is pulling you under.

Change is what gives your life color.

For this reason alone, try the other.

Regardless of the effort you exert,

Not everything you do will work.

Listen to feedback and stay alert.

Plant your stake here in the ground.

Whether you rest, climb on or hike down,

Mark it and look all the way around.

Don't bother deciding who you'll become.

Think about how much you want to have fun

And give this your life's days, one by one.

You are here not to flee, but to chase,

But not like running a planned-out race;

You are here to catch up to open space.

Some say to speed up - others, to slow down.

Techniques and options will always abound.

Your ideal pace keeps no feet on the ground.

The point of the story is not to lay laws,

But to give you some time to just pause

And maybe rewrite your own "because."

Let failure make the ego weaker,

Turn you into a softer creature -

Awaken your most selfless seeker.

When you're on either side of that feud,

Whether called "hero" or not, you lose

Unless and until you do as you choose.

Too much certainty leads to confusion;

You have to work on constant evolution

To become a fountain of new solutions.

They don't understand what you're becoming

But do understand when you speak of money;

Be mindful of this in all that you're running.

Right now your role is to fully support,

Not to investigate, criticize or resort -

Any other approach will only fall short.

You can reach this place by intuition

Or smack into it via direct collision;

Either way delivers you to transition.

There is more of you you can call upon.

Go to the mirror, take time, look long.

It's there in your eyes: endless beyond.

You've reached the end of standing still.

Once you get moving your momentum will

Either learn or lease any required skill.

Ones who won't finish fret about the start

But you're going all the way, so take heart

That you will no matter what comes apart.

No one else gets to use your voice.

No one else gets to make this choice.

No one else gets to have your poise.

Let someone else be busy talking about it -

Because narrators eventually tire and quit.

Be the one who works at the center of this.

Whether visibly or just inwardly churning,

Is something in you sitting there squirming?

Consciously forgetting is your new learning.

You were just there - in your natural state -

In the place that you neither rush nor wait,

And where you are neither small nor great.

Today whether you feel bored or excited,

Realize the feeling was somehow invited;

You are the host, so say, "How delighted."

That is a place you need to escape.

Get out. Don't return. Do not wait.

Some things are nothing to leave to fate.

All of your dealings need to make sense,

Ask that they clarify just what they meant.

All throughout this you should feel content.

Treasure those who hear your intention.

Treasure those who pay close attention.

Treasure those who are your reflection.

Let your expectations die away lovingly.

Let it be enough to exchange the energy.

Let renewed senses transmit and receive.

Just reach out toward that direction

And begin to sense their intention:

You know beyond what's mentioned.

They may or may not keep goal journals,

They may or may not have leaped hurdles,

They only need to honor your inner circle.

So many things don't need doing,

So many facts don't need proving;

So much feeling goes into choosing.

It will not matter in the long run.

What will matter is that you had fun.

Can you do this before you get done?

This is a time to bear down and tackle

This problem that so many has baffled.

Between both worlds you must straddle.

Sitting underneath a cascade of stories

You'll be showered in pains and glories;

Dry off and explore other territories.

Rather than feeling the need to worry,

It will make more sense to just hurry

And finish it all in a fantastic flurry.

There isn't time - at least not much,

So get rid of random things and such

And every hour give yourself a nudge.

Right now you indeed need to hurry up

Whether that means a push or a shove,

Finish it faster than you dreamed of.

The time to slow down is not today.

Today get everyone out of your way.

Weigh each obligation as one delay.

The finish is close. Dive for it. Leap!

To reach out and grab what you seek

Let everyone else choose to be meek.

Everything you do affects something else,

But rather than hiding inside your shell,

Acknowledge this and use everything well.

Whatever you end up deciding to do

You should conscientiously choose -

And this will also shift your mood.

Why you pick the things you do

Is as important as how you do.

Yes, why not always improve?

What is given as a gift is meant for you

Whether or not you can put it to good use

It is a chance to exercise your gratitude.

This time you know just where to search -

Exactly where you thought to look first.

Trust your instinct as if it were thirst.

Don't go down that road. Stay on this one.

It is better-maintained and gets more sun,

Which helps whether you walk, jog or run.

The joy of having a long-term vision

Is that without the approval of anyone

You'll slip into a life-giving rhythm.

It's time you come to understand that

Where you are going is not on a map -

It's a state that no longer looks back.

Routine will pull both shoulders in.

You pull right back and you will win;

Likewise, gravity cannot beat a grin.

Some of your routines, never ever lose -

Other ones it is time to pick and choose.

Some pretend to go, but it's just a ruse.

How you see the exact same thing

Determines how every day begins,

So make a ritual of perceiving.

Choose to have a plan for the day or

Get pushed and pulled every which way.

Priorities will tell you what to say.

What's most important, tackle first.

Realize if it were hunger or thirst,

Not doing so would soon be worse.

Can you just be in this present season,

Some days unpleasant, some pleasing?

Allow timing to have its own reasons.

While looking for a way to approach it,

Stop to consider if you've even noticed

Whether your eyes are actually open.

Overwhelming? Yes. So just ride on top:

Floating amidst it all - unable to drop;

It can't crush you when used as a prop.

How would you need to be? So become that

Even if it requires you to wear many hats

Until you learn how to be where you're at.

When they say it is too complicated,

Listen with a great deal of patience.

You did the work - they just waited.

It's wonderful to be a self-starter,

But refusing help makes it harder

Than flowing together like water.

It feels wrong to behold suffering.

You feel you ought to be buffering;

Bearing witness is what you bring.

Life is locked and something holds the key?

Did you really come to solve some mystery?

Trust that you already know what is to be.

Are they involved in teaching or in sales?

Do they come to you as either head or tail?

Do they hand you your hammer and nails?

Is the purpose behind their story

To make you feel extraordinary?

Is contentment just too boring?

The problem is that story has no end.

It just ropes you in again and again.

You're born free but you decide when.

Regardless of the surface layers,

Your experience surpasses theirs:

Don't be unruly, be keenly aware.

What use is another assignment?

Yet one more bit of confinement?

Finishing tasks versus alignment?

This avalanche of assignments

Might make others feel tense -

But let it awaken deeper sense.

Whoever claims they've things to teach,

Do they know what you desire to reach?

Is there proof of what they can unleash?

Despite what the resentful are whining,

The greatest impact is all about timing:

Keep your eyes, ears and arms aligning.

Let everyone else stay at the festival -

For you, let that be incomprehensible

As you train to become your best of all.

The schedule you'll have to keep

Would make your past-self weep;

There will be a time for sleep.

Trust that an end will arrive.

Your purpose now is to thrive.

Own every bit of being alive.

Because weather is not always kind,

Build this with the winter in mind:

What can be bound, be sure to bind.

Yes, you deserve a moment of pride,

Manifesting all of this from inside;

Now shore up against the downside.

Before you hear the howling of the wind

Is when your stormproofing must begin;

It is the time to build things, not listen.

There are times for taking risks,

And then times for making shifts.

You already know which this is.

No need to begrudge the road behind you,

But do tighten any wheels that came loose;

Out of everything try to get the most use.

Study the sources offering you advice:

Do they need you to see them as right?

Is their delivery honest or overly nice?

To finally decide on what you should do,

Rather than start to look anywhere new,

Think your way up to the clearest view.

It becomes pointless to remain on guard,

Because the answer was never that hard:

Step out of your own mind's backyard.

Who can say what happens next?

Does uncertainty call for stress?

The unknown knows what's best.

Hopefully you have not forgotten this:

You can learn more from your opposite

Than you can from what just won't fit.

Whether or not you feel on the verge,

Sooner or later the truth will emerge

With more spontaneity than an urge.

Sometimes your preference is irrelevant.

Sometimes you're the branch to be bent.

Sometimes you're the message to be sent.

Make sure your sources are up to date.

Phase out ones that get lost in debate.

Find ones others already demonstrate.

Things work out, you already know that.

It doesn't mean you should just sit back.

But it does mean you can certainly relax.

You handled it well, whether you realize yet.

You were so natural, with no agendas preset -

This is the best way to live free from regret.

And so what is a lifetime of experience worth

If a deep sense of purpose doesn't come first?

A refreshing drink is useless without thirst.

Step outside and invite others to join in

So that something truly great can begin:

The start of a many-member expedition.

You took loving care of your initial vision

And now it is time to share what was given;

Entrust it to those who adore your mission.

There is a life patiently waiting for you,

Waiting for you to live this one truth -

That it is time to entrust others to do.

Your vision is stuck behind your beliefs.

Other people can provide you with relief,

Offering to be your extra hands and feet.

This is not the time or place for focus.

It is the time to find space to be open

To make sense of all that's unfolded.

They need you to rush. Instead, wait.

You may see more if you just hesitate

Or at least take time to contemplate.

Though this was not a part of your plan,

It doesn't mean that you can't. You can.

Goals, like water should flow, not stand.

Don't have to live fearing the worst,

But why not put certain things first?

Peace of mind takes such little work.

We are each misled by what we recall,

And yet who of us will let go of it all?

You'll be the first to shed and evolve.

If your thinking gets stuck on survival

You'll get stuck awaiting life's arrival.

Instead grow a group that feels tribal.

Knowing just what you want is marvelous,

But if it turns you more and more serious,

Start over with what can keep you curious.

Ask until you find what intrigues you most.

Question as if you're the most curious host

Wanting to hear everything you can be told.

The best of things will fit perfectly

And build all around what was already

So you can grow stronger by leveraging.

Time is not something you can earn,

Nor can you make time pass or burn;

So time should not be your concern.

Dive into your overall attitudes and beliefs.

Do they hope for the best, assume increase?

Do they learn from what pleases you least?

What was unwanted is the gift,

For all that what's unwanted shifts,

Forcing expectation to give in.

So much can be said in one single glance

That one moment holds enough chances

To behold all the deeper circumstances.

Next, stop all that inner speaking -

Listen to all that they were feeling.

All that being wise is, is receiving.

Clear the space. Empty it out. 

Let it sit (don't move about).

Being Here... is being devout.

The numbers will either grow or shrink

Without telling you about a deeper link

Between how to live and how you think.

It is time to embrace You and share.

Trust it and lay your own soul bare.

You are so perfectly incredibly rare.

Reach a sense of where is your limit -

Of what you can give and then give it;

This is how you meet with your spirit.

Ask people about what they know

And they will both tell and show

You new ways to think and grow.

Today let the predictable be rejected.

Let advice come from the unexpected.

Let the power of fate again be tested.

Asking why is like stirring a pot of soup

Trying to get just one ingredient loose;

Asking what lets the pot serve you food.

When has worry led to anything amazing?

Yes, fear can ambush when trailblazing,

But what is in the hand you're raising?

It wasn't meant to make your anger burn,

It was meant to make you set your terms

And be simultaneously honest and firm.

Yes, your instinct is perfectly right.

The time has indeed come to fight:

Battle your resistance with insight.

Not doing is not actually learning -

It is but fountain water, churning;

A stream learns the way by turning.

Mind what you let your thoughts think

Because of how all those thoughts link;

Not all water is meant for you to drink.

When you find yourself on guard

Over tasks that feel overly large,

It comes time for you to recharge.

Some will tell you not to be so nice,

Which is some short-sighted advice.

Put people first. Don't think twice.

Their advice might sound too abrasive,

Yet be worthwhile once you do face it.

It's given. You decide when it's taken.

Some old friends will just fade from view

As you continue heading somewhere new;

Those who come along are a priceless few.

Don't just treat it any way you wish,

Or else you may end up its next dish,

Taunting a shark while being a fish.

The poem of partners doesn't need rhyme,

All it needs is space between each line.

A partnership's best part is free time.

The way ahead's job is not to be clear -

The way ahead's job is to show you fear

Was a way that is neither now nor here.

What is all this mess? Find your way back

To getting things organized and on track.

Finish the disarray with a surprise attack.

Where there is space, things rush to fill,

And do so again and again, right up until

It's cleared with intention backed by will.

More than ever, you need organization

To tuck away any and all complication

As you devote time to deep relaxation.

But this time they see more than you can,

The entire horizon and not just the land.

Beside them for awhile is where to stand.

Put your whole trust in that biggest dream

Regardless of how impossible it may seem;

Above all the vision, and then the scheme.

Whatever you choose as your intended goal,

If it can be new, will soon enough grow old;

Being with feeling springs forth joys untold.

Allowing yourself to become overextended

Builds, leaving your foundation untended;

Only commit when time-leaks are mended.

You do not help by sacrificing yourself

Any more than dying helps your health:

Shining brightly lights the way to well.

Rearrange your life in better order

And there'll be more time to afford

To spend on those you truly adore.

Recognizing is very different from regret:

Recognizing creates a whole new mindset.

Recognizing the past helps what's not yet.

Clean your space until it feels spacious,

Not so you can appear neat or gracious,

But so you can find your work's basis.

Go numb to all the phenomena

That come and are then gone;

Feel for what goes on and on.

Put one hand on your heart

So the other one can start

Then each can do its part.

You're likely upset over the wrong thing,

Like ignoring music while trying to sing;

Useful anger harmonizes but doesn't cling.

Regardless of you feeling inconsistent,

It is time for you to be an instrument.

There is something you now represent.

Better decisions ask for better questions

About matters not normally mentioned;

Honesty will help set the best intention.

You do not have to do this forever. 

You only have to stop saying never.

You only have to be true, not clever.

Some will do things hoping not to hurt.

Others do things hoping to finish first.

You should do what has lifelong worth.

Who would you be happiest to see again?

Here they are! This is not play pretend,

Rather a bit of your awareness to mend.

People speak the language they are taught

So in confusing phrases, don't get caught;

Keep on translating only what you ought.

Though the proposal might sound absurd,

Stay mindful of your every chosen word:

How you respond is what gets overheard.

Those you're happiest to see again return

Not for any extra love they hope to earn,

But because you don't just glow, you burn.

There's little you do someone else can't.

It's how you do it that forever enchants:

Everyone here loves to watch you dance.

It's not about getting more things done.

It's about making time between each one

To notice what each helps you become.

If you look around and see a mess,

It means your routine is in distress

And needs you to do one thing less.

Yes, there is a path that is perfect,

But a different way is also correct.

Figure out which one is most direct.

You don't have to know ahead of time,

But once you do, it will feel sublime

And you'll write your own next line.

Some conversations wander in the dark,

Others become an inspirational spark.

Give the next conversation your heart.

Make yourself a double promise:

That you will get through this

And your moves will be swift.

Know good from bad kinds of stress.

Give in to mayhem or give in to rest.

Lay down weary and rise up the best.

Water can run without being pursued.

Wait for the vision to come find you.

Be the riverbed. Let it flow through.

The quality of what comes in is essential

Because of how it grows your potential and

How it can make that growth exponential.

It will be better to focus on quality

Of a kind you can touch, hear and see

So you can live deep within integrity.

Be in it from a place of stillness.

Set your own time and noise limits.

Live a longer-lasting fulfillment.

Doing a thing to get something back,

Forgets how to live love that attracts:

Get your material priorities on track.

Travel in an unplanned direction.

Make a new, unlikely connection.

Express what you rarely mention.

Listen up for words that sit you down

Moments after you meet their sound:

They will be your new high ground.

Take heart - it is coming soon,

Bigger than any monetary boon.

All you have to do is make room.

Sometimes you have to put yourself last -

Because sometimes help has to come fast.

Sometimes you have to bear all the tasks.

Of methods and systems be hesitant.

Of your heart and soul be reverent.

What your wellness needs is evident.

Keep your mission fresh by sitting down,

Not by checking in with everyone around,

But by being here with what you've found.

Keep on coming back to yourself

Regardless of how you once felt:

This is about your whole health.

Regardless of what needs you the most,

Life is not about some duty you hold -

It is going to have to be about growth.

You have known what it is to be in pain.

You give help when others feel the same.

For this, people are speaking your name.

Take the road that leads to more roads. 

Take the way about which less is known.

Take the journey taking you from home.

You are so close - you just need to stop.

Tear up your blueprints and entire plot.

The genius of chance is what you've got.

As often as you admit you do not know,

You will give answers one place to flow

And prove there is nothing to control.

It's so important to keep making plans.

Whether they take you to distant lands,

Or just take your heart to your hands. 

Regardless of your feeling ready,

Shed, shed and keep on shedding.

Let the peeling away be unending.

Here is all that has to happen -

You have to have some attraction

To whatever calls you to action.

Being here is not about work -

Nor avoiding or relieving hurt:

It's about giving spiritual birth.

Allow everyone the same room for mistakes.

Allow everyone room so it is never too late.

Allow everyone room to do something great.

You told your truth, there's no more to it.

They'll have to decide how they'll use it.

Your only job is to just keep being fluid.

Clarity can end up coming soon

If you take time to make room,

Which seals confusion's tomb.

One odd thing about intensity -

It can trigger spiritual density.

Why not retire this propensity?

Your thoughts are getting very complex -

You're getting your own lightness vexed:

Your heart wants what's simple and fresh.

No one has come this way yet;

That alone makes you the best

One to know what comes next.

The more time you spend trying to explain,

The more questions will come just the same.

Work on your masterpiece - not on its name.

Look deep into the core of what you do,

Right into the very essence of its value.

What could put more of this into view?

Yes, your mind can find you plenty.

There will just always be too many.

So if you can't do all, don't do any.

Look at what is standing right there.

Examine it all with painstaking care.

What can you use - how and where?

You were loving to give of your time.

Now lovingly say, "The rest is mine,"

Out of respect for your peace of mind.

That wasn't forward - it was a wider loop;

Enough reinvention. It's time to execute,

To trust in your process and be resolute.

There is no straight line,

Except the passage of time

To help clarify and refine.

You need to keep heading this same way

For what you'll get to hear yourself say

As you find better ways to do each day.

Your tone tends to turn its harshest

Where your inner night is darkest;

Let your dawn light up this forest.

Rather than judge where you see a mess,

You should stop and investigate instead

To find what turned neatness on its head.

Getting back on track is going to take work,

Daily moving in the direction of what hurts,

Daily putting sure and organized effort first.

People are set to keep doing as they choose;

What's up to you is whether you'll win or lose

Based on their goals or doing what's in you.

If you're conflicted about involving money,

Maybe it's because your sky is already sunny

And anything but sharing just feels funny.

Back then, it could be chaos and confetti.

Now your pace should be slow and steady,

So that even when rushed, you are ready.

You are not to blame - you are responsible -

And this makes you so much more powerful

As you realize something truly meaningful.

If you press too hard, you'll lose feeling

And then it will all become less appealing;

Have a process so thin that it's revealing.

Why does it have to be wrapped so tight?

Does this symbolize a desire to be right?

Loosen: discover both meanings of light.

Look at your hands - the work they've done:

How they've tirelessly served for everyone.

They probably deserve a little bit more fun.

If you make your hands work too hard,

They'll start to put up their own guard;

You get more done by using your heart.

The energy you put in can be rough or easy:

The first kind is stormy - the other, breezy.

Would you rather travel fiercely or freely?

Sometimes you actually have to ask,

Whether or not you deem it your task

Because others are depending on that.

Though you may still want to astound,

Eventually part of you gets worn down,

A way of saying, "Stop. Turn around."

You may still think you need to strive

To make sure your vision stays alive:

Honest love is all it needs to thrive.

Whether you succeed on a global scale,

Or thank the lessons of a genuine fail,

A journey's only worth what it entails.

Open up, lean back, look up and extend.

Stretch out past every limit's very end,

And past whoever wants to know when.

And here is all you need to know:

This is your life - not some show.

Slowly is the surest way to grow.

Advice that is not worth what you paid

Actually is - for the impression it made.

Continue to listen without being swayed.

The way to have something to give

Is to decide on a great way to live

That cares for the You you're in. 

Just as travel doesn't have to mean walking,

Opening doors doesn't have to take knocking:

Manifesting doesn't have to involve talking.

Keep chipping away at it, yes, every day.

Chop what must go from what can stay.

Great sculptures wait for you this way.

Be mindful not to believe in the mind.

You have access to senses of every kind

To be someone who new light can find.

There is a great benefit to noise -

It challenges you to practice poise

When life is louder than your voice.

It is only about this one step,

Whether it is a right or a left,

It is this move, not the next.

It is unsettling and yet true -

What's in them is also in you.

You will lead the way through.

When your roots feel stretched thin,

Maybe it's because the patch you're in

Will be the forest your tree begins.

One way to look at your workload is this:

Is it something you'd help someone with?

Then you too, deserve some help with it.

You absolutely have to speak up for yourself,

For your time, but most of all, your health;

Only you can know you down to your cells.

For now, you should be creating in solitude

To work through every sort of creative mood

Until you discover your own creative groove.

This way that you are treating yourself,

Is this how you would treat anyone else?

Do you believe kindness creates health?

You have been doing this for so long,

That even the tiny details are strong,

Thanks to what you put your focus on.

Talking and talking and talking it through

Will likely start to shake something loose

That has attached itself but serves no use.

To connect around discussing problems

Might not actually help you solve them:

Spend your time discussing knowledge.

It angers you because of what it triggers,

Not because it points out anything bigger:

What you need to do is to disarm quicker.

It is time to get your mind clear,

Not by listening to everything here,

But by muting what's between each ear.

You'll have more to offer if you come back

After time away, because distance attracts

Things well beyond this one single track.

Put it all out there as one body of work.

Put away plans for nexts, lasts and firsts.

Put in the effort until you're immersed.

As long as you keep going back to the start,

You'll keep making it harder for your heart

To express itself and take your story apart.

It can take some time to change direction -

To see where you are and make a correction,

So be patient as you do some introspection.

This loving act may feel the opposite,

Because of the friends attached to it -

But you know that it is time to quit.

You no longer have time for conversations

That involve useless, unkind speculation.

Your time belongs to your re-education.

You can love them, yet still let them go

Because one of you needs space to grow:

This is perhaps the bravest love to show.

They talk in circles and you must move on.

Your silence is saying it's time to be gone,

Starting your journey while it's still dawn.

You do not need to be keeping close track,

But do realize when you're being set back

By the ones who have that uncanny knack.

Overcoming negativity is a noble pursuit,

But you can do far more. That's the truth.

Courageously imagine. Lovingly produce.

Just keep working and little by little,

By putting yourself right in the middle,

You will strengthen what was brittle.

Listen closely or long enough to hear it:

That warning not to go anywhere near it

Because you cannot stop, start or steer it.

Have they given themselves enough time

To hear your request and properly align?

Decide before things get too intertwined.

That is why you're in this position:

To get your heart to share a vision,

And your mind to make a decision.

While it is not an absolute must

To feel you have immediate trust,

If you feel the opposite, adjust.

Your instinct is rarely wrong -

Though proof might take long.

But depend on it. It is strong.

You can get caught up giving answers

And lose yourself in a fog of banter.

Silence can act just like a lantern.

Giving something a chance, doesn't guarantee

Everything will fall into place uneventfully.

Yet whatever you decide, say it respectfully.

Things haven't come together? What to do!

Tell it like it is, or dance around the truth?

Talk how you would prefer to be spoken to.

What works, works and what doesn't, doesn't.

"Should" and "did" are quite distant cousins.

Your decision won't need much discussion.

If you have to manage it to that degree,

Then maybe it's best to just let it be -

You can't be tending that constantly.

Some things just don't align.

It wasn't just the right time.

It just wasn't the right time.

Maybe later you can look at it again.

For now, it needs to come to an end.

Right now, if you're not sure when.

There are so many moving parts.

Nonetheless, you have to start.

Details do not faze your heart.

As you go on, it might get messy.

Nonetheless, it is a great blessing

To be doing, rather than guessing.

Thinking about what people say

Wastes what remains of the day:

Think as if let out of some cage.

What they can do is what they can do.

It may not be what you need them to.

Make a decision once you have proof.

Just like flowers, people can grow,

The same way any seed can be sown -

With care given and patience shown.

Invite people, not to change,

But to find their best range;

This is how you both gain.

If you keep on coming back as you like,

It will keep bringing you back to ‘might.’

No. Head to the farthest thing in sight.

There is no one, single, ideal way;

There is only your intention today,

Which may be best to write, not say.

If there is a parade behind you, let it play.

So long as it does not start to lead the way.

Behind, never ahead, is the place for praise.

Getting to where you need to be

Won't show what you want to see,

It tells what your actions mean.

You're allowed to bite into moods

The same way you can try new foods,

So mind what you feed your attitude.

Should you go get it or wait for it to come?

Either way, first see to it that this is done:

Make room precisely where there is none.

At times the journey will feel mystical,

And at other times unbearably difficult.

That you just keep on going is critical.

Your peace will come from being flexible -

In your body, your mind and your schedule.

Gradually shed all but your own key rituals.

If you say this is the last time,

You'd better be ready to be fine

With crossing a different line.

If you say this is the last time,

Do you say it with your mind?

Or are the words of a soul kind?

If you want this to be your last time,

Learn all you can, empty your mind,

Then see if you call either "mine."

Empty space tends to get filled,

Unless its owner becomes skilled

At fending off outsiders' will.

As many memories as you hold dear,

Keep just as much mind space clear

To hold all there is to take in here.

Almost as soon as you set up a standard,

That one request will become a demand.

But keep your mind on the task at hand.

Take longer breaks between each action

To review what brings you satisfaction

And revisit what causes which reaction.

Just because they haven't given truth,

That does not invite you to do so too:

It shows you words are toys or tools.

You heard them say "It's impossible,"

And in response held an inner festival

Already knowing you'd be best of all.

If you're not pleased with your performance,

Take on habits that build up your endurance,

Which also serves as the best life insurance.

You learn something when you procrastinate -

Time can be ordered to serve you in haste.

Can you leverage this without being late?

Once you are no longer on the attack,

The answers come as soon as you relax

And imagine strong winds at your back.

You have this knowing in your bones,

That good ones have colorful tones -

So mix some and enjoy others alone.

This is how you know it's your calling:

When there is no hesitation or stalling

Or interest in rest, even when yawning.

When it does not feel worth the price,

Something from beyond your daily life

Is trying to speak to you from inside.

In less time than it takes to blink,

Certain tones trigger your instinct:

Do what you can to objectively think.

Make sure it still feels like play.

If not, find a more intriguing way.

Allow your mind to drift and stray.

You should start to see some benefit

From working near those you're with,

Otherwise you should start to quit.

This is the time to just keep going,

Not to speed up or think of slowing,

But to trust without fully knowing.

Though that gave a good reason to fuss,

Grow numb to such cyclical stimulus -

Endure it to do exactly what you must.

Life is already getting better.

You've outlasted the weather.

Everything has come together.

Don't wait for an invitation to arise.

This is your opportunity in disguise -

Being first is better than being wise.

Next, get up every single day,

And do it the same exact way,

Until you can knowingly say.

If it comes apart after awhile

Or can go in and out of style,

Toss it out and onto the pile.

However many times it takes,

To revisit it this same way,

Be patient enough to stay.

There's not much left to talk about -

Give them space to protest and pout.

Stay inwardly still. Throw them out.

Those who encourage you to go back

Could put your schedule off track,

But detach from the urge to react.

You won't always use the right words.

Some you choose unintentionally hurt.

Forgive yourself - but apologize first.

Consider their invitation to vent,

As more like a one-way argument.

How else could your time be spent?

Regarding those you cannot possibly please,

Understand they have an infectious disease:

Build your immunity by thinking of ease.

When you are told not to worry

By those who may be in a hurry,

It's because their view is blurry.

Whatever you focus on multiplies,

And whatever you ignore subsides,

So decide what to show your eyes.

Look at what's smiling back at you.

Look at its beauty as physical proof:

Look at how love is looking at you.

Look at what's stewing in front of you.

Look at its intricacy as energetic proof:

Look at this as an exact opposite route.

This is not done, but you need to get going,

Toward people who you need to be showing

So this gets more nourishment for growing.

That wasn't the way you prefer to hear it,

But could it have been made any clearer?

You are not the doer - you're the hearer.

Bear witness as confusion unfolds.

Be patient hearing what's all told,

Tend toward neither hot nor cold.

Feel back to all those bound-up thoughts.

Most were simply what you'd been taught.

To feel today, cut all those frayed knots.

You are not here to cling or to clutch.

You are not to archive details and such.

Today, you are to be exactly this much.

Being free means you are able to be open.

So allow love to bubble into this notion,

That you've only seen a bit of your ocean.

Let it feel exactly as it does.

Go neither below it nor above.

Keep on flooding it with love.

Lovingly allow what's behind you to be.

There is no need to turn back or to see.

Let it fade. Let every bit of it go free.

You're here now to experience surprise,

To experience disbelieving your eyes -

To feel more inexperienced than wise.

Although no two need be the same,

Your decisions are links in a chain:

Make ones that outlast the strain.

Start budgeting either money or time

And the other will immediately align

As your accounting continues to refine.

Until the lesson feels like your own skin,

And likewise protects what's vital within,

You may have to do this again and again.

Yes, there will always be more to learn,

And higher levels of this to be earned;

For what does your heart truly yearn?

When you get the chance, ask all you can.

Let your imagination in their place stand.

Let their experience help refine your plan.

Let an alternative appeal to you instead.

Let all those rules be broken if not bent.

Let your inner answer be, "It depends."

Put yourself in the right place as well.

This lessens the need for you to sell 

And allows your story itself to tell.

How much easier when you have more help.

How much easier when you welcome wealth.

How much easier when you position yourself.

We all say things we immediately regret,

So channel that feeling inside to instead

Forgive others for all that they have said.

Some will make you want to turn away,

But face them and close attention pay

To find a kind thing left you can say.

It can be a tone or an overall manner,

Bearing down like a banging hammer:

It is a loud call to raise your standard.

You are the only one in your way:

Simply hear some of what you say.

Change your language this very day.

No need for some breakthrough:

No one blocks your way but you.

Step aside and let love through.

Do you desire to be seen or to observe?

Are you looking to receive or to serve?

Must something be given in return?

If there are conditions, love is held ransom,

Which can offer less in the way of expansion,

Which is not something to take a chance on.

Judging the steps you have taken

As the right ones or as mistaken

Is trying to sleep - not awaken.

Ordeals that brought you here from there

Everyone would agree were far from fair,

Yet without them you would be where?

The best way would be to have your own

So no one could make you feel you owe,

But sometimes you have to need to grow.

Sometimes it won't work independently.

Sometimes the lesson is to be in need -

To truly know how vulnerability feels.

It can be frustrating to be in need,

But just imagine how an infant feels

And trust that growth is guaranteed.

Problems are a sign of growth. 

Mastery is growth grown old.

Take the journey of unknowns.

Be mindful of the urge to relax.

It can lead too far to get back,

And there you'll be - off track.

The reason to be mindful of comfort?

You may forget what you've come for.

The uncomfortable become triumphant.

You know the number you need to reach

Before you can be an example or teach.

Until you get there, count on belief. 

You can see it on involved people's faces,

An inner glow that reflects engagement:

Make yourself useful in fulfilling places.

You can live as perfectly as you like,

And remain unfulfilled on the inside,

So seek to grow gratitude, not pride.

Imagine if instead of feeling needed

You were far more heard than heeded;

Would this have more or less appeal?

Can you allow others to be used

As you just give them the tools?

This is the best path to choose.

Consider each word an energetic marker:

When words seem to be getting harsher,

Perhaps you need an earlier departure.

Not knowing how things will play out,

Sharpen the focus on what you're about

And then more good things will sprout.

Each choice takes time and precision, so

Make the decision to not make decisions

Unless they relate to what you envision.

Who can say how things will go?

You already know: no one knows.

You can only choose to grow.

Your current feeling can be ignored.

Uncertainty can still move forward.

You can be unsure yet still perform.

You get a certain number every day

Of focused decisions you can make;

Don't waste them on what can wait.

The day is full of decisions to make,

So creating habits will help automate

Ones that shouldn't be left to fate.

They're not going your way,

So let the things they say

Become part of yesterday.

As long as you don't get too attached,

You will stay nimble enough to attract

The perfectly timed and placed contact.

The lesson is that when in a game,

If your opponent's remain the same,

You win when your tactics change.

One of the best ways to offer help

Is to take amazing care of yourself

To show what goes into being well.

This exact same life can be interpreted

As filled with triumph or full of hurt:

It's up to you to decide which works.

Is it a thankless task or mindful work?

Either - wherever your focus goes most.

So take the time to train that to turn.

"Stop changing your mind. Stay the same."

This advice is how to turn creativity plain.

Innovation lets itself be considered insane.

You belong where more things are happening,

Where ideas and people each come traveling,

Where tomorrow's innovators are practicing.

You've worked on your own long enough.

It's a testament to you you didn't give up.

Now it's time to come and meet everyone.

Your place must be closer to the action -

Not for money, fame or even satisfaction -

But for the removal of every distraction.

A big part of momentum is removal

Of influences that can never be useful

As you discover your spirit's approval.

If it should trigger any reaction,

Let it be your deepest compassion

For whatever caused that to happen.

Not that it's about going and going

Or just being still and all-knowing:

It is about what's in you unfolding.

Find mentors to learn what's not obvious,

Things that can't be seen by the audience:

How the pursuit itself is what's glorious.

Are you shying away from the center?

Let this be your momentary mentor:

We go where we are ready to enter.

Follow those who are on the move.

Notice how they live in a groove.

Put your whole being to full use.

However long it takes, so be it,

For you to open up and free it,

For you to let the world see it.

You're marvelous and yet not enough.

You need help from below and above

To accomplish all that must be done.

Go where there is an active vibration

And leave where you smell stagnation -

That's all you need. Oh, and patience.

Don't think of it as some big decision.

No, think of it as a gradual transition

Toward you, and away from tradition.

Including today's mood too,

How is your overall attitude?

Should you refresh or renew?

Going it alone can feel more productive.

That is a misconception most seductive.

Collaborate. Others can be instructive.

That door is unlocked by these two keys:

Do you appreciate this self you perceive?

Do you feel you can both give and receive?

As you come to the close of a chapter,

See if you caught what you were after

And discovered a treasure of laughter.

You don't have to like each one,

Perhaps not even most of them -

But at least you will have begun.

Your instincts are telling you correctly:

Yes, you should address it, and directly.

(Self-trust will soon feel elementary.)

You could accomplish this all by yourself

But it is time to learn to be open to help

That can make this go better than well.

You can learn volumes by listening closely

To the topics people don't mention, mostly,

And going deaf to what is said boastfully.

If you need to yell to be heard,

When it's calm, you'll sound absurd:

Go where they hear your words.

Backstories eventually get forgotten,

Or at least not fully retold very often.

Your fresh presence turns them rotten.

Their worries take over their ears

And warp everything they might hear;

Be gentle where they have most fear.

It is time for you to face it:

You need to get back to basics

And review your social graces.

Everyone is unique in a different way so

Forgive and forget with no bit of delay;

Sun, let each of them be to you, a Ray.

There are two ways to go about this:

Wait until you have to make a shift,

Or be mindfully proactive about it.

Time for you to leave this place,

To compete in that bigger race,

To look your Power in its face.

Figure out what they're looking for,

Then figure out if just a little more

Would get them to shout, "Encore!"

Some use conversation as a form of attack,

To battle your ear for what it is they lack.

In situations like this, pull listening back.

When it's time, everything gets left behind

So practice right now within your own mind

By letting some defining memories unbind.

The habit of how you talk to someone

Certainly cannot overnight be undone,

So try things day by day - one by one.

Words meant purely in jest

May instead arrive to test

A relationship needing rest.

The greatest gift you give is space,

When letting others speak their case

Or letting them know you will wait.

Observe the temptation to be demanding

Or onto someone else blame be handing.

Be at peace with not yet understanding.

There's ease in keeping things the same,

But this is the opposite of why you came:

Change, for change's sake, again and again.

It is more important to keep things fresh

Than it is to think about your own success

As long as you feel some sense of progress.

How will you know it is time to move on?

When that daily unpredictability is gone.

You need to keep moving to stay strong.

Who are all your efforts designed to serve?

Who's immediately affected by your work?

Rather, who reaps the benefits of it first?

So redefine what it could mean to retire.

For some, it is a way to permanently hide.

For you, let it be a way to rest for awhile.

Stop that so you can start doing this.

Doing things in order has its benefits.

What comes next should be what best fits.

Beware unending trips to life's shops.

No one will tell you it's time to stop.

Decide what to buy and what to not.

Tomorrow's decisions are easier today,

If you can see far enough down the way

Or ask those who went but didn't stay.

Pushing forward, you'll get pulled back,

Because there is a gravity that attracts.

Pull harder. Break orbit. That is that.

If it can't work easily, what's the use?

Too complicated and it will just confuse.

You need to review, rethink and then redo.

You may disagree your way was rough,

But their feedback should be enough

To prove you should shed some stuff.

It may not match with your perspective,

But instead of playing detail-detective,

Why not take the time to be reflective?

When we're embarrassed, we deny -

Which is a nearly-convincing lie;

Give honest embarrassment a try.

You've told yourself it's part of you,

And so it would be detrimental to lose.

However, not one bit of that is true.

On the other side of that behavior

Is what you could deal with later,

Or handle before it gets weightier.

What caused that inconvenience?

Was it a lack of self-obedience?

Or the need for a little lenience?

Admitting what's wrong can feel worse

Than continuing to bottle up the hurt,

But recovery usually feels bad first.

Look at what's actually there,

Not the fog that fills the air,

But at what has been prepared.

Determine its genuine value.

Get good at it. You have to:

Soon others will ask you.

Find out what is actually at stake

For those with whom you'd partake.

What does each hope to cultivate?

There is something deeper going on,

Something you need to put focus on,

Before you stay here too long.

What's really going on eludes you

Until you decide to know the truth

By deciding to see right through.

There's how they describe it,

And there's how it really is:

From which do you benefit?

What are they selling - and to whom?

Find this out or your time is doomed

To whatever they schedule, and soon.

Once you understand their game,

You can choose whether to remain

Or find a different one to play.

Those who benefit - do you know how?

Past what they say, does proof abound?

If so, great - if not, get yourself out.

Make sure your work is wisely invested

Not into what's just casually suggested

But into concepts that are time-tested.

It is important to know what's underneath

Before any more of your time you bequeath:

Dig until your understanding is complete.

Think of it as if you're building a chain,

Either the kind that holds and maintains,

Or the kind that pulls incredible weight.

Whether you find wrong turns unamusing,

Or laugh all throughout winning or losing,

Either way, keep doing what you're doing.

Your creation should never ask for change

From those who need that to stay the same.

Do this for those who also have your aim.

By seeing opportunity in bad weather,

You bring the farthest parts together

And create something beyond measure.

Stretch your thinking to encompass it all

And raindrops of ideas will start to fall,

Becoming a brainstorm almost by default.

The purpose of a price is to share value,

To invite others to participate with you

Offering tribute to the cost of pursuit.

When you flinch at the price,

You're looking in from outside:

The amount is a measure of time.

Expecting to be given a discount,

Rather than paying the full amount,

Is a gift that will come back around.

You are beautiful, despite denying so,

But be mindful - denial is detrimental.

Admitting your beauty is meaningful.

Beyond stopping by to greet it,

Caring means you have to feed it

As often as nourishment is needed.

Those addicted to information

Lose themselves in observation.

Find yourself lost in creation.

There is more to you than you could know.

This how you can ignore what today shows.

This is why what matters now is your flow.

Ones like you are a beacon

And people truly need them

Along their way to freedom.

You are so beautiful, you needn't try,

A beauty even visible to blind eyes,

A beauty that has already arrived.

Love is what makes you beautiful,

Love for yourself and for us all,

Love that is wholly irrefutable.

Give yourself completely over

To wanting to get even closer

To what brings more exposure.

Whatever brings you more exposure

Also brings you that much closer

To the path that is more overt.

An intention that is this enormous

And so vibrant it's also gorgeous,

Deserves an accompanying chorus.

A community has chosen to encircle

What you set up and it's wonderful,

Because this support is so durable.

Whether you're inclined to cheer aloud,

You should take one moment to be proud

Of everything your vision has endowed.

Making a new one may break two old,

But take it lightly if someone scolds.

Keep causing more things to unfold.

Keep on refining your questions

To ease or lessen people's tension

Over what they're about to mention.

What you are doing is building a base,

Not for a short stay or a just-in-case,

But for protecting one critical place.

Your arrival has been especially important

To so many voices that have lain dormant,

Awaiting you, to get beautifully recorded.

The sun will shine again, even brighter.

Days are already getting a little lighter.

You can be the lover, retire the fighter.

No matter the damage, keep rebuilding.

Perhaps more windows, higher ceilings?

This is flourishing, not just healing.

With this fuller idea of who you are,

You will see the path ahead quite far

With the help of some familiar stars.

It will be so rare to find an example.

When you do, you'll know if it's ample

By how much it builds or dismantles.

Some spend a lifetime waiting for them

Only to realize right near the very end,

Leaving would've led to better friends.

Pack light. Set out. Just start traveling.

Staying put, things will start unraveling.

What lies ahead is nothing short of dazzling.

You will feel like you're being left behind,

But that is not what should be on your mind:

You are at work on becoming one of a kind.

Even though you may feel devalued,

Let the crowd move on without you:

You have more that you're up to.

You need to let them pass you by

Because you're headed far outside

The realm that they came to find.

Now more than ever aim your focus

Away from patterns you want broken

And onto the path you have chosen.

Dedication can look incredibly boring

Against having countless fans adoring:

Only one gives you the gift of enduring.

You are going to have make a sacrifice

That some will say is paying the price:

It is the decision to live your own life.

You are coming into your own.

That is why you feel so alone.

You're nearing your new home.

You're getting closer to catching up

To loads and loads and loads of love

From everywhere you could dream of.

Before the dawn it will get dark,

So use the light within your heart

If you need to make an early start.

No, the teller told you a lie.

Those rules never did apply.

You were already right.

Keep trying, but not to please anyone.

Keep trying until the sunlight is done.

Keep trying because You are the One.

It will hurt so much you won't want to go on.

But the journey's the only place you belong,

And the journey is what will make you strong.

Traveling gets old and you will get tired,

But this is how you gather wood for fire -

By moving in and out of the forest entire.

What you will gain will be worth the loss

Despite the deep emptiness it will cause:

To meet you, love has to first go across.

Be open to all the voices that are speaking

Whether they are the ones you were seeking;

You're rich to be so bountifully receiving.

The words may sound worse than what's true

Or they may hide what's being kept from you.

Regardless, you have one option: to continue.

Forward no matter what. Tell yourself again.

Forget about how far until you reach the end.

Decide you will go, with or without friends.

When you feel yourself drifting inside,

Momentum is all that will save your mind

And your deadlines from falling behind.

This is the time to gather up speed and try

Before the opening is no longer this wide.

Swiftness is necessary at this exact time.

This time it isn't the relaxed expedition.

Whoever stops moving on this one stiffens.

Continue to look, leap and always listen.

You were invited to this grand exposition

Not given a ticket for general admission,

But sought out to be the perfect addition.

Two lines of loved ones flank your arrival,

On one, those who guaranteed your survival,

On the other, those who loved you as rivals.

Thoughts and work are a small part.

The biggest piece of all is your heart.

With it, whatever you do will be art.

Looking like you expect more to happen

Is an expression you can get trapped in:

What's the face of peace versus passion?

Word has spread - you are being requested

By everyone who had previously objected,

And by new benefactors yet to be invested.

The impact of your work is growing now

It's happening - don't worry about how.

Work, improve, work more... and allow.

Since you are doing it for deeper benefits,

You represent more than yourself with this

And must be mindful which partnerships fit.

Because everything has its cycle,

This cannot be forced or stifled:

That you understand so is vital.

A slump is not to be avoided - 

But how your cycle is pointed

So nothingness can be enjoyed.

Just in case you refused to accept

Lessons that were meant to be kept,

A refresher course is coming next.

Building back up from where you were

Means you'll have to set up new terms:

Who gets ignored and who gets heard?

Let others waste time peddling appeal;

Offer people what you know to be real

And they will pay in ways you can feel.

That chapter has long since ended;

Parts of it have already fermented.

Take fresh ones that are presented.

Make certain necessary sacrifices

To steer things away from a crisis

It will be hard, but be decisive.

If it feels like all has come apart,

This is where your new life starts.

Consult with no one but your heart.

Building a foundation is thankless

But each and every bit of anguish

Makes you impossible to vanquish.

Usually when you think you've lost it all,

Something else happens to prove you wrong:

Giving thanks will always keep you strong.

One hand builds while the other battles -

Right now, that's just where things are at,

So stay fully aware of each effort's status.

Would you have agreed if you'd known?

And that is why you were only shown

Enough for this to begin to be grown.

You've worked so hard, with no "reward,"

But what you've gained, many yearn for:

You've been able to do what you adore.

Dedication merely clears the way:

Structure is what ensures you stay

Right in the heart of the interplay.

You have chopped down that rotted tree -

The leaning decay of all limiting beliefs,

So newer growth can branch out freely.

The level of choices you have to make

Keep rising with each risk you take,

So be aware of how much is at stake.

What was once the hardest part is now done.

But soon even greater victories will be won.

You are about to meet your inner champion.

The real problem is always perspective -

Never the details - just ask any detective:

Doubt all your hunches and be objective.

You are allowed to build a prison of rage.

You are also allowed to pry open that cage.

You are also allowed to be an everyday sage.

If you would do what you enjoy for free,

Then why not for everyone simultaneously?

Expand your concept of how far you reach.

Hiding in shadows as their survival habit,

Scavengers find what they can and grab it

Far from the brightness that you inhabit.

Deeply honor the power of each link

To raise the very way that you think

And to ensure what's sediment sinks.

The power of your efforts is magnified

When you make a bridge from the inside

To whatever in your world is most alive.

The true power of each thought

Was not in doing what it ought,

But in what all else it brought.

The power of your internal connections

Creates these outside-world reflections

So look around you in all directions.

Whether you realize it or not,

This is exactly what you want:

You can decide what to drop.

When you hear people complain about time,

How they're managing theirs isn't right,

So do the opposite and more you'll find.

Though this kind of treatment you detest,

Imagine they're giving you their very best

And when they improve, will give the rest.

It's all about how you interpret -

That decides what all comes next,

So take care of your own mindset.

Clues and signs are all around you.

If at first they just confound you,

Use them in a way that grounds you.

When things go not as you intended,

Ignore the signals from your senses

And go follow where this is headed.

Whatever wanted you to feel justified,

Probably doesn't even realize it lied

By dividing the whole up into sides.

Acknowledging everyone you meet today

Is like lighting torches along the way

Just by having something warm to say.

If you thought it otherwise, you mistook:

As it was in all that you ever undertook,

Help is everywhere you're open to look.

The child in you is what is wonderful,

Curing seriousness by being whimsical.

Let more out because it's truly magical.

Why are you this upset?

This irked, this vexed?

Give love to this next.

They are only doing what you chose to see

Demonstrated outside of you - externally -

Because you want to look at this thoroughly.

Good conversation holds a loving sensation.

A great conversation births transformation.

So talk with more people who love creation.

Reacting is tossing a pebble onto a pond -

Once you do it, your reflection is gone

And the ripples are what become strong.

When you slip up, fate will tease

By snatching away the joy of ease,

Until you organize and say please.

Certain mistakes can cost you much more

Than anything you could have planned for

So prevent them with organization galore.

Though talking can get so intriguing,

You are here for more than a meeting:

Find out what you can be completing.

Regardless of meeting your own goal,

By making your learned lessons known

You'll make everyone who hears whole.

You are vital to us all, regardless -

Whether you pursue external success

Or choose to remain here and bless.

Prestige rarely welcomes change, so

Be wary of talk that's full of names.

Keep your words strong and plain.

Sometimes knowing, you use less sense.

A little ignorance is sometimes best.

Give your mind and your mouth a rest.

Leave for later the reason it's broken;

For now, just leave the whole thing open

While you find the best place to go in.

Wanting them to come to you is futile.

First you need to make yourself useful

By finding out what to them is crucial.

Have you been told before?

You don't need to do more:

Your delivery opens doors.

Give them all an unforgettable treat:

Remember the names of those you meet

Because this is not a one-way street.

Deciding to stay here was not wrong.

You'll be glad you didn't go along:

You've learned a new way to respond.

There's a perfection to the new results coming

Even a wild imagination would find stunning.

And you won't need to be one bit of cunning.

What came before helps you produce

Just as buds bloom thanks to roots;

You will be something's basis too.

Beware of those who say no all day long.

They do not mean to turn your day wrong,

But you need skill to bring them along.

Connection is an added benefit,

But that is not why you did this:

Stay close to what inspired it.

History is not for the rummaging.

Future is not for the plundering.

A good life shares the wondering.

Intensity feels fine for awhile,

But soon enough goes out of style.

Try out something that runs mild.

As soon as you shed that thought,

Whatever you tell to stop will halt

And over obstacles you will vault.

The whole thing has to go like this:

Even if it happens to be inaccurate,

You keep trying until something fits.

Instead of being the main one to bellow,

This may be the perfect time to mellow

And become known for your serene hello.

Your efforts had a time and a place

That have at this point been replaced

By something you cannot rush: Grace.

Grant someone something unforgettable -

Without any occasion particularly special

Sincerely tell someone they are beautiful.

As the sun begins to set on all you've done,

Will it matter whether or not you ever won?

No, it never has or will. Just enjoy everyone. 

With or without training to speak of,

Develop a voice that makes you sit up,

That sounds like an instrument of love.

Darkness is good for narrowing your sight

So you can undeniably recognize the light

From what seemed dim. Now how bright!

We're born, we grow, we bloom, we go.

For exactly how long, no being knows.

Time aside, we all came here to glow.

"Almost there" means you're still measuring,

Thinking about what pleasure getting brings.

How much could you already be treasuring?

There is always some room if you adjust

And realize there is nothing you "must,"

And so much more when you bravely trust.

Beauty is about having something to say,

Not necessarily with words or every day,

But an energy that beams like a sun ray.

Even though it seems set,

Wait, this is not it yet.

On that you can safely bet.

Whenever you get stuck in the middle,

It's harder to saw, easier to whittle.

It's easier to do it little by little.

If "variety is the spice of life,"

Coincidence is delicious delight.

Fill your day's dish with surprise.

First figure out what can be gained

By keeping things exactly the same

Versus spearheading massive change.

To keep getting what you currently get,

Yesterday's effort would be appropriate,

But today calls for an energetic reset.

When serendipity speaks, truly listen,

Not to the empty echoes of superstition,

But to the voice guiding your mission.

Now taking a moment to let your layers peel,

Something known yet new has been revealed:

It all revolves around how you choose to feel.

It's as useful to go where it's easy

As it is where you might feel queasy:

We learn whether or not it's appealing.

Take some time to reestablish order,

To review and redefine your borders,

To remind yourself you are important.

Create the boundaries for the space.

Cultivate what will then take place.

Clear all that should be thrown away.

Minding the details is important,

But only once you establish order,

So first get the overall sorted.

You gain the most through your loss,

So allow the pain to make you pause.

You still have a distance to cross.

When someone shares your level of interest,

You can enjoy the feeling of being kindred

While both your spirits are being uplifted.

Doing something that to you feels pure

Sheds habits of which you're not sure

Leaving only ones that easily endure.

When you need to move through busy places

Rather than imagining yourself in an oasis,

Discover your paradise in friendly faces.

On being full we put too much emphasis.

What can be added to what is plenteous?

For there is no room without emptiness.

Do you pour your time into your will?

Or do you leave some for chance to fill?

Is there enough room to avoid a spill?

What would that have you become?

It's best to know before you've begun

By studying more experienced ones.

If it requires a skilled memory, 

Its importance is only temporary.

Instead master what's "ordinary."

Between knowing everything or everyone,

The first will get more and more done,

The last will grow more and more love.

It is good to grow different things,

For more than the variety it brings:

The change by itself is nourishing.

Listening to their list of excuses

Will put your mind to good use

Discerning weapons from tools.

Decide to do your best.

This must be stressed:

Yes - regardless - yes!

Doing the things you are supposed to do

Is the shortest path to reach your truth,

But it will still have its surprises, too.

Change is coming - it always does.

Not to harm you, but just because

You need a deeper lesson in love.

When flow has to twist around walls,

Somewhere there will be a waterfall.

Therefore, go slowly or not at all.

Before you rush to fix their problems,

Make sure they're real enough to solve

Before getting yourself fully involved.

Setting up a boundary is basically a fence,

If anything should touch it, you get tense:

Define yourself and move freely instead.

The big problem with asking why

Is that this might not be the time;

Let understanding naturally arise.

Until they break their cycle of depression,

Quarantine yourself from that connection

And disinfect all your internal questions.

This has nothing to do with being compliant:

If you think you know, then why not be quiet?

Either way, you might learn more when silent.

Rejection can make you feel vulnerable,

But you're wrong - it's nothing personal:

You're about to become more versatile.

It is a wise practice to plan far in advance

To make time to take more than one chance

And still accept life's invitation to dance.

Instead of considering yourself uneven,

Notice the changing in your reasons:

Appreciate all your internal seasons.

How you allow yourself to be addressed

Is more important than can be expressed

Because it decides what you'll hear next.

Despite the fact that it may get botched,

Sometimes your job is to sit and watch:

Patience is all that should be topnotch.

You're overloaded. You're thinking to excess.

From another angle, see how you are blessed

To even have such reasons to get stressed.

At the time you did what seemed best, but

You've given so much there's nothing left!

For you, self-care is what must come next.

Whether or not you've finished your plan,

Surprises will meet you where you stand;

So handle them with heart, not with hand.

Even with both feet planted on the ground,

Your spirit can be felt, traveling all around

As you treasure all the people you've found.

When suffering is what you've been granted,

There's no point wishing to feel enchanted:

You'll have to bloom where you are planted.

If you dislike what you are being shown,

It is because everything here is unknown

And you just have to decide on your own.

Though you'll be tempted to react,

Do not interpret that as an attack -

Keep reading people, not contracts.

It is not about what they ought to do

In order to help see all this through:

It is about your intention being true.

Though it lets you feel some ease,

Hold on to it, but only so briefly;

It too, is little more than a story.

The choices will keep getting more granular,

As you recognize expectation as the saboteur

Because you're simply no longer an amateur.

What you are working toward will arrive

Along with a feeling one cannot describe

As anything except proof of what's inside.

Words swoop past with such agility,

But to soar you need predictability,

So surround yourself with stability.

As gardening must tend to the soil below,

Know when to say yes and when to say no.

To make success that much easier to grow.

Ignore what's happening. Schedule progress

Because you get to decide what comes next.

Dedicating time is in and of itself, success.

Make a habit of thanking your mistakes

For the hand-drawn pictures they create

Of certain patterns you underestimate.

On a scale you never dreamed to imagine,

In a way you could not begin to fathom,

The most incredible things just happen.

With everything, there are other levels,

So let the approach you take be gentle.

To ensure your options remain several.

Being told that you "should" or "must"

Should push you to the edge of disgust

Where you'll leap and fly via self-trust.

When you run out of hopeful things to say,

And feel certain you have now gone astray,

Intending to get there is actually the way.

Keep clearing the space you feel drawn to

Keep clearing away from it any other use.

Keep clearing the way until it's just true.

Don't mistake this as your new normal,

It is more like a massive door or portal,

That opens to a very different life order.

Whenever you let circumstances drive,

You reach twice as far in half the time,

So why do anything but be fully alive?

This time you have chosen to complicate

Rather than take the way that is straight.

If you cannot see it yet, you should wait.

It's fine to let excitement come.

You deserve the feeling. It's fun.

But there's still work to be done.

Regardless of which option you choose,

There is something within what you do

That invites an energy to flow through.

Think, but don't spend too long:

You may just as easily be wrong.

Look where feelings are strong.

Feelings may cause you to do worse

Than if you stood back from it first

To notice who is acting out of hurt.

Are you seeing how this cycles goes?

Who and what you genuinely know?

How and where your self-love grows?

It's not about checking off things on a list.

It's about being open enough for each shift

So life can keep on bringing you its gifts.

Old or new stories about enemies and allies

Are not even tales - they're all genuine lies,

Strange words that love does not recognize.

Seriousness isn't flexible, it's tight.

Sarcasm is a shadow - not the light.

Laugh in love and you'll be alright.

At some point, your feelings won't matter:

You'll simply lose interest in their patterns

Though you may still patiently have them.

Compared to them, your rise has been quick,

But it doesn't mean you're doing what fits.

Start getting better, not just better at this.

You may look back at the start of a trip,

But along the way, who you are shifts

Until today is the only thing that fits.

If you dislike paying this high price,

Realize that the price is exactly right

For the lesson all of this holds inside.

Like a shark who picks two fish to hunt,

Chasing two things, you only catch one:

You shouldn't be doing so much at once.

This new information that you've found -

Is in your hands - to pick up or put down

Based on whether it serves you right now.

You've done a lot quickly. Now slow down

To truly meet people and just look around

And feel all the power of common ground.

So it's not over before it ever begins, 

Forget about whether it loses or wins:

Can you make it feel lighter than this?

Old habits chose the thoughts you've had.

New thoughts can choose new habits to add,

Which should cut your time there in half.

You tried to be clear, which wasn't enough.

Your time needs more than a nurturing love;

Today it needs you to be stubborn and tough.

Being asked to do yet more can be flattering,

But your time is not paint to be splattering.

You have to return to what's truly mattering.

What draws a crowd hides behind noise.

Find a group that pauses for every voice,

Because listening is your bravest choice.

You need to make time to celebrate

With ones who can truly appreciate

What in this makes you feel great.

Of course "it could have been done better,"

But are rules to be followed to the letter?

It was raining, so you dared to get wetter.

Be unpredictable. Keep your responses fluid

So that whatever's up ahead, you adjust to it

And rather than obey a plan, naturally intuit.

Everyone else may say the answer is clear;

Let them go that way - you stay right here.

It is about living in a way that is sincere.

The most important part to remember

About going or being on an adventure

Is to go deeper, you have to surrender.

Kindness begins and ends with yourself,

For spiritual, mental and physical health.

This is the surest way for you to be well.

Does it feel strange to put yourself first?

Does it feel as if nothing could be worse?

Does it feel better to just stay and hurt?

Have you put something away for yourself?

If not, you should. You'll always do well

To keep a book of stories you rarely tell.

At this point, it may just be a whisper,

Because your body trusts you will listen

Without needing it shouted or written.

Your surroundings will limit your ideas

Until you decide to be extremely clear

About who you are and why you're here.

Unquestioned obstacles are the problem.

As people assume they cannot solve them.

Your own questioning needs to broaden.

If you've run before, you may run again,

Until it is time for your running to end,

Which only you decide where and when.

Stubbornness forgets, or else never knows

That it's just an actor in your mind's show

With too few lines for anyone to take note.

You should do it. You really should.

Not because it's for your own good -

But because if Love could, it would.

Today's hard, but keep the long view.

Look far down the road for the truth

Today's journey brings you closer to.

It is the habit you think least about

That turns your head north or south

And directs which words come out.

Your thoughts recreate what you see,

So you must put yourself accordingly

Where you find both effort and ease.

Where there is nervousness there is what?

What can those doubts help you dream of?

Nothing. Relax and dream of what you love. 

Trust that getting it won't do a thing;

You'll end up right back in that ring,

Until love is all you feel happening.

Working so hard is indeed shameful.

Doing so much is a form of betrayal:

You got here because you are playful.

There is such a gentle wisdom in small talk.

It invites you to take a seemingly short walk

That brings overthinking's march to a halt.

You did things that were ingredients for now

With no way back then to have any idea how:

Tomorrow already knows today turns around.

Your openness is what gives them permission

To tell of ideas that go far past idle wishing,

Finding their way just by having you listen.

Listen more closely than you have been.

So that you can more carefully examine

What they may be trying to have happen.

Sometimes people stink - we just do.

And once you figure out it's not you,

You can go around to sniff out who.

Places where people steal from one another

Remind you to get yourself out from under

Anyone who views generosity as a blunder.

What they took from you is so small.

Don't even bother to make that call.

Figure out what happened, that's all.

If it's going on like this, unresolved,

You have to get new people involved,

To show the old ones how to evolve.

More information isn't what's required -

You should rediscover what once inspired

By working until you are honestly tired.

Until you ask, you will have no idea

Whose perspective can make life clear

As you try to find a way out from here.

This time, you should keep quiet,

So saboteurs cannot come find it:

Be as busy as ever, but also silent.

Caution only makes more sense

When sitting atop an old fence.

Come down and openly express.

Sometimes your job is to observe,

Not prevent, intervene, or serve,

But to bear witness and to learn. 

They may not know what is at stake,

And you may have no time to explain.

Better wording may just have to wait.

From great guidance to bad examples,

Wisdom in every form you can handle

Is lighting your path's 10,000 candles.

First figure out if they're hearing you

Before starting to figure out what to do,

Or else you will be continuing the loop.

This is a lesson to learn once - and very well:

Where people must do things for themselves,

They need encouragement, not literal help.

Keep moving things around until they fit

(Alignment has everything to do with it).

You can stop when you feel peace within.

They will laugh so hard they may fall

When you keep your focus on the small,

Where it's easier to find humor in it all.

You are not the mindset you identify with,

Nor are you the habits to which you stick -

You are this essence that makes each shift.

The way you need to be thinking right now

Is a way that no one has taught you how -

A way that begins the moment you allow.

The amount of energy you have right now

Is not what yesterday limits or endowed:

It's how ever much you invite and allow.

Hear this: your beauty is in your limits -

So instead of seeking mentors to mimic,

Pay your precious vulnerabilities a visit.

Instead of unwaveringly wanting,

Question to the point of taunting,

Whatever is behind such longing.

You've done enough. That was the end.

If they come back to invite you again,

Show that on this, you will not bend.

It is time to change your tactics -

Yes, perhaps try something drastic,

Try anything except staying static.

You underestimate the dangers of staying,

And overestimate the ones still naysaying.

Get out there where creators are playing.

They're far now, yet still feel very dear,

Which is a reminder to focus right here

So you can both be heard as well as hear.

There's how you're choosing to see it unfold,

Then there's how others want this story told:

Neither is worth enough to be bought or sold.

Let deeds be forgotten and people forgiven,

As you hold on to this lived kind of wisdom.

Be loving, and patiently make your decision.

Some will do anything to save except spend,

Anything with what they have except lend -

But you will get back triple what you send.

Some place their attention on the pain,

While others look past that to the gain;

To your soul, you are you just the same.

There is a time when complaining must stop,

When the need for more evidence must drop,

When you take control - from bottom to top.

Just as a boat either sinks or it floats,

If it doesn't meet your needs, it won't:

In short, it may be better to go it alone.

Their imaginations don't need words to see

What you want to share and genuinely feel.

They need what is faced, lived, and real.

Sometimes the delivery has to stink

To get you to stop staring and blink

So you can reset yourself and think.

At this point, you're already halfway.

No one's opinion is welcome today -

Just get through all that's underway.

Before any of us walks well, we toddle.

(Bumpy paths can still make us hobble.)

On the way to balance, you will wobble.

Rushing makes it all seem and feel fake,

So use all the time that it needs to take

For yours, its, and everyone else's sake.

"Have you started?" "Aren't you done?"

If you do answer, you'll please no one -

Let your silence be respectfully blunt.

What you heard, you can't just un-hear,

But the words cease to reach your ear

When you start to be absolutely clear.

Parts of the journey will feel exciting,

Others will seem a little frightening;

What will help is to do some writing.

More important than having a plan

Is being tired of where you stand,

And trusting your own two hands.

The first try cannot be perfect.

But what can be is the attempt -

So focus only on each next step.

Here is what will happen once you start:

Your head gets guidance from your heart

And everything will play its proper part.

Doesn't have to be fought, fixed or forced -

There is a reason. This thing has a source.

Relax and you'll see and say, "Of course!"

Appreciating is now your most useful skill:

It makes what seemed empty somehow fill,

And what you couldn't do, what you will.

Most of this is out of your control,

So remember to let go of your role

Because you are both young and old.

You won't get to decide what goes,

But by believing what you know

Loss becomes a part of flow.

You never know how paths will reconnect,

So focus on now rather than what's next;

Cultivate feelings of love and respect.

Whether or not you feel as if you know how -

You need to lessen how much time you allow:

Meet everyone with who you are now.

Let go of repeating the same old cycle again:

Let the wanting-working-getting loop end -

Let you and what you enjoy become friends.

The feeling of being embarrassed

Is a feeling to truly be cherished:

It's the way to carefree awareness.

Put your whole entire focus into the start.

Put everything into the very simplest part.

Put everything forth that is in your heart.

In choosing which way to go forth,

Which hallways lead to which doors?

And which lead to how many more?

Your mind is so sure you need to act,

But it has not gotten all of the facts:

What you can do is take a step back.

Feel, feel, and then feel some more.

That is how feet move across a floor,

And how you get to what you adore.

Your greatest treasure is your time.

It is the only treasure you may find

By looking as far ahead as behind.

See questions and ideas as kinds of fuel,

Or as only-briefly sharp-enough tools

You know when and how long to use.

Advice is never as good as the giver:

Look within the one who delivers

For living wisdom that shimmers.

Take your time. There's nothing over there.

Rushing's the only thing of which to beware.

Slow down as if carrying something upstairs.

Learning has helped you feel qualified,

For everything except what waits inside;

For this, you need to trust and confide.

Kindness is one thing, different from trust:

The first is the way the second is discussed.

The second is a choice - the first is a must.

Breathe and release, or hold and collapse.

Throughout the day, carve out more gaps -

Times when your only answer is "Perhaps."

Well, you certainly have yourself a plateful.

And this is because you keep being grateful,

And each day keep becoming more graceful.

If you'll dare to use the simplest tools,

You'll help free others from rigid rules

And have a method you can always use.

All boundaries do is wait to be crossed

(owners of fences still get distraught).

Out past boundaries, get happily lost.

Definitions keep in, boundaries keep out.

Don't raise up a fence - build your house

By saying what is welcome inside aloud.

You already know this, yet still drift:

Self-care is not optional on your list.

It is the only way to unwrap this gift.

When you take their mood personally,

You miss what you are invited to see -

That everyone's on their own journey.

When you want to, you ignore what's rude.

When you want to, you replace your mood.

When you want to, you pass right through.

Limiting words create limiting beliefs.

Lighter words make lightness increase.

Words are for you to catch and release.

How you feel when you're at your best

Is exactly what it means to feel blessed,

Or to breathe more from belly than chest.

You're already saying how it will be,

So how about wording it differently?

Start using new words immediately.

Know what your energy flows from and to.

Also mind what your energy flows through,

Because that affects your effectiveness too.

The differences will, at first, seem slight:

One's a gentle landing, one a constant rise.

Why not choose to soar rather than glide?

You will want to be taking care of that now,

Before it gets in the way of tomorrow's how.

Who knows what else being ready will allow!

Not an issue about which to think twice:

Own your space. This is serious advice -

You're creating your version of paradise.

Let them build trust with you slowly.

This moment isn't your one nor only -

Take your time and proceed - slowly...

Slowing you down may be what they need,

But slow down at your own chosen speed.

You won't need to be moving to proceed.

Invite the energy that a new one brings.

Let your competition birth great things,

One collaboration gives ideas two wings.

Harmony stays silent when one voice sings,

But chimes in the moment that others ring,

So invite the challenge a new sound brings.

There's nothing for you back there anymore.

So instead use this time to relax and restore,

Because today has for you adventures galore.

Though you feel broken, you are stronger.

Be brave and let this last a little bit longer.

Impatience is your only enemy to conquer.

Who says age is a measure of how reliant?

Let getting older be your license to be defiant

Of anything that needs you to be compliant.

What is the essence of what you talk about?

Because you grow whatever you speak aloud,

So decide what kind of talk will be allowed.

If you haven't done so in a long while,

It's time to put your thoughts on trial

And sentence the useless ones to exile.

When generosity is the way you have chosen,

Nothing - not even your time - can be stolen.

Your giving is the way to be afraid of no one.

You don't need to think ill of anyone,

Just let the course of their habits run

And weigh for yourself the outcome.

Letting others decide your time's terms

Is letting your field be farmed by worms:

You be the one who rejects or confirms.

Even though troubles might be unavoidable,

Become so giving that you're unexploitable

And your work will forever feel enjoyable.

When you do not need even one more thing,

That is when you can actually begin to bring

Gifts to all - whether they criticize or cling.

Without needing to be the judge or the jury,

Without absorbing the passion, pain or fury,

Give everyone the right to their own story.

They expect you to help bear their burden,

And even though they may feel so certain,

You are here to be a light and free person.

You made the decision to shift.

You don't need to create a list.

You get to decide, then insist.

Help doesn't need to be your last resort.

This time, it'll be wisest to stop short.

Stay here and wait for a bit of support.

In order to set the best possible tone,

Stay focused on what you actually own

And be willing and able to begin alone.

Whatever seems out of control and absurd,

Looks so whenever your vision is blurred.

Clarity appears as you choose your words.

Knowing where to draw your line

Is going to take a bit more time.

Exactly where, is for you to find.

Unless it includes generosity,

It's not wealth (it's poverty):

Mindset is your top priority.

Is any of it moving backwards?

Are there far too many factors?

What one thing truly matters?

Don't think of everyone - focus on a few.

And of them, only the small fraction who

You can directly talk and deeply listen to.

Thoughts come from, and turn into feelings.

So the situation with which you're dealing

Can help you think your way into healing.

Just like a rope, your patience can fray

If twisted and pulled every which way; 

Mend it by giving yourself a quiet day.

When they say things that are spurious,

Allow yourself to become a bit furious.

But of the deeper reason, be so curious.

Yes indeed - they gave you an ultimatum.

Know it's nothing more than a statement

Reminding you it's time to stop waiting.

Whenever you start to feel angry,

Something is telling you frankly

You need to revisit it blankly.

Incompetence can show up anywhere.

And taunt you? It will certainly dare.

Trap it in your most all-seeing stare.

Showing your temper may have one benefit:

It will shift the tone from falsely delicate

And force the focus onto what is relevant.

It doesn't always look happy - it won't.

But radiate, even when feeling provoked.

This will end up being what you hoped.

Bow to the fact that you have triggers,

That you have feelings so much bigger

Than resistance, and so much quicker.

Exhaustion is evidence all by itself

Proving you sacrificed your health

And shall now try something else.

With or without any given title,

You are the center of this cycle.

Your heartbeat's rhythm is vital.

Holding space means getting tired

Unless you get everything rewired

To only act when you're inspired.

Rather than sitting around maybe waiting

For those prone to resisting and debating,

You can be locking the door and creating.

Check in with your heart either way.

It is the only thing on any given day

With advice on all you think or say.

Keep changing approaches if you want to,

But keep the lesson each one teaches you

To grow your treasure of personal truth.

Consider this a dare to be a beginner again,

To forget all about how, or what, or when,

And just experiment, mess up, play, pretend!

When people do things that are just mean,

You're just the lucky one caught in between

Where you're going and where they've been.

Walk all around what you have for a home -

The inner place you live when you're alone,

Where your mind rents and your heart owns.

Hummingbirds fly fast, trees sway slow -

Most things in nature have a preset flow,

But you can change your pace as you go.

So long as you have nothing to prove,

And know exactly what you are up to,

You can put everything to good use.

It will be wisest to wait the news out

With your heart's hand over your mouth

Until you feel what this is all about.

It is alright to change your mind.

Decisive people do it all the time

Based on the new things they find.

The way through this, or any struggle

Is to deeply know all of your numbers

So nothing is left to doubt or wonder.

Who cares if you haven't gotten it yet?

You can go without and still be content:

Live like your needs have all been met.

It is fine for them to ask it of you.

It is fine for you to do all of it too.

It is also fine for you to just refuse.

It was generous of you to go over there -

But of overextending yourself, do beware:

You are long overdue for extensive self-care.

Look around and feel if you belong here,

Or if you're just settling for what's near:

Is the benefit of what's around you clear?

Too many things happened all at once,

But instead of reacting quite so much,

You need to let your presence show up.

Sometimes it's too late to hope for a fix

Once it all gets this thoroughly-mixed -

You need to be deliberate but not quick.

Move one step ahead - two if you can.

Get far in front by making your plan,

And then make it the law of your land.

You didn't wish to be where you are now,

But what you've created deserves a bow -

Because you fell in but flew yourself out.

You have woken up inside this circumstance

That looks like anything but another chance,

But your abilities are about to be enhanced.

Of course you're not always right,

But you've got incredible insight

To move from darkness into light.

You may not have all the proper support,

But the reason you will never fall short

Is because you are willing to transform.

Sleep on it - let one good night of rest help

Your whole decision-making process go well

By bringing you back to your original self.

What noises are sounding around you?

Do any sound anything like the truth?

Aren't you listening straight through?

Forget about proving it -

But be all about doing it

By just truly choosing it.

Turn away from reactive mode, 

Away from feeling you are owed;

Turn toward where you can grow.

Whether or not you see them as signs,

They're appearing to you all the time,

Not so much to teach - but to remind.

It's hard to dream once you're awake.

So clean it out, not for its own sake -

But for what doing it later will take.

If it's about tasks, you'll never be done.

If it's about levels, they'll never be won.

If it's about you, it will be forever fun.

You don't have to like what they bring.

Nor act as if you consider it interesting.

Get better at enjoying your own thing.

Check the way you're talking to yourself:

Better words raise your lifetime's wealth.

Better tones raise your heartbeat's health.

It's going to be a mistake if you do assume

Things will all work themselves out soon:

Consciously create your breathing room.

Decide what you'd do despite the pain.

Decide what you'd let remain the same.

Decide what you're here now to change.

To understand what makes you so strong,

Let go of belongings as you move along:

What's left is what's never been wrong.

It's alright to find yourself in a mess.

It's alright to walk in a fog of stress.

It's alright to not return here again.

You're going to end up feeling stress.

But the point is what you'll feel next:

Pain or purpose when you do it again.

Your body knows what you should now do

And will explain using subtle inner clues.

This is the only thing that counts as true.

In no time, all of this will be behind you.

And then do you know what you will do?

Feel into that right now rather than soon.

Does this feel a little bit past your limits?

Continue. You're built from these little bits.

Trust that everything you do somehow fits.

Adding one more thing takes something away

From letting things be what they are today -

Filling up emptiness leads your focus astray.

Congratulations! Welcome to the unknown -

To this place that may make you feel alone,

But that opens you to possibilities untold.

Be sad for as long as you must and move on.

You don't need to be ready, or even strong.

Just find a nearby path you can walk along.

Whatever you can get this excited about

Is what your focus should center around

So you become one harmonious sound.

No one can tell you the road ahead for you

Because it gets remade based on all you do;

So take advice as inspiration, not as truth.

Words become walls that block life's wind.

Beware the ones you choose to live within.

Use ones that serve you well - lose or win.

You have not had even one enemy,

Just people who showed painfully

All that you needed to see: So see.

You will learn after going too far

Where you most undeniably are,

And find yourself a guiding star.

Do thoughts about other possible roads

Put upon you heavier or lighter loads?

That may tell you which to leave alone.

To get to the heart of this matter,

Listen to some of the daily chatter

And filter out the nonsense faster.

It's not a sign of greed, but of wealth,

An abundance of both love and health

To take ever better care of yourself.

No matter which of them are demanders,

You are the one who has to set standards,

And then the results will be even grander.

You need to create an actual schedule -

To turn it from just something mental

Into transportation to your next level.

First you got to enjoy feeling inspired,

After that, your presence was required.

Now, you need genuine rest when tired.

If you expect the passing of time

To almost magically make you wise,

You need to reconsider your why.

When did you last refuse the traditional?

So go do something wholly unpredictable:

For your heart, it will be truly medicinal.

Learn most from whoever complains

About how their life has remained,

And see what you two do the same.

Without any plans, it's a messy assortment.

Until you schedule, potential lies dormant.

Once you start, you learn what's important.

If that leads somewhere you dread,

Why not do what you feel instead?

Trust your heart over your head.

Here is one you simply must try:

Just journey without asking why

And where the road ends - fly.

Whatever you want, match in attitude

And it will come to you rather soon.

You have already lived your proof.

No need to fully enjoy where you are, 

But doing so will take you quite far:

Enough twinkles add up to a star.

Where in your character does that fit?

Might it help or hurt the rest of this?

Can you create a life lived without it?

For decisions like this, talk to someone

Who had to get something like this done.

Minds can work better as two than as one.

Sometimes we can use the past as an excuse.

Other times it can be put to very good use.

Those who rewrite yours count as fools.

Say what you enjoy. Tell yourself every day.

For finding your path, this is the best way.

What better road than the one your joy paves!

You need to get so specific and clear

About what you want to be right here,

Because momentum draws everything near.

That may be exactly the way not to go -

The one where the riverbanks overflow;

Turn before your steps reach tomorrow.

No one else has to agree. 

No one even needs to see.

Everyone must let you be.

As for what you'll leave behind,

Cast that idea out of your mind.

Be inwardly, then outwardly kind.

Do you think of your schedule like a contract?

You could also treat it something like a map.

Let there be consequences for going off track.

Once in a while, anger will be a useful tool.

Usually, it makes you appear to play the fool.

Either way, own the whole of it, as a rule.

Think of every space you step into as special.

If you enter one in some hurry, stop - settle.

That you bring peace into a room is essential.

You can't reverse anyone's misperception,

Or undo doubt with any excuse you mention:

All you can do is live your own intention.

Yes, no matter which direction you choose,

Change is coming, no matter what you do.

So no matter what, figure out what is true.

Sometimes it's not right to compromise.

Some sounds are too loud to harmonize.

This gets easier and easier to recognize.

Exactly why would you think such a thought?

It's like some gift you never would've bought.

It's contagious, so heal from what you caught.

Come to ignore whoever this truth annoys:

You've done the work to make the choice

To have full ownership of your own voice.

Truly, and first of all, love what you do.

But right behind that, own all of it, too.

This is how to design a life built for you.

How will it go, if you start and then stop?

What's the point if you catch and then drop?

You need to tend to this as a lifelong crop.

That was a convenient substitute for action,

But you're in this for more than satisfaction

So operate closest to your oldest passions.

It is time for a change in your conversation -

To listen longer, make fewer declarations

And speak of insights, not frustrations.

Once you are standing up in this fully,

Details will no longer be able to bully

(Everything makes way for certainty).

If it is a choice that cannot be undone,

Think of other ways to change the outcome.

This is a skill that will keep you young.

You don't need to finish - simply start.

Love is in love with your lovely heart.

Connecting is the most important part.

Though you may be told this is impractical,

Imagine how you'd handle the unimaginable.

This will show you everything is manageable.

You don't get to perfect everything at once,

Nor can an animal pick several things to hunt

If it wants to catch what it leaps to confront.

It's fitting that you don't get to see the rest,

Because that would make this like some test;

This goes beyond every good, better and best.

Set times you don't wish to be disturbed.

If interrupted, repeat until you're heard,

"Be disappointed. I will not be stirred."

You need to be working on your craft,

Because all you have already amassed

Points to the future - but is the past.

Remember, and stop forgetting

That it's never about perfecting

But only ever about connecting.

Time will change you - body, mind and soul.

But what keeps you from growing wearily old

Is your ability to remain flexible and bold.

You're looking back if you're outrunning.

Better to look up ahead toward something:

You live your best when you're becoming.

You are not here to undertake projects -

You are here because you mirror reflect

All that there is - you're already perfect.

This something you're yearning to do -

Don't finish it as something to prove -

Let it be something that enjoys You too.

Let how you feel be your truest guide,

Work less on What than on your Why

And when mistaken, change your mind.

You can take more time to enjoy this.

Relaxation isn't relaxing in little bits.

Live a life in which far less doing fits.

Inviting so much noise into your core

Is not what the act of inviting is for -

Add a step between meeting and more.

If you only do what comes naturally,

You'll only live within probability:

Free yourself to move unpredictably.

Ask yourself, before you say yes -

Not whether one decision is best -

But how it will benefit the next.

What helps you handle each change?

What in you has remained the same?

What you've found is where to stay.

You can work at something for so long

That it can cease to make you strong.

There is somewhere else you belong.

Building up from the ground is unwise.

Up from foundations do buildings rise,

So location is as important as supplies.

Sometimes in order to avoid feeling shame,

The mind looks anywhere else to find blame

Rather than at the very one who complains.

Rather than getting yourself uptight,

Know you're not here to get it right:

You are here to sharpen your insight.

The only proof of harmony is in the song.

Find your right by recognizing the wrong.

What should you truly not be working on?

Self-sabotage is stealthy and merciless.

So as each new thing invites your best,

Keep a loving eye on what you do next.

The part of you that wants to contribute

Keeps arguing against thoughts in you

That prefer to question anything new.

Security will take a different form -

One that cannot be lived in or worn

Yet can keep you every bit as warm.

Growth is set to happen no matter what.

You just have to be willing to shed stuff

And sprout new powers on your way up.

Be a keeper of the space. Take your role.

This is about responsibility, not control.

Treat tasks as an expression of your soul.

As keeper of this space, it is your role

To maintain a voice that is your own

And over key details, practice control.

Sometimes you must cut a cord to survive,

Or find yourself living, but not fully alive:

Do so, and reach somewhere deeper inside.

You need new rituals that support this,

Or you'll toss, turn and even throw fits

As you grow into what your new life is.

You are surrounded on all sides by sages.

They will all reveal themselves in stages.

Be the pupil in each of today's exchanges.

There's no one to punish: be understanding.

You shrink your power by being demanding.

Helping with the solution means expanding.

Expectation ruins things' natural appeal

By framing each as a give-and-take deal:

Life's as wonderful as you're able to feel.

Moods run in cycles, but something remains

In you always unmoved - forever unchanged.

Hearing its voice makes the moods run away.

You need to keep things fresh and uncertain.

Every day, pull back some unfamiliar curtain.

It's not about the finding - it's the searching.

Do what energizes, not what drains.

No matter what, this advice remains.

What you enjoy is where you'll gain.

Your thinking is becoming too intricate.

Numbers aren't what make it legitimate.

Next time, it needs to be small, intimate.

Rather than constantly feeling surprised,

What would it be like to feel energized?

Could this question become your guide?

Invite your newest friendships gradually.

Take time, to perceive things accurately

So when you know, you know actually.

Carefully, carefully mind your loops -

Those thought patterns you slip into.

And once one starts, regroup, regroup.

In case you forget, you are here to love,

Not to collect issues to then rise above.

Kindness is the hand, you are the glove.

Who knows how this ends up turning out?

Whoever claims to has less mind than mouth.

What always works is to water what sprouts.

The only way to figure out what's missing

Is to stop waiting to talk - wait to listen.

Then you'll be equipped for this mission.

For all this to work, you'll need to declare

The boundaries within which you'll share

And around which ill-will needs to beware.

Giving it your voice is a very serious step:

You own the essence of what you say next,

So let your words be fruitful yet content.

Even if it should last until you grow old,

This is nothing more than a temporary role

And is but the tiniest sliver of your soul.

How you talk about that places you in it,

Either as proud owner or griping tenant,

So speak from the role you expect to fit. 

This is not going to last forever -

Just until more pieces fit together

Or you start using your time better.

Share who you are with everyone next.

Even if it feels like it's making a mess.

You're giving a gift, not taking a test.

Wrap your mind around this entire space.

Let no chance to learn more go to waste,

And share each as you put things in place.

This is no longer that distant frontier.

You need to do more than dwell here,

So start focusing on the atmosphere.

This is not a time to be the diplomat:

Speak up and tell them not to do that.

Be protective of your heart's habitat.

Every time you speak, there's an energy

That reaches out far more than just mentally

And abides in the hearer's heart's memory.

It's nothing but a word - a made-up name.

Without it, would you be acting the same?

With it, are you able to make some gain?

If there are two roles that need filling, 

Take the one that makes you more willing,

Not the one that others say is thrilling.

Don't go back there. The reason is this:

What binds them together was never a fit

For the energy you've been working with.

Go ahead - if you're full of curiosity -

Go see who fate would like you to meet.

Go if it's less a task and more a treat.

Be reminded by talking with someone older

Of when your own winters were much colder.

Let memory serve to make you even bolder.

Is that input helping make things steady?

Words have to match for when you're ready,

Or else they're just theories - just heady.

There is a difference between the two -

Not in the talents you need to use, but

In the energy you need to redistribute.

It's just as pointless to chase the dark

As it is to linger in the fully-lit part:

You should be navigating via your heart.

You never know who knows who,

So be mindful what you're up to.

Only share what you know is true.

If the best of it fills you with pleasure,

And the worst of it you rarely measure,

Then it is one of your life's treasures.

If some result is in the back of your mind,

Your motivation will eventually unwind;

Loving your process should be your why.

Wanting to have that is a level of interest

That's good, but not better, and not best:

Wanting to give this outranks all the rest.

You need certainty, now more than ever.

Because certainty makes its own weather

And will keep all your energies together.

Move it into the center of your efforts,

Not because it needs to be there forever,

But because you need it more than ever.

It's time to measure what you've done -

It's not the same as measuring outcome:

Measure out what you've actually begun.

Study as many mistakes as you can gather,

Or live them firsthand if you would rather;

Each one adds a rung to your life's ladder.

Keep them at a distance if they delay.

Keep them farther if their efforts sway.

Keep them close if they are underway.

Right now, focus on the necessary tasks -

The ones you need to do for when they ask

Whether you possess all you need to have.

Is this what you actually believe?

Have you lived it or merely seen?

What within you does this please?

Stretch this past the comfortable limit.

If there's anything more to give, give it.

What you are now tapping into is spirit.

Filling up on stories may feel enough -

But what's actually filling you is a love

That words are just traveling on top of.

You need to know just enough to begin,

But not so much you won't head on in:

You'll learn to sail once there is wind.

One question keeps your daily focus solid:

Are you solving your own actual problems?

This is how you earn priceless knowledge.

That story has its own length and limits.

You don't, even if you put yourself in it.

Energy overflows whatever it tries to fit.

You didn't come here to tell that one story.

Put it in the back of your mind's inventory,

And offer someone else the praise and glory.

If it can be bought, you won't need it.

If it can be forgotten, let them keep it.

If it quiets you, take a moment to be it.

If you do it that way, it won't be natural.

It's one thing to try and become masterful,

But more wondrous a journey to be gradual.

Put everything out there - up on the wall -

Hold nothing back, let everyone see it all;

Whatever held you back is now very small.

Acknowledge that it's time to redirect

Your energy so it can finally reconnect

Your efforts with your original intent.

If you agree that things have changed,

Can you also point them out by name?

Have you noticed what's still the same?

You're a way of being, you are not a name,

And that way of being, you can also change

In any way at all. Forget yesterday's range. 

Stress is your greatest mentor and friend.

Without it, you would always overextend.

It teaches you, before you break, to bend.

Sometimes those feelings can overwhelm,

But keep heading to the center of yourself:

And you will soon be back in your realm.

The trivialities you put in your own way

Are enough to lead your attention astray,

But not for long - so end this interplay.

Even after it has all been delivered,

You will still need to have considered

What your heart has already whispered.

Achieve the things to know how that feels,

Then pause to reflect on what you have seen

And you will understand what it all means.

Stop yourself from cleaning their floors.

Stop taking on their overlooked chores -

Their inner dwelling simply isn't yours.

Decide to get from it just what you need

And the time will pass more easily indeed;

Perspective is the voice you should heed.

Why do this any way but the natural one?

How do you know new ideas hold wisdom?

Answer these, even if you've already begun.

It can be healthy to speak to your sorrow,

But in the wrong group, you'll just wallow:

Share only where "Growth!" is their motto.

Lean times before and after abundant ones

Follow a night-day cycle like stars and sun:

Do you know which light's time has come?

Half of the journey is realizing you're there,

Deep in the place you'd been told to beware.

The rest is navigating your route elsewhere.

The same lesson is going to keep coming

Until you prove you're actually above it;

Learning to say no will be just as loving.

You feel you were clear, yet still ignored -

And of this cycle you've grown truly bored:

Your levels of directness are what to explore.

Interruptions - they tell you a lot

About what you didn't wish to stop

And what you instinctively dropped.

And how could it have seemed like such fun?

Well-wrapped won't always mean well-done.

Look at all sides - not just the shiniest one.

Whether you get help or do it all alone,

Put in the work to make this your home.

As much as you choose will be your own.

Don't theorize - try out each one fully.

Don't let either of them become a bully.

Above all, do not commit prematurely.

Setting aside time to care for yourself last

Should become an ugly habit of your past.

Self-care can be a way of living, not a task.

And if you're only doing enough to deliver,

You're becoming a most careless caregiver:

Your energy is like water - care is the river.

Listen to yourself, but not too terribly much.

Sometimes with thinking, enough is enough.

Consciously wait to meet what else comes up.

Then you will be done, just like that.

You will have the wind at your back,

And you will make a natural impact.

There are so many ways to interpret all this.

There are so many ways to make yourself fit.

There is only one way to authentically live.

Before you choose quickly, check once again.

Get someone else's experienced perspective:

Decisions work best when they're well-fed.

You make it harder to know what's coming

By thinking you need a little more cunning.

The way to find out is to be forthcoming.

A certain closeness is going to be required

To reach them in the way you have desired:

Do so through presence, not through wires.

Long-lasting is fine, but to what end?

What good is it to last but never bend?

Love stays vulnerable enough to mend.

It's as easy to slip into another realm

As it is to dive into what you've felt:

You'll go farther than words can tell.

You can think you know what's going on,

But you're better off assuming you're wrong;

What you need to do is just continue along.

Some naturally test your generosity's limits,

Reaching for more than you've already given.

But your sense of enough has already arisen.

What are all your assumptions based on?

Before you rush to fix, let it go "wrong."

You can learn a lot by just going along.

Whatever you're working so hard to solve

May not even need for you to be involved.

The next question: where do you belong?

Have you noticed yet - that there is no end

To setting goals that you then have to tend?

Always let your why overshadow the when.

You have the sharp senses of a sleuth.

What you perceived was accurate truth.

But it wasn't for them - it is for you.

Things are never as they initially seem;

Your worst day is someone else's dream.

(May your gratitude flow like a stream.)

If you think of your schedule as a parasite,

What cures it now or the rest of your life?

Moving around, resting well, eating right.

If you should live hundreds of years more,

Life will still have new adventures galore

When you are willing to open new doors.

Sometimes you learn more when you leave.

If you go see what others work to achieve,

You'll return to yourself no longer naive.

It is useful to feel into what feels right,

Sense into whatever makes you uptight,

And to see either one as a guiding light.

If the keys are here and you don't use them,

It's probably not a simple question of when:

You probably need to find your reasons again.

It's not that that goal wasn't big enough -

It's that you can keep continuing to go up;

It's that you can find higher levels of fun.

The hero, the victim, the villain - who else?

What other masks have you tried on yourself?

Live by your heart, where every mask melts.

Start speaking in a language of possibilities,

A new way that treats words as opportunities

And expands the range of what's here to see.

Yes, you can feel twice this expansive,

Your voice spreading its loving branches

Around your heart as it quietly dances.

If on the surface, it looks like a mess,

Would what's inside show anything less?

Tidy up - that invites everyone's best.

You begin asking for what you hope to hear,

And then truth comes that had not been clear:

This is your invitation to ride, but not steer.

When you resist the call to become clannish,

Some allies somehow, suddenly, just vanish;

They have done you a true favor, not damage.

The openness of the questions you ask

Will help you figure out the one task

That can get everything else on track.

The gift that ends up costing you is a joke,

Fate presenting you a perfectly playful poke

About the difference between fire and smoke.

The quality of each relationship you grow

Is like the heartiness of the seeds you sow:

It's not just who (it's how well) you know.

What gives you strength, and what takes?

Yes - a few of your are answers are fakes -

Happiness doesn't lean on what it makes.

Now, rather than being on display,

Be who you were going to be anyway

By letting one less "necessity" stay.

Don't do it - it's not worth the trouble

If it only makes your workload double.

The wisest improvements are all subtle.

Coincidences help you as they always have,

Dropping unexpected situations into your lap

When you're not too attached to one set path.

Some of your interests only last for so long,

Because they need a group to matter at all.

Some interests are for life - that was seasonal.

Everything you give away gives you a feeling -

Whether it's obligation, enjoyment or healing.

Which of the reasons lifts your inner ceiling?

Focus on relationships, not on transactions.

One creates beauty, the other is a reaction.

Patience, sow seeds of lifelong satisfaction.

You can get so energized by your problems

That you become determined to solve them,

So let your growing frustration broaden.

Though things may seem so sorted and neat,

It may mean that their pile-up is complete -

There are so many things that you can delete.

And when you find yourself on the other side

Of an argument you thought was so bona fide,

You'll find a love that opens your heart wide.

That part of your life that feels like a mess

Doesn't mean you're not doing your best -

It means you'll enjoy more by doing less.

What you will gain by giving it as a gift

Is far more than a brief emotional lift -

You will feel all your expectations shift.

What you are forming is a tangible tribe,

People who will surround you on all sides

As you all grow healthy, wealthy and wise.

There is no complication or condition

That can change your true disposition:

You are the magic - not the magician.

Once you remember there is nothing to do,

You wake yourself from other dreams too -

Like that one that lives comfortable truths.

Trying to give a warning everyone will heed

Is something at which you will not succeed

Because everyone fails exactly as they need.

Forget about ever being finished or done.

Free yourself from every desired outcome.

Focus on all you can feel from sun to sun.

You're going to get angry, and rightly so.

You never even had the chance to say no.

But now get carried right back into flow.

Is there something you think you can do

To shortcut your journey to your truth?

(The long way is the only way through.)

Forget about your own expertise or appeal.

It only matters to share from how you feel.

This is what's valuable and timelessly real.

You already know without being informed:

You find the patterns and then grow bored.

So choose the way with no obvious reward.

When even changes become predictable,

Your mindset's at a point that's pivotal,

So keep all outside influences minimal.

The parts you love are easy to keep doing.

The parts you don't, keep doubt brewing.

Keep on refining and keep on reviewing.

From the criticism to the compliments,

All you get to keep is your experience.

All you can do is be extremely present.

The differences start to become so subtle

That things can end up in a real muddle.

Practice patience and solve your puzzle.

As soon as you let the physical form of it go

You'll understand more than you now know.

Once you understand, all at once, you grow.

Cluelessness is one thing - denial is another.

Seek to lovingly heal, not to quietly smother.

Live in the open, leaving nothing undercover.

Your stories will not suddenly let you go.

That task falls to you, to your will alone.

So limit how many stories you condone.

They are not intending to take advantage,

They are in the habit of leaving baggage.

Remember what you are here to manage.

Not far beneath, scavengers still squirm,

Trying to undermine some of your terms.

Be loving, and at the same time, be firm.

It is not your job, nor your place to fix.

Anyone who says so is up to clever tricks.

It is your duty to invite courage to stick.

Your stories speak, but can they also hear?

Each has its own voice - do any have ears?

Which one actually makes your way clear?

You don't need to have total control.

You don't need to get any ideas sold.

You need to open up as life unfolds.

Perfectionism is usually unwise.

Conscious work is good exercise.

Leave room to love life's surprise.

Not every day is incredibly amazing. 

Not every path finds you trailblazing.

But is this moment not breathtaking?

Considering where all of your time went,

Being protective does make a lot of sense.

Once you've recovered, carefully reorient.

Do not be moved - you are not time's servant.

You are not here to grow forevermore fervent,

But if anything, to be forevermore observant.

What you know is not required.

Expertise makes listeners tired.

How you are is what inspires.

Pain can be a very useful sensation to feel

To find out what's both broken and real.

So use it to figure out just what to heal.

There's only so much you can tell a story.

After awhile even the best becomes boring.

Just as much silence is far more restoring. 

When sitting still, everyone seems true.

But you discover who's in support of you

Once you set out toward something new.

You can only give from what overflows,

Or else you stunt your very own growth.

So fill yourself full long before you go.

Stop. Those questions are too big.

They ask you to tunnel - just dig.

You need to rethink, not renege.

When you end up doing "more than you can,"

You learn how much more you can withstand,

Because the heart is wealthier than the hand.

This is not the place for absolutes -

This is the space for today's truths.

So just what is it that you're up to?

If no one had gotten in your way,

You wouldn't be all you are today:

Discovery's viewfinder is dismay.

You don't need an exact plan,

But knowing where you stand

Is good both for feet and hands.

If you feel yourself coming unhinged,

Or as if your peace is being infringed,

To what is your sense of self pinned?

You need this pain - in order to work.

Focus tends to focus on whatever hurts.

It finds, fixes or flushes whatever lurks.

If just for today, maybe even a bit beyond,

You choose not to put that thought coat on,

You will become your own source of dawn.

Giving them space to hear themselves speak

Makes them feel more than safely unique -

It frees them all from judgment's critique.

To whomever you give the power of voice,

You also grant them the power of choice

And tools to dismantle whatever exploits. 

Pushing will eventually be pushed back.

Be mindful if you're ever on the attack,

What you put out, you will also attract.

What you need to know is already here.

Whenever needed, experts always appear.

Ask someone or simply sit and overhear.

As long as there is always some "next,"

You can keep adding unnecessary steps.

The best gift is to unwrap your present.

Because your mind did not get you here,

It is not the passenger to invite to steer:

Your heart is what decides what is clear.

Provide yourself the chance to sit still,

To rest your mind and retire your will,

And you have your most valuable skill.

You need a space where you can reset

From the constant give, give and get.

Do you know if you've created it yet?

Frustration will find you, but don't flee

(Breakthroughs are fueled by difficulty).

Face what you'd rather not, and willingly.

It's fine if you want to talk a lot.

It's fine if you would rather not.

Let your needs be aforethought.

At this point, be mindful who

You share or give your work to.

For now, keep the number few.

If one thing complicates something else,

It is wise to check back in with yourself:

Complexity complicates a mind's health.

Waking up without so many concerns

Lets you take on so much more work.

So start going to sleep this way first.

You treat it as if it needs no mention, but

What you're doing you must also question.

You must seek and set your own intention.

Memories may shine light or cast shadows.

Making new ones is all you need to handle.

Keep your focus from getting too narrow.

Nothing's as simple as what you'd thought.

Nothing you know's all right or all wrong.

Nothing that blocks you will be here long.

Get your mind to align with this reality:

On the other side of drama and hyperbole

Results come based on what you believe.

You've no idea how hard this could be.

And why should you? There is no need.

Appreciate what has arrived effortlessly.

Though you may prefer this weather,

You don't get to linger here forever.

Become oblivious to worse and better.

When all you want to happen doesn't occur,

What within you does that realization stir?

Stay for all that these feelings will confer.

Even where balance seems to slant,

There's a joy stillness always grants.

Notice where its silent leaves land.

Yes, you had to do it that way once.

No, there wasn't time left to discuss.

Maybe now you know who to confront.

You have so many moods - so many facets.

In the wrong situation, one is a bad habit.

In the right situation, each can be an asset.

For as long as you need to feel safe,

You will feel the need to seek escape;

Intensify your need to feel engaged.

Friends who only give complaints,

Are enemies of your peaceful state

Who serve you best when far away.

You may feel you've been totally upfront.

You may think you've said quite enough.

You're not getting through. So, be blunt.

Quietly come back to the same situation,

Where you told yourself about irritation.

This time, silence the inner conversation.

It's different than how your mind sees it,

Because your mind cannot see your spirit.

Your quietest mind is your most coherent.

If ever you feel yourself suffering,

Do the work of mental decluttering

And you'll feel yourself recovering.

When you are listening genuinely,

Without trying to correct or agree,

You can heal hurt with an apology.

They will expect certain things of you,

When they hold you to their own truth.

There is nothing you need to do/prove.

For as long as there's some set amount

To measure if your work worked out,

You overlook what you can't count. 

Things get rough, then you get loud -

Makes sense when reaction is allowed.

What if you just yielded and bowed?

Does that get under your skin?

You'll learn more by giving in

Than you will taking the win.

The best way to enrich your own life

Is to give others their wings to fly,

Which happens every time you try.

Where exactly are those questions headed?

Where someone else is given all the credit?

Or where you give your part proper merit?

The memories you treasure most dearly,

You treasure for how you felt, sincerely.

Why not relive that feeling now clearly?

This is a good time to create and not travel -

A time to return home and build your castle,

A time to prepare yourself for a brief battle.

Don't just agree to what's being offered -

Feel into the part of it that feels awkward

And decide what you need to have altered.

Don't worry about breathing each breath.

Let your instinct take care of that instead;

Turn all of your attention toward silence.

First it feels like you've reached a limit,

Then you realize, it's just time to pivot.

Choose your approach and now, live it.

You don't get the option to turn your back,

Because that's when detractors will attack:

You must stay, deliver, engage and interact.

There is no point to more information

Until you take time for contemplation,

The kind without heady conversation.

All those trends deserve your distrust.

Getting yourself to feel sincere disgust

Is how you turn your should to a must.

While it serves you, feel free to measure.

But you'll have arrived once you treasure

The way your parts work so well together.

Understand all they can ever be are tools.

It is up to you to put them to proper use.

They are here to serve your chosen rules.

When something is treated in a certain way,

It can become difficult for you to innovate.

So that may not be the path you should take.

Unless/until your heart tells you to quit,

Grow more than a feeling of ownership:

Grow your own real inner peace with it.

Though delivered with a degree of certainty,

Certain can also be wrong, even mistakenly.

Do your own research, and do it thoroughly.

A quiet moment to yourself is all you need.

And if you take another each day, eventually

You will have grown a forest from one seed.

Adding too many things subtracts from each.

Tend only and exactly to what you can reach,

And be quick to study, but so slow to teach.

Should you think about it by speaking aloud?

Will you believe thoughts that draw a crowd?

Or are these something you should shroud?

You start by silencing all the outside voices

So you can once again make actual choices

That once again let all of this feel joyous.

It has been so long - start even farther back

(injury can put you even farther off track) -

The mindset of an approach versus an attack.

Though you are given opportunities galore,

Work on what you're working on - not more.

Until it's time to come out, close your door.

Whether it is destined to be small or grand,

Expectation turns enjoyment into a demand:

Appreciation makes what seems good expand.

When you began, you needed to be so blunt.

You were heading from the back to the front.

Now, you must be subtle in what you adjust.

For evidence, you will not need to look far:

Days change the small, you change the large.

Of how you feel about it, you are in charge.

As soon as the flow of listening feels broken,

Put an end to your momentum - take notice:

You are not here to convince - but to be open.

As soon as possible, simplify the given steps,

Removing as many as it takes in order to get

To the end goal, rather than just to each next.

It may not be at all about the chase.

Check inside to see if that is the case:

What you love most may be this space.

Offers are coming in from every side.

Most offer yet another place to hide -

One points directly to your own light.

Surrender if you're battling problems.

Fighting them never truly solves them.

Lasting solutions come once you soften.

This process will end in a breakthrough.

Identifying circular patterns is step two:

First, realize you can do something new.

Today's journey is about managing state -

Not about being in the exact same place -

But about conscious, courageous change.

Not yet, keep thinking about it some more.

If you think of where you're at as the floor,

How high a ceiling might there be in store?

An experience that feels truly negative,

Is actually the one that is ready to give

You secrets about your new way to live.

Imagine that you're not the only one here -

Going through things this difficult yet dear:

Help them by making your own way clear.

You've actually solved a bigger problem here:

You've actually taught yourself how to steer

When others actually make the way unclear.

Figure out how this opportunity fits in -

Where you're going, where you've been,

Or where you can be here now and win.

Realize there is a purpose to it all.

You must see it, despite how small.

One action by itself can stand tall.

You have skills - they're not your purpose.

Don't be an expert - be your whole person.

Put yourself where you feel most earnest.

Although it's easy, doesn't mean you should.

You no longer stand where you once stood.

Point yourself toward your highest good.

Better still. Yes, you can do much better.

Must that rule be followed to the letter?

There's history tied to it? Cut the tether.

Though you want tomorrow to come sooner,

The greatest gift of not knowing the future

Is that it forces you to do today smoother.

The past is worthwhile for what you can use.

But if you linger, there's much you can lose.

Move on. Bring along only its very best tools.

You can journey straight or you can wander -

Needing applause may make it all take longer.

Working in silence will make you stronger.

Even if it's more fitting to complain,

Shift it all into the best-fitting frame

And problems will never be the same.

Though at the moment you may be hurting,

What you've been given is far from a burden:

It is your invitation to a more-specific certain.

The lessons you're looking for are all around.

Are you looking for one that feels profound?

Choose one that's useful here on the ground.

Look around: this moment is truly beautiful.

The parts you love aren't even the best of all;

The parts you don't, contain what's magical.

Winning feeds some people's souls,

For others, it's now how they grow.

Let both teach you what they know.

While your plan should be a flexible line,

It doesn't mean they can waste your time:

How you treat them is how you remind.

We're only as good as our ability to detach,

So when life and your vision are a mismatch,

Relaxation is the itch you need to scratch.

Beware of getting fixated on tomorrow,

Giving it today's time that you borrow.

Can you leave the rest of today hollow?

All you need to do is quietly listen

For the themes of drama and friction

Then quietly return to your mission.

What's the difference between this and that?

Do you even realize what you're looking at?

What if you turned away from both and sat?

The ingredients can only come together here,

And especially when you're certain and clear

About which go in when and which interfere.

Not everything belongs in your space.

Some items are just too commonplace.

Which ones put a smile on your face?

Analysis is like blood without a pulse:

Without action, words won't be enough.

Are you mastering analysis or results?

Why did you do it that specific way?

Stubbornness, desire, a sense of play?

Don't answer - be yourself all day.

Do you need to look into the future,

Or could the present be your tutor?

The great teachings hide in humor.

You're an artist. Today is your latest

Work along the way toward your greatest.

You're making this masterpiece in stages.

To the normal approach, be resistant.

No, it is not your job to be consistent:

Your job for now is self-commitment.

Whether you feel this is fast or slow,

You still have a very long way to go.

All you can do is focus on your flow.

What you once feared, can no longer happen

Because you have learned and now mastered

How to use today to magnify what matters.

Finding yourself along a preexisting track,

Your best way forward is all the way back

To avoid whatever else that road attracts.

Are you in this with something to sell?

Are you doing this for the story to tell?

Do you want to look good - or be well?

And if the thing you do is always the same,

You'll be doing a disservice to your brain:

What creativity doesn't need to be is trained.

Once you dream, want and eventually have it

Enough times, you can get locked into habit:

Appreciate, but ultimately drop this baggage.

Your relationships are more than a reflection -

They do more than provide social protection:

They help decide the whole world's direction.

Don't choose the wrong side of this debate:

You are allowed, even designed, to change.

Either against or along time, you can play.

How many more things do you have to say?

If you forgot one, would the rest go astray?

If you said none, would you be you anyway?

Watching others fade into their rituals,

Can create difficult-to-witness visuals.

Make this conscious observing habitual.

If you have only so much time, what to do!

Yet one moment can feel like forever, too.

Perspective breaks down or breaks through.

This always serves as a useful tool:

For a moment, play the role of fool,

Asking things no one else thinks to.

You are hearing the movement of a mouth

That may not know what it's talking about.

You're the one who has to work things out.

The answers don't come by waiting here.

No amount more study will make it clear.

Clarity comes from what you let disappear.

You're asking the right questions, yes.

But it's the answers that fail truth's test.

What other ways lead from better to best?

If you can see this as a complete spectrum,

It won't matter if they're being ambiguous:

There are no absolutes - just a continuum.

You love to laugh - so are you laughing?

The kind that has you joyously gasping?

Just how might you make this happen?

Ask a few more specific questions -

Ones deeper than already mentioned.

Does this raise or ease the tension?

Once you stop basing today on the past,

And forget about how long you can last,

You will wonder how you did it so fast.

Your feelings on it run the whole spectrum.

So if there is within each one a little lesson,

It is that you are a fluid and flowing essence.

No, it is not that you need to hurry up.

It's that you need to reach your Enough

So you can be sharing it with everyone.

There are so many things left to do,

But they are not ones you're used to:

Today's tasks all need you to be new.

Are you supposed to have a fresh approach?

Or should you be finding yourself a coach?

Do first and last what energizes you most.

Literally or figuratively, this is wise:

Your best course will be to get outside

To let more emptiness into your mind.

You are not being broken apart -

Hurt is what widens your heart

And deepens the deepest part.

Trust that you are going to finish -

It's nothing that time can diminish.

You yourself are going to witness.

Though it's easier to continue staying here,

Where you're headed, all of this disappears

Because it's a totally different atmosphere.

Things that feel like they have come too early

Have arrived just in time to start a new story.

It's the expectations that landed prematurely.

For awhile, you compensate for an injury

By depending on other parts of your body

In a way that should only last temporarily.

Times will be lean. Times will be abundant.

Times will be, regardless of your judgment.

And over time, patience will be triumphant.

Do this over and over again as you wish.

But once it's something you can dismiss,

Let your farewell be unflinchingly quick.

This is one time when being sentimental

Will end up being somewhat detrimental.

Unflinching clear-headedness is essential.

You may not want to have interaction,

But this is not about your satisfaction.

This is about moving past distraction.

Once you let anything become a pattern,

You begin to expect a future to happen,

So intentionally change your reaction.

If you find yourself without true support,

Then you can treat this as a game or sport

In which opponents are very easy to sort.

If your motivation is to sincerely serve,

There'll always be a need for your work,

And you'll always know what to do first.

If you don't know what to do first,

Check the motivation for your work.

Do you do this to impress or serve?

You are still reorienting yourself -

How to balance work, life, health -

How to define your kind of wealth.

If you desperately need a long vacation

Just to recover from your occupation,

What you need is mindset relocation.

You can't always be what you once felt.

You are welcomed to redefine yourself.

In fact, it is very good for your health.

To share life's best outlook,

Forget who gave and who took.

Help people feel understood.

It is so important to call people by name

For its awakening effect inside the brain.

Practice this habit throughout every day.

This has nothing to do with being educated -

It can only consist of what you've dedicated.

What have your own actions demonstrated?

Be mindful on whom you depend.

And if you are let down yet again,

Answer, is this the act of a friend?

Even though you have no idea whether

Any of this is going to come together,

Preparation will keep making you better.

You're looking for some answer elsewhere

Because looking within gives you a scare;

The only truth-teller is how you prepare.

It comes down to your actual behaviors -

What in you steps up, what in you wavers.

When in need, ask for honesty, not favors.

Picture a future, far out as you can dream.

And as impossible as it may at first seem,

Your mind is already assembling a team.

No need to work on the past, it just fades.

Whatever you need of it is what remains.

Focus your energy on today, today, today.

If you partner yourself up with lack,

The focus shifts to defensive attacks:

It's not too late to disarm and detach.

Are you gracious when you win?

Or does a youthful pride kick in?

At any age, immaturity can begin.

Is everyone growing their skills?

If not, defeat most certainly will.

What talents failure can instill!

You are getting better - at what?

At saying "and" or saying "but"?

At knowing which doors to shut?

You won't find yourself "here" ever again.

And "now" is its own ever-changing when.

What you can "do" is be flexible and bend.

You have developed the perfect set of skills

To accomplish exactly what it is you will.

And you did it without some set "until."

You will be asked to make yourself clearer

By those who would rather not come nearer

(You're not necessarily everyone's mirror).

The areas you will naturally neglect

Are those places expectations infect.

Focus on the most rewarding aspect.

What about times when you don't react?

Is there something you're holding back?

What is it that keeps your peace intact?

Are those really your primary concerns?

If so, then what have you really learned?

What is the issue that has to come first?

If acting out is still within you,

There is more growing left to do.

You are on the way to your truth.

When the mood seems suddenly tense,

It's because of an unpleasant influence

That can be undone by making amends.

What triggers your loudest alarm?

What makes you immediately calm?

Knowing each is the key to charm.

Habits determine your overall health.

Master yourself by observing yourself.

Inward insight is the soul of wealth.

Remove all the layers and reach the source

Where you'll think to yourself, "Of course,

This is what I originally traveled here for!"

Once you're in the right environment,

It will feel like sheer enlightenment.

Showing up is the only requirement.

What exactly do you need to know

Before you can give your say-so?

Only one key detail is apropos.

Once you decide to uproot stress,

You'll have to examine each mess

And decide which part to address. 

If you're experiencing too much contrast,

Advice for precisely this has come at last,

These three words: Get unconfused fast.

Your words can convince everyone but you.

Your heart knows what you're truly up to.

Your promises must carry personal value.

Before you sell your ideas, know yourself

Or else it will be that much harder to tell

What to do when things start going well.

It's hard to hear, but you're in the way

Of your progress on this particular day:

Think about everything you tend to say.

Your own language constructs a blockade

Or breaks through one and paves straight:

How do you speak of it? What do you say?

The importance of what you steadily focus on

Is something you cannot afford to get wrong:

The subtle changes are what make you strong.

Changing the wrong doesn't guarantee right.

Battling the darkness doesn't ensure you light.

Focusing your good makes everything bright.

For as long as you consider that offensive,

You language is limited to being defensive:

You are ready to be vastly more inventive.

Do you once again find yourself The Helper?

Once again building someone else's shelter?

Imagine for yourself a different storyteller.

After listening to more than one excuse,

You need to put listening to better use -

Things such as how to actually produce.

Listen to those with actual experience,

To what's said, as well as what's meant,

To how they mastered heart and head.

Even if you wrestle a bit with doubt,

Continue to refine what you're about:

Thought and action in proper amount.

One sure way to limit your sum,

Is to desire a specific outcome.

Gifts are here - more than one.

Your idea of lasting security,

Does it involve a life of ease?

Does it include a community?

Step far enough away this time

So you can completely redesign

What you initially had in mind.

Just because they ask, you don't have to.

Feeling obligated leads to feeling used.

Always be aware of being free to choose.

Give out as much as you like, but be aware

Of what you need for your own self-care.

You must first have before you can share.

You don't need to know every single thing,

But give your bird's-eye view some wings

By learning about what's now occurring.

They can't meet you where you hope to be,

But only where you put yourself actually.

Dream, but wake up and work this reality.

You're going to have to cut some things back

To make space for what you intend to attract:

Opportunities expand as schedules contract.

Never consider your hardship a curse,

Since someone somewhere has it worse.

You can be glum, but be grateful first.

Unless it brings you some form of enjoyment,

Your best course of action is to duly avoid it:

To ride life's current you must be buoyant.

Look around you, at whoever you've got,

At who you respect, at who you do not.

Who you listen to co-writes your plot.

You keep imagining heroes outside yourself,

But you've done so much - so much so well.

You're the greatest hero in the story we tell.

Realize that you are an example,

Not of more than you can handle,

But of being suited, being ample.

What speaks to the very depths of your soul?

How does that relate to your current role?

Where can they come together as a whole?

No one wants to be told what to do,

So give them the freedom to choose

Without the language of win or lose.

You are as healthy as your own good sense

To turn away from what is far too intense

And toward what makes you feel blessed.

Like a flower sprouting some thorns,

Once in awhile, abandon your norms.

You are not the one who conforms.

If all those are your source of pride,

Who then are you here, deep inside?

This is someone you should come find.

Despite all of your many proven talents,

Things fall apart when you lose balance,

So don't just pounce at every challenge.

There is a funny thing about advice -

Whether it's given to teach or entice,

You won't hear it the same way twice.

You could ask, but you should just get going.

Any benefits that might come from knowing,

May fade because of what you'd be slowing.

You already know, to finish you have to start,

But too much rush is another way to thwart.

Bit by bit, you chip away at the hardest part.

Some mistakes can stifle your growth,

So be humble in your overall approach

Even about things you think you know.

Your strength's potential is unfathomable,

Yet you have limits that are quite factual.

Thus you are a mystery - you are magical.

Do you know how to be your own advocate?

Not to be content with what seems adequate?

To treat yourself as self-respect's graduate?

Your daily routines don't need to be precise.

They need to save you from thinking twice

About what you need to live your best life.

You have attained many, and that is nice.

But goals are beneath the level of your life.

You can be riding flow and channeling light.

After that, then what will you do?

What's gotten gets forgotten soon.

Waves rise without trying to move.

This is your chance - not to feel cheated,

Or tell them how you need to be treated,

But to stop patterns from being repeated.

You know enough to get this right -

Not the opposite of wrong, not quite,

But the way that lets in more light.

Even if this isn't as simple as greed,

Another one is the last thing you need.

Ending your chase means more time freed.

You've preferred things to be a certain way,

But what happens when life brings change?

Every bit of your own resilience will stay.

Life does not announce or explain

The rules that come with each age,

So treat each as a clue-based game.

Setting personal parameters is a talent

That levity will help to keep in balance.

Find laughter between each challenge.

Right now, it is less important to be heard

And more important to be true to your word;

You may have to put yourself second or third.

Exhaustion is one of the most trustworthy

Guides you've brought on this life journey,

Pointing out where rest leads to recovery.

Enough time without rest will turn you numb,

So start letting some things remain undone:

Let the pieces, not your peace, succumb.

This time, just leave it a mess.

This time, just let there be less.

This time, don't you just say yes.

You may wonder if there's a solution in sight.

You may feel like you've lost all your might.

Deep inside, you know the future is bright.

Here's how to know this path is correct:

Each step gives you a mixture of content

And a yearning for whatever comes next.

Real reasons do their best to evade

Being at all dramatically portrayed.

Trust what doesn't seek to persuade.

When you get real rest, you awaken

Without feeling alarmed or shaken:

How much time has no-rest taken?

It has come for you, like it or not.

It is here, not for what you've got,

But because of all you've thought.

If you just need a bit of relief or laughter,

It helps to think of what could come after

To decide for yourself what truly matters.

No one can tell you whether to fight or flee.

Only you get to decide what's an emergency.

Respond to every raised alarm consciously.

Even if hysteria wants to drag you along,

Quick responses will begin to feel wrong:

The best thing you can offer is your calm.

There is a rhythm to what you're doing

That accelerates what's already moving

And attracts whatever you're pursuing.

Worrying about what someone else will say

Is like worrying if the wind will go away.

Opinions and light breezes are here to stay.

Were you supposed to be the hero all alone?

To do the whole entire thing on your own?

That is a children's tale you have outgrown.

What would you say inspires you the most?

When do you find yourself fully engrossed?

How much more of you could you devote?

When do you fall into feeling provoked?

Is it right after you've given the most?

Could you try a much lighter approach?

The moment you feel life's not fair,

Or that someone ignored your prayer,

Is the chance to be more self-aware.

Whether it's a choice or a retreat,

Much needed rest or overdue sleep,

Depends on the intention you keep.

They may be panicking. Don't get lured.

There is always another way, be assured,

Even if that way hasn't yet fully matured.

Be strategic about when you stand up.

Or you won't be taken seriously enough.

Deliberately is the way to get it done.

Who already knows your next move?

How can that information be used?

Could this also work to benefit you?

Your greatest asset is navigation -

The ability to map this situation

To reach your desired destination.

You deserve a little time to be lazy,

To act as you wish, even a bit crazy.

Let yeses and noes become maybes.

It's healthier to be more irreverent,

Less bound to preexisting sentiment,

Free to explore what's not so evident.

Do you know how to give yourself a break?

If not, then maybe it's time for you to train

In what it will take to take the stress away.

You have so many tools at your disposal.

As aspects of you, not one can be stolen.

So you yourself are the toolbox to open.

Could you practice not being perfect?

Interrupt your own endless circuit?

Decide work is no longer working?

If what you love is to be of service,

Then why does it need to be perfect?

Of your intentions are you certain?

Ask yourself if you have truly had enough.

Give yourself permission to say you give up.

Life exists to find and do what you love.

Let the rules be raw materials for you.

Bend them into something entirely new,

Not to go anywhere but directly through.

There are times for exceptions. 

Maybe this could be one then?

If you redefine your function.

Like doing a cleaning of the seasonal kind,

Move boxed-up thoughts around in your mind

And see what surprising treasures you find.

You just must keep inviting more change

Even if that means yet another rearrange.

Either way, nothing ever stays the same.

Mastering skills that bring you no joy

Is giving a hopeful child the wrong toy.

Mastery without love is misery's ploy.

In all this noise, the answer is quiet.

That's why you can't hear it quite yet.

Can you create the necessary silence?

If you truly agree that there's too much,

What are you doing to say that's enough?

Does your tenderness need to turn tough?

You've been offered what you don't want:

Be clear it's something you've already got.

You'll end up having to do this quite a lot.

Concern that becomes unrest, becomes worry

Becomes restless anxiety, then fear in a hurry:

That's how intensity can make things blurry.

You've dealt with it too long. You're riled.

Do something to help you forget for awhile.

You'll come back ready to win with a smile.

Circumstances aren't the actual problem -

They only wear the words we put on them.

Challenge what's "important" more often.

You might be impressively accurate.

But what would be truly miraculous

Is if you took on no more after this.

Knowing what you need to do

Doesn't mean you'll execute:

Do you sincerely want to?

How you'll get there, you'd never believe.

The path does more than curve and weave -

It actually turns you into who you'll need.

The goal does not have to be big. You do.

Rise to meet it. Become. Show and prove.

You are not the catch. You're the pursuit.

Everything can serve as a burden or a tool,

Even things that don't normally get used:

Everything's in how everything's viewed.

Whether you choose to doubt or trust,

You will become exactly who you must,

So let all your commentary be hushed.

No, your opposition isn't any smarter.

Yes, work hard, but yes, think harder.

Thinking ahead is like wearing armor.

No point letting yourself feel cornered,

Or wondering which is faster or shorter,

There is one direction for you: forward.

What if you can't think your way through?

What if this time, this isn't all up to you?

What if quietly waiting is all you can do?

What happens when what's given is tainted?

Or just makes things more complicated?

Return to what you've already created.

You're right to be defensive about your time.

But it's healthier to focus on the other side -

Where you're doing exactly as you decide.

How wonderful they're so at ease around you

Enough to tell you what they need you to do.

Can you inform them they must be confused?

Looking at all the results from before,

What can you predict will be in store

If you return to them for even more?

All you can do is respond to this

As soon as you become aware of it

With exactly the actions that fit.

If you're awakened by the sound of an attack,

Sometimes your only real option is to react.

So put what you know for sure at your back.

Everything in you might refuse,

And swear this you'll never do!

Give yourself time to diffuse.

What you do may bring you popularity,

But how you do it becomes your legacy.

Can you reach another level of integrity?

First, you got inspired with a mighty vision.

Then, you used that power to make decisions.

Now, you yourself will undergo redefinition.

Let these waves spill over your edges.

Make the uncomfortable concessions.

This is how your awareness stretches.

But at some point you need to say no

To carry everything you already hold

And get it where it all needs to go.

The comfort of having an exit plan

Can make drama easier to withstand

And turn harsh desert into soft sand.

Can you not hear what your gut is saying?

Is that because something loud is playing?

What can help to hear what it's conveying?

As many revisions as it's going to take.

That's how willing you have to be today.

But let your gut decide what must change.

Let this be your permission/reminder:

Let your changes get subtler and finer

So your range grows lower and higher.

Be as willing to cling as to let go,

And you'll almost certainly know

When which decision is apropos.

You may already have made up your mind,

But this may not be the opportune time,

So work on other details of your design.

The things that over time don't change,

Are the things around which to rearrange,

The bonds your heart chooses to maintain.

You can't know anyone else's inner world,

Until their actions reveal something more.

So open up your senses, but do not absorb.

For some, words serve as a clever disguise

But your intuition can feel all they hide.

Without being told, you already realize.

There may be no quick cleaning of this mess,

But that is no good reason to invite stress.

Despite the conditions, still do your best.

This is not bad news or words meant to hurt,

But remember things could always be worse,

So stop right here - be grateful for this first.

Is this something you can outgrow?

What can you do in order to know?

Do you sense life has more to show?

If you busy yourself with too many issues,

Then you may end up even more confused:

Focus on what can actually be improved.

This ability you have to rebound,

Has already made you renowned,

Royalty that need not be crowned.

Regardless of whether you require proof,

Your name has traveled farther than you,

So if you wish to inspire, you already do.

Are you following examples that have lasted?

Or ones inexperienced judges call fantastic?

Against what are your examples contrasted?

Do you enter new places consciously?

If not, could you get some training?

Awareness of self in each space is key.

Whether you think of it as something you eat,

Or where you lay back and kick up your feet,

You are long overdue and deserving of a treat.

Fatigue is a note from the body, mind or soul

That there's a thing you harbor, hide or hold

You need to look for, loosen from and let go.

Expect interests, just like seasons, to turn.

But as long as you can find more to learn,

Keep growing here - don't be concerned.

Despite what behaviors everyone displays,

People function in every imaginable way.

Remember this, it's the cure for naivete.

If you assume they will treat you the same,

Then you will only have yourself to blame

If you return without having made a change.

Your ideas versus the ways they're formed,

If you didn't know, consider yourself warned:

They make each other from what you absorb.

You may go off on many a daring expedition.

You may stay right here, but lost in wishing.

You transform through basic daily decisions.

Once you get these basic things covered,

It will be like getting windows shuttered:

In the storm, no damage will be suffered.

When you tend to what seems so basic,

You're perfecting part of your mosaic

And making future mastery formulaic.

Where are you when you feel most effective?

Somewhere subpar or somewhere selective?

Somewhere open or somewhere protected?

No substance, not even one as basic as food

Ever by itself causes you to feel any good -

Perspective is what makes fire from wood.

When the offering sounds too complex,

Or too specific about what comes next,

It is yours to both receive, then reject.

When the stories start getting too grand,

Your feet may have likewise left the land:

Return to where you can make your stand.

In the world of your own imaginary land,

Dream as much detail as you possibly can:

Experience all the realities you command.

Deciding between being blunt or subtle?

Consider how you'll handle the rebuttal,

And whether either will sidestep trouble.

If complications arrive all of a sudden,

Prevent them from growing by the dozen:

Use decisiveness rather than discussion.

If they prefer to wrap up their world,

While you're wanting yours to unfurl,

Doesn't collaborating sound absurd?

Find out as much as possible beforehand

To adjust necessary parts of your plan:

Adapt and still make it turn out grand.

Before you set out to follow their example,

Were their reasons for doing it all ample?

If not, you are taking too big of a gamble.

Stories filled with stories are as dangerous

To your time as rain is to metal that rusts:

The more layers, the less there is to trust.

You must remember to take no offense,

But to perceive people this way instead:

They need clarity on what you meant.

If they're accustomed to giving one answer,

You're dealing with an incapable commander:

Relieve them of all the work you can handle.

You won't be able to say when it will stop

Until your silent resistance finally drops

And you find the right mindset to adopt.

Some will participate by criticizing,

Many more, without even realizing.

Leave both below and keep climbing.

What feels like it happened all of a sudden,

Or seems like it was here and then wasn't

Is an unexpectedly delayed repercussion.

Your strength will eventually drain out,

Your success will sometimes go without.

Your love will overflow every drought.

Your determination will make doubt its fool,

Master enough skills to start its own school

And free your imagination from owing proof.

Could you give yourself this one gift?

Regardless of whether you need the lift?

Remember you are loved and cherished.

You forgive yourself,

Which restores health,

Which grows true wealth.

Be kinder to yourself, even after mistakes,

Especially when you normally think disdain.

You deserve a much wider positive range.

You've grown a tangibly caring essence

By becoming more and more attentive

As you realize you're simply precious.

Regardless of where your thoughts cling,

You have done genuinely marvelous things.

So love yourself with more understanding.

You'd do well to try this little experiment:

Tell your worst secret to your plant or pet.

Their reaction is called being truly present.

Where else is anything but here and now?

What else is present, and if so, then how?

Why not pick the thoughts you'll allow?

Do you possess all the energy you require?

Does a better source need to be acquired?

Do any fading sources need to be retired?

Are you already preparing to be uptight?

Are you assuming you're headed to fight?

Rather than headed up to higher heights?

Can you do things in such a way

So as to thank yourself for today

And treat this as if it were play?

How do you keep your energy flowing?

How do you keep your light glowing?

How do you keep your growth going?

What do you do to thank yourself

For a life with this much health

And heaps of friendship wealth?

Treasure the friends you can laugh with

And challenge in brutal battles of wit.

If you have even one nearby, you win.

It's alright to yearn for your next break,

Even if that's what gets you through today.

How much more easily a new mindset waits!

Worrying about what you're going to do

Is actually and factually of no real use:

All you control is your overall mood.

No matter how unpleasant the situations,

Or how mesmerizing each new sensation,

You decide how they fit your vibration.

Is your focus on the wrong piece?

Is that blocking what you perceive

By putting you behind your beliefs?

That incredible goal is now behind you.

Something new awaits for you to choose.

What past gains are you willing to lose?

Do you understand what's happening here?

Is your generosity ignoring what is clear?

Avoiding the facts is another form of fear.

Needing answers right this moment

Is a demand that should be noted:

Why can patience not be chosen?

When you're busy thinking of other things,

Take a moment to cherish what life brings

When you're simply riding atop its wings.

What if you're generally thinking too much

About facts, figures and fantasies and such?

Is thinking really your will's clever crutch?

Who can say what will happen after?

Can you just skip to the next chapter?

You're here for now, so try laughter.

If you're taking care of yourself

Just so you can be of more help,

No: you're the reason to be well.

Not everything has to be for results.

What things do you do just because?

Could having fun be reason enough?

If you keep needing to ask permission,

Your level of power there is deficient:

You belong where you hold dominion.

You cannot force what naturally flows.

All you can do is be where it will go.

Put yourself downhill of what rolls.

What do you know about who you listen to?

As important as content is their core value:

Have they set out to be right or to be true?

You are not here to clean the world's mess.

You are not here to battle or defeat stress.

You are here to meet love and forgiveness.

Which friend has the biggest reputation?

Counting both their climb and duration?

How do you both honor your affiliation?

Which friend are you constantly helping?

Which one always offers the overwhelming?

How could you both rise above delving?

Lessons that include historical asides,

Often carry a past adorned with pride.

What sounds very simple is also wise.

Are you sure your success isn't a threat?

You can bother those you haven't even met

Grow a compassion you may not need yet.

Those you put around you are everything,

Not just for all the talents they can bring,

But for all they prevent from happening.

You don't need to spend energy keeping track.

Something in you knows, not needing facts

When it's done defending, and strikes back.

There is a tone to strife and a tone to peace:

One fluctuates most - one changes the least.

One gets you to be loud, one gets you to be.

It may look to others like you're retreating,

But their opinion is nothing you're needing.

You're actually in this. What are you feeling?

Other methods are temporary or bogus:

Love and forgiveness will let you focus

On the present things that matter most.

Did it seem there was a deeper meaning

To all the things that were proceeding?

Let it come to you instead of reaching.

You are one magnificent creature

With so many incredible features.

What are your healing procedures?

Despite how you feel about what you get,

This is merely a return on an investment:

How much of what? That is the question.

Vague wishes are granted, specific ones too:

Be clear about what you want to come true.

Your intention is not something to dilute.

You can succeed at an amazing rate.

No, it's not luck - it's mental state.

You succeed in the space you create.

How many times have you tried?

What lessons did each provide?

How many can be reapplied?

Yes, you deserve these temporary breaks,

But don't get so lulled by them you stay:

Your discipline relies on pleasure delay.

Where water overflows, it turns reckless.

Where have your thoughts all collected?

Emptiness will make you more effective.

Some feelings mean you need to disarm.

Other ones mean take a break, recharge.

Do you know which ring which alarms?

When you work hard, you forget your health.

But you can finally be your own best help.

Welcome back. Welcome back to yourself.

As the one responsible for this endeavor,

You can relax and it will be even better;

People have a way of working together.

Who can you help regroup and reconnect?

Who can you help feel especially blessed?

Who can you help take one giant breath?

Your past and your present both reflect:

You lovingly face whatever comes next,

So you will always have energy to lend.

You masterfully create space via intent.

You masterfully create time well spent.

You masterfully create today's present.

You embody a balance of levity and depth.

You embody both flexibility and strength.

You embody the raw tenacity of patience.

How much are you able to enjoy building?

As much as a bunch of engrossed children

Who prefer fun over heroes and villains?

Do you see what happens to your creativity

When you give it a hard deadline to meet?

It can turn things around instantaneously.

Are you focusing on being seen?

Or doing exactly what you mean?

Or somewhere right in between?

When you focus on what matters,

Useless thoughts swiftly scatter

As your best intentions gather.

Rather than plan, do this instead:

Dream. Dare to imagine far ahead

To feel into how this could spread.

Once again, here is what you can deduce:

No one needs the things you can produce.

Show them and you what can be cut loose.

This is not about your legacy.

Feel into your actual identity.

Drop longevity for integrity.

Why not just let it all be known?

Why not let everything be shown?

Why do you consider it your own?

Is this how you treat your light?

Do you just reflect what's inside?

Or let it shine by stepping aside?

Spend due time with the sorrow;

Spend the present, never borrow

- Joy rightfully owns tomorrow.

There is no point looking that far ahead,

So leave the rest of those plans unsaid.

Focus on every way you can feel instead.

Thinking comes long after every feeling;

So whatever thoughts have you believing,

Trust what your emotions are revealing.

People who recognize and respect your voice

Are people who should be your first choice.

Reliability is what you can use at this point.

No ideas but your own are to be allowed.

Think them up until you tire yourself out,

Then sit for just as long without a sound.

You're reaching the end of this path.

How long would you like that to last?

The next is without maps or forecast.

Regardless of what is up for sale,

Whatever is packaged grows stale.

Be where you can breathe: exhale.

Your mind was not made for this -

For juggling every task life gives:

It takes so much less to fully live.

Difficulty and discomfort both know,

As does the best life has yet to show -

The key has always been to just flow.

When you love it so much... then why not?

Why bother giving time another thought?

Why not make everything but this, pause?

To be wise enough to know what you've got,

And experienced enough doing it in one spot,

Shows you love, and are beloved, quite a lot.

Some days you need to break your rules.

You need to play as your own life's fool.

What for? To see what all you're up to.

The situation calls for a different persona,

A version of you you've not met or known,

Who can easily handle what's been shown.

Since your quest is going to go on awhile,

You may as well make the journey in style

By taking on a task that makes you smile.

Looking back, you may say, "Of course!"

But from here, you may ask, "Am I sure?"

Self-reflection is your priceless resource.

Who are you doing this for... honestly?

Why do you continue on so constantly?

How much are you doing consciously?

Swimming in goals can seem more appealing

Than diving down into your deepest feeling:

So which will it be - reaching or revealing?

As you begin to get everything sorted,

It will be clear what're more important

And also where you feel most supported.

The chance to strive is always available.

But how long is your striving bearable?

Your self-appreciation is unassailable.

Habitual thinking limits clear thought

By cramming what is into what ought.

What fresh ideas has the day brought?

Is it the real or just a reflection?

Is it apparent or just a perception?

Is it impactful or just an impression?

Are there a few more questions to ask

So you can feel you have a firm grasp

On what is behind this ongoing task?

If you take your thoughts too seriously,

They'll turn around and start ransoming

Time for control: stay fiercely carefree.

Whether it happened or not, 

It's used up enough thought:

Move on to what you've got.

Pouring too much of yourself into this

May be putting too much into the mix:

To be clear, you may need to be swift.

Solve no problems except your own.

Let none of your flaws go unknown

As you go inwardly, honest and bold.

Whenever your thoughts get too intricate,

There's another approach more legitimate

That focuses on increment by increment.

For wherever your inner fog is thick,

Your old approach may be too quick.

Revisit your process: that's the trick.

Imagine succeeding at that whole thing.

What deep satisfaction would that bring?

None? Then to what do you still cling?

If you can do so lightly, then go ahead.

If not, go and do another thing instead.

Do things lightly and your heart is fed.

Are you making that more complicated?

Are these your strengths being activated?

Are you aware of what's being cultivated?

When you improve things little by little,

You bind together what apart was brittle:

The solution isn't easy, but it is simple.

If there are too many steps required,

In the details you'll soon get mired.

Simplicity is where to get inspired.

If you find yourself managing a process,

Ask yourself whether you feel as blessed

As when you are doing far more or less.

One approach truly matches your vibration,

While another just causes more frustration:

Pick the one that goes on daily explorations.

You're certainly allowed to complain,

But if the day is all that has changed,

Your thoughts desire to be retrained.

If they're showing you unpleasant aspects,

Consider what's in you that that reflects -

And then feel each feeling you feel next.

For as long as you want labels, have them.

But beware what they praise or condemn.

There are no labels in what you've dreamt.

To feel fulfilled or simply blessed,

Pick between presence or a process:

You can take the way that feels best.

If you unconsciously do as you're advised,

You may betray instinct to go do otherwise:

When do intuition and a moment coincide?

This time, be strong by being gentle.

The journey is energetic, not mental.

So an ease that channels is essential.

Until you find one who can fully relate,

Perhaps you should use this time to wait

Or to continue to quietly concentrate.

Sit with the urge to share this just yet.

Sit and notice what realizations you get

When you sit without needs being met.

That may not be what they're up to.

Don't just ask - consciously review

Whether or not this can continue.

This next decision calls for courage -

To face the feelings that may stir up,

And to know you do this out of love.

Even if your delivery is deemed rough,

There is a time to say that was enough.

So you can clear all unnecessary stuff.

Where there are leaders, followers form.

Where there are levels, there is a norm -

Where you find being, presence is born.

It is alright to let harsh words bubble up

In the presence of someone you can trust

To say, "Alright already, that's enough."

Do you know when you are at your best?

Then avoid the hours that feel like a test

And use that time instead to simply rest.

Your best ideas come wrapped in an emotion,

So feel all that surrounds your latest notion

Before you choose to give it your devotion.

Beyond the words for it, how does it feel?

Beyond any terminology or trendy appeal,

Can you enjoy what one moment reveals?

There is no point giving any of this a name.

As fluid as everything is, you are the same.

The only constant thing in you is Change.

Without giving it the words, let it speak.

Don't assume its purpose is to just teach:

Does it tell of something you can reach?

Go in together, or else not at all,

So neither will suffer a lone fall,

And you both become invincible.

Whether it is what you normally allow,

Or you feel as if you barely know how,

Speak in a way that speaks to you now.

Take a moment to look so far up the road

That you barely recognize it as your own

Then use this perspective to pack and go.

All that you have, and have done, is good.

But you can do less - and yes, you should

By doing all you can - not all you could.

Shed thoughts of doing it right or wrong:

Whether or not your instincts felt strong,

You've been doing this perfectly all along.

Go, whether you get invited there or not.

Go because a voice within says you ought.

Go without a battle needing to be fought.

Just sit and listen to everything going on.

Quietly take in what's been here all along.

Simply and sincerely listen: don't respond.

There's a good reason that mattered to you -

Your core values are trying to break through:

So follow them to what they already pursue.

Even if you prefer not using your power,

Your life journeys, both inner and outer,

Can benefit from you being a bit louder.

As much a matter of timing as of trust -

You came here to abound, not to adjust:

Shed what you can, keep what you must.

Even a fancy invitation to get riled up

Still isn't valid or interesting enough

To step outside the light of self-love.

Even if you lack proper proof to go on,

Your can keep your inner vision strong:

Thank your patience for lasting so long.

It's not in any information you'll find.

Knowing doesn't happen in your mind.

Thoughts tell tales (feelings never lie).

You may think it's good enough like this,

But that relaxed attitude doesn't quite fit:

Now's the time to wholeheartedly commit.

Ask, if you need anything repeated.

Ignore how the question is treated.

Do it to get everything completed.

Give things your own special meaning

By making a milestone of your reason:

Keep following your favorite feeling.

In the face of the upcoming unknown,

You are actually being invited to grow

As you let what is to be, simply unroll.

Though still far enough to remain a blur,

It is coming, whether or not you concur:

You can take action before things occur.

Once this goal is a trophy on your shelf,

Will you be in pursuit of something else?

Isn't it enough to just fully be yourself?

And what of this obsession with loyalty?

As though it commands a place of royalty

Anywhere above living your life joyfully?

As long as you're waiting on someone else

To decide whether or not you've done well,

You're one more day from being yourself.

Unlikely friends are perhaps the best kind

Because of how they so beautifully remind

You: Life begins when your plans unwind.

This opportunity may not feel so opportune

But it's here along with its very own muse.

The only thing left right now is to choose.

Let the words you use - every single one

Remind you that you are here having fun

And that you truly deserve a "Well done!"

What enters the ears, needn't exit the mouth.

But it does need to leave you via some route:

So tilt your head to let all of it fall right out.

Habits and happenings plop you in between

What you've known and where you've been:

All you can improve today is your routine.

Even when the river of goals runs dry,

You still have the real reason you try:

Go upstream and check on your Why.

Do what you can, but not unnaturally more.

Overworking is not worth working toward:

Balance and boundaries are naturally yours.

Do you need an explanation or more clarity?

These events are because of your community.

Your best life is about the company you keep.

And at some point, it is time to take control,

Time to do more than whatever you are told.

You were already able - so now, just be bold.

That thought that runs through your mind -

Is that the spending or the wasting of time?

This is the most important thing to define.

Now for the question it is time you answered.

Put aside for a moment, the need for manners:

Who can you ever be without your standards?

There is a level at which you must be met

For you to genuinely give as well as get.

Realize that they may not be here yet.

Despite all you're sure you've learned,

And anything you think you've earned,

Loving is the way you feel reaffirmed.

Think about how you want life to feel;

Then think about what today calls real,

And now imagine that as a layer to peel.

If you have assumptions, beware.

Surprises may be hiding in there:

Send them a little questionnaire.

It's all clear when you're connected -

Being swift might be more effective:

Don't be patient - just be perceptive.

Now this is a project of a different kind,

One that takes more attention than time:

You have to work on your state of mind.

Time is not something you can control,

But energy? Now this, is all your own.

Focusing it sets your whole life's tone.

You may need to back away from it slowly

Rather than quitting suddenly or wholly;

Patience is more valuable than knowing.

Telling your side of it is less effective

Than taking steps that are corrective -

Try tactics that transcend perspective.

Of course that is not your burden to bear,

Nor is it anything to now - or ever - wear.

Handle yourself with the greatest of care.

Head in a direction you've never been.

Who all you'll meet has yet to be seen.

Allies will come wherever you convene.

For this, your language needs to be direct,

And your ideas, well-organized - correct.

For this, keep all your emotions in check.

That which has a set price, has a set limit -

So there's only so much you can do with it;

That which you enjoy has a value infinite.

Neither flattery nor insult bends truth.

So let every word pass straight through.

Meanwhile, nod, continue, nod, continue.

Know what upsets your sense of stability

Versus what makes you feel like nobility.

Only one lets you reach your tranquility.

Despite everything you are told or shown,

Keep going - this journey is all your own.

The next turn has room for just you alone.

Warnings work from wisdom or worry,

So stop starting to strategize or scurry.

Be still and nothing will ever be blurry.

There is nothing for you to prove.

There is no one choice to choose -

There is no one left to be but You.

You're the only one who truly knows:

It's time for all that to draw to a close.

Trust whatever your intuition shows.

Both bright and dark stories abound.

With which does your heart resound?

Decide on one, hurry up and rebound.

You immediately improve your health

By remembering this one thing well:

You can change no one but yourself.

This is not about what it can produce, 

But about what it does for you, yes you.

Does it give you time as well as truth?

Even when you consider it idle chitchat,

Don't spend any more time doing that.

Challenge yourself to follow a format.

Just as moisture helps make good ink,

Don't listen to the thoughts you think

Until you've had more water to drink.

Though at first it may be misconstrued,

Even to the point of being labeled rude,

Decide your day - or it will decide you.

When trying to figure out what's true,

Rule out the one that categorizes you.

Trust the one with time-tested proof.

Let this remind that they are outside of you,

Which is that much father from your truth.

And you have better things to do than duel.

Their advice about what you need to become

Is nothing to which you need ever succumb.

At this moment, you are perfect as this One.

As you travel across your inner land,

Are you noticing as much as you can?

Aren't you enough? Isn't this grand?

To survive this place, do you have to strain?

Does the weather here ever turn inhumane?

If so, take the faster way across this terrain.

Don't say you are - show yourself.

This regifts you your own health.

Replace explanation with stealth.

You can only be as clear as you can be.

Once you've done so, forget to worry,

And remember who you need to please.

Let this reminder remind you of the fact:

Sometimes, based on where you arrive at,

The only way forward is a few steps back.

The only opportunities that turn out great?

The opportunities that you yourself create.

The opportunities no one else can activate.

When you need someone to cooperate,

The right one may be hard to locate.

Yes, exactly: all you can do is... wait.

Whatever you're experiencing is only half.

In the end, you're guaranteed a good laugh.

So why not also enjoy here where you're at!

Even after you've tried every single option,

Your attempt can still ultimately be a flop.

Should the goal or your tactics be dropped?

This time, insist on being fully understood.

Otherwise the result may be a true falsehood.

Pressing the point will do some genuine good.

Some consider every surprise a trap.

Others are just always on the attack.

You, take everything in as feedback.

Who else knows what you "need to become"

In order to get the most difficult part done?

The most accurate answer is, in fact, no one.

Enough of all this thinking. Just do the work.

Think of thinking as a very clever way to shirk.

When you need ideas, they will magically perk.

Gentle? Yes. Fragile? No, of course you are not.

For though you have certainly experienced a lot,

You thrive on breaking old patterns of thought.

Appreciate windows, acknowledge doors.

Use time better than you ever have before.

Be as clear as you can - not one bit more.

Does it feel like you've reached your limit?

This is pointing to something in your spirit.

A core need is speaking: do more than hear it.

Whether the advice sounds flexible or firm,

It is no shortcut to what you have to learn -

You're the one to whom you must now turn.

It's going to take far longer if go that way.

You'll have to backtrack and endure delay.

For now, on this less gratifying path, stay.

Presented with two options, don't fret.

Think of them as scraps someone has left.

Refuse both. A real option is coming yet.

A vocation is a thing you do for income.

But an avocation creates its own outcome.

What calls you for neither money nor fun?

If it's now twice as much as it was before,

Maybe you need to do twice as much more

Of what makes you feel safe and secure.

Why do you cling to that outdated role?

(Yes, even when it was new, it was old.)

Reimagine yourself for potential untold.

Let your mind loose on this one.

Tell it to be creative, to have fun.

Then appreciate what it gets done.

If the journey brings you to a gatekeeper,

Take the other path, that although steeper

Is, in terms of life energy, much cheaper.

Take this simple way - not that easy one:

You'll find both deep connection and fun

Where you do more than get things done.

It's too complicated, almost like a maze,

With one exit, but many misleading ways.

Climb up, over, out - simplify your days.

No one knows how to do this better than you,

So cancel your search for any self-substitute.

You are the only one who can tell what's true.

Having an awareness of what each thing is for

In your ever-expanding, energetic repertoire

Is how to do more than you ever have before.

Your focus needs to be completely here.

What you've built before, let disappear.

This is a new level in your atmosphere.

If they are inclined to follow a herd,

It's unlikely your needs can be heard.

Waiting for them is therefore absurd.

You've learned your lesson to the letter?

Well, there is no gatekeeper or checker:

The only way to prove it is to do better.

Take time to let what is tight unfurl.

Take a step back from your busy life swirl.

Take a moment to take in this beautiful world.

Serving can give you an unexpected boost

Or serving can leave your energy reduced.

Try serving the ones who try serving too.

Be mindful if you catch yourself looping

Because of events that have you stooping:

Give them a far lower-priority grouping.

Frustration always tries to rush its case;

Fascination arrives with far more grace.

So slow your reaction. Notice your face.

You already know actions are louder than words.

But realize what's spoken actually gets unheard

Unless you ask, listen, and wait long enough.

Most are just talking - always remember this.

Thank kind words, forgive ones that don't fit.

Always remember - you bring your own bliss.

Focus on one thing this time - only one,

Not just in order to get some goal won,

But so something potent can be begun.

A heated conversation will eventually burn.

Douse conversations that lack true concern,

And to your own sincerest subjects return.

There is an expression, "Make it plain."

"Be clear and concise," means the same.

Uncomplicate words for the entire day.

To hold is as valuable as to gain.

To risk is as noble as to remain.

To know which to do is a game.

Repeating yourself is far from teaching,

And much more akin to deafly preaching.

Must you disturb those who are sleeping?

Search for common ground to communicate.

Don't search for so long that you end up late

To you and your common sense's daily date.

You win awards for grasping and reaching.

You receive praise for risking and leaping.

You only enjoy by pausing and breathing.

Who you are - work on who you are, solely.

And since you are never "finished" wholly,

It is best to work on who you are - slowly.

Your primary concern needs to be your time.

It is something you fully possess, not "find."

Thinking about anything else? Explain why.

What makes you strong, also makes you weak

Because it lets you assume you have no need:

Get feedback even when you feel fine indeed.

There's a story being told, consciously or not,

Repeating itself regardless of whether it ought.

This is something to be leveraged, not fought.

"I'm worse than everyone at this." So what?

You can change that situation easily enough

With a little bit more focus and self-love.

You don't need too much time, however

You should use body and mind together

And there'll be no obstacles whatsoever.

As you surpass needing to ask permission,

You're beginning to live into your vision

By using it alone to make each decision.

You are welcome to keep doing what you were,

Or you can go so fast each day becomes a blur.

You should probably let and make things occur.

It's time to honor your personal history,

Not by feeling regret or even sympathy -

But by using it to plan your next victory.

Build every year according to a structure

With infinite amounts of awe and wonder,

That turns age into an irrelevant number.

Every aspect of yourself has some function.

Investigate each after a brief introduction.

Odd as it sounds, let it lead the discussion.

Perfecting your skills will never be enough.

Grow your abilities to appreciate and love,

And you'll be someone no one ever tires of.

Doing the same thing over and over

Is the surest way to only get older:

To your inner world, get exposure.

You cannot be kept where you don't wish to be.

First, you'll find your way out non-physically,

Then you'll shift things to match your reality.

Whether or not it makes any external sound,

Each thing has a vibration that is profound.

Can you harmonize with everything around?

Being as you choose to be,

Or as you are, completely

Is all there ever is, you see.

Whether it is newborn or elderly,

Everything is made up of energy,

Knowing this, vibrate effectively.

If your perspective is too broad, pause.

Focus on a single, down-to-earth cause.

Make use of a few key real-world laws.

Your body is trying to speak to you: hear.

Even without words, its messages are clear

As you consider each and every organ dear.

Whatever you need is here right now:

Answers, questions - all you'll allow.

By you consciously noticing, is how. 

Your voice, whether audible or not,

Is the greatest treasure you've got.

Should you listen to it? Yes, a lot.

Consider this the end of that old cycle.

You're a leader, with or without a title.

Living into this is no less than vital.

Being so open and abstract is admirable,

But it's time to do something graspable.

This is the time for you to be rational.

It's no question - you've made an impact.

Once you just know, accept and trust that,

Return to getting your own self-care intact.

You can tackle one problem, not them all.

Broad issues have no answer, focus small.

If asked to do more than this, gladly stall.

Your energy can move you all over the place,

But there is something to be said for grace -

For surrendering into simplicity's embrace.

Opening for everything can duly overwhelm.

So put guards at the gates of your own realm,

Letting in those who love letting you be well.

If you can be this, you can be anything else.

If you can be still, you can master your health.

If you can be grateful, you can enjoy your wealth.

When worried, go visit your state of mind,

And ask what it needs to relax and unwind.

This tends to improve things in no time.

You give naturally when you are at ease -

Sharing your time, energy, and expertise.

Generosity is something calm guarantees.

There's no telling where you're going next,

Especially when you neither stop to expect,

Nor bother to let yourself get truly vexed.

It's alright to feel each of these emotions.

Their idea of "normal" is what's broken.

Be every bit of the you you've chosen.

A perfect way to begin is uncertainly.

From here, stop. Then, deeply breathe.

Your body now has a map to certainty.

If all your options repeat that cycle,

It's time to give the pattern its title:

An unarguably accurate name is vital.

There's far more here than you'll ever need;

Far from being an invitation toward greed,

It's one hint there's far more inside to feel.

Your deepest success is soundly guaranteed

When you bravely brave the space between

What you do and do not believe you need.

It will happen right when it's supposed to,

So shift your efforts into something new -
And there awaits your next breakthrough.

What easily arrives, may easily depart

As things end the same way they start;

And so you must lead with your heart.

The time you take to notice and appreciate

May inconvenience or even make you late.

But gratitude is what turns good to great.

Not yet - that's all you need to know.

Not yet - trust without being shown.

Not yet - there is still more to grow.

"What you lack" is a worthless token.

You cannot fix what was never broken.

You are both the voyage and the ocean.

Whether you take the path or stray,

Whether you go by night or by day,

You'll meet yourself along the way.

There's a deeper state of being, deeper still,

A current that runs deeper than power will,

A depth in you asking to be felt, not filled.

First, remember you're in need of rest.

Next, think of which way to do it best.

Now, put all these thoughts to the test.

Celebrate when you reach a peak.

And before the next one you seek,

Invite every part of you to speak.

Distinguish the outside distractions of noise

From what's speaking with your inside voice.

Quieting each, you'll make your best choice.

You're the only one who's going to know,

At least for now, until it all finally shows,

Because even what you don't plant grows.

Be doing the most important thing right now,

The one thing that only you know exactly how.

Every other obligation? Immediately disavow.

Work or worry, but you cannot do both.

To one or the other, make a little oath:

Day by day you will see to its growth.

In that one area, make a different decision.

And keep making it, under close supervision.

This part of your story is undergoing revision.

What excites you? What gives you that thrill?

What do you do heedless of the outcome still?

What is it that where others won't, you will?

Your mind is prone to speed up and race,

But this is a time for it to stay in place:

It is time to give it specifics, not space.

If you don't already do so regularly,

Tend to your body's needs patiently.

It has been trusting you faithfully.

Years, minutes, months, seconds, days?

These are nothing but untimely names.

Your each and every Now is the same.

You assume you're listening, but stop:

Are you over there in another thought?

Come back here to the now you've got.

Even where it touches the body and brain,

Enjoy the caress of life's constant change,

And whatever you wish to keep, maintain.

There is no more to be gained from it.

Spend less time on that, more on this -

Less feeling tasked, more feeling bliss.

After each time you go out exploring,

Maybe you could do a bit more sorting:

Was that a gift or a beautiful warning?

Operating at that level takes an energy

That also takes more time for recovery.

Practice switching to each immediately.

It is best if they get there on their own, so

Leave them options then leave them alone,

Using words that make them feel at home.

That this is a lot - is indisputable.

So when you forget, it's excusable:

That your life is so very beautiful.

Just for this - choose your every word.

Sculpt exactly what's going to be heard.

Speak to those you want to feel stirred.

Saying more is worse than saying less.

Keep some extra air inside your chest

To answer what they might ask next.

You're right about what's going to happen.

Your unseen senses are in no way lacking.

You're aware of what you need to fasten.

Who knows how to give the best care for you?

Who knows whether you had a breakthrough?

Who knows what you're actually about to do?

Not "what they need," but what you can give,

Because once it's given, you still have to live.

Let your schedule be a container, not a sieve.

It is not something to take too personally,

Nor to be sure of with too much certainty:

Sometimes some people act - accidentally.

If they're in pain, don't expect too much;

Or, expect nothing, so as not to begrudge.

It's good to let them know they're enough.

Lack is right here - opportunity is too.

Where you focus makes one come true,

Put your choosing power to careful use.

Think what will happen if you focus on that,

Where your time will go versus where it's at.

No judgment needed - just a plan of attack.

You've seen what you can do in one year,

Perhaps without even trying to get here.

What if you got truly focused and clear?

Above all, you need to keep it brief.

Whatever is too full becomes weak.

Give them time to think and speak.

As fast as you were going to get it done,

You now need to go from a walk to a run

In order to arrive there as the chosen one.

Acceptance, presence, and responsibility -

You'll win today with at least these three,

And tomorrow too, if you add humility.

Given circumstance and environment,

Your feelings actually all make sense:

All you need to uproot is impatience.

Consistent effort, consistent progress.

Every day, just do what you deem best.

Every day, choose what you'll do next.

Of what you've done or have tried,

Let the useless fall by the wayside,

And do more where you're inspired.

There is a reason you procrastinate:

Your intuition is asking you to wait

Before it shows where to accelerate.

As if it were perfectly and exactly timed,

You're becoming exactly what's required,

So focus on nothing but feeling aligned.

It's nothing you need to dredge up or drag,

Nor do you need to go enroll in some class:

You're searching for what you already have.

When did you last enjoy one incredible breath -

One born deep down in the belly, not the chest;

One that opened you up to whatever came next?

Regardless of where you feel strain or strife,

Regardless of that, you have a beautiful life,

Regardlessly going so very completely right.

Start spotting your next climb,

Preparing yourself deep inside:

Be sometimes wily, always wise.

What happens if you don't? Nothing - for now.

But change will find its own way here anyhow,

So why not revisit what you're sincerely about?

Fit all of this into your chosen context,

Not so you can plan each and every step,

But to figure out which path feels best.

Let this remind you to revisit your goals,

Because the joy and beauty of growing old,

Is celebrating everything will be outgrown.

Even at life's most unexpected turns,

You get to set your own mind's terms,

So listen, but decide, and remain firm.

Some things are not here to serve you,

Except to point away from what's true.

Go the opposite way in deep gratitude.

Stop keeping track of weekly events -

Start keeping track of daily strengths.

Keep doing this from here on hence.

Some go around in search of more struggle,

Others in search of one more ball to juggle.

Search instead for good reasons to chuckle.

Everyone loves your warm way of being

Because it is embracing and yet freeing,

And stays loving even when disagreeing.

When you choose to fight, be resolved

To make full use of everyone involved.

In other words, fight fully or not at all.

To not take the whole thing seriously

Is unwise. Look at this more curiously.

Beware of lingering here so luxuriously.

Take today to improve your own process.

How? First, sift out what's utter nonsense.

Then, figure out where you need access.

Would you let yourself change your dream?

Or would that challenge who you've been?

Should you care what achievements mean?

Help is all around you - start to notice.

The seemingly farthest may be closest.

All you have to do is shift your focus.

It's not that you need to do this alone,

But these ideas should be all your own

Since this next part is the cornerstone.

When someone happens to overstep,

You just politely, firmly intercept

And direct whatever happens next.

There is power in one open-ended question,

Far more so than in asking with suggestions:

Learn things they never planned to mention.

Your vital contrasts have gotten grayed:

To return from where you have strayed

Some permanent changes must be made.

Streamline your complicated systems

Into ones that'll endure the distance

Throughout your life's conditions.

Be it low and slow or high and fast,

Your pace is yours, no judgment cast.

And it can change once you've asked.

Trust your first instinct this time.

It knows more than a busy mind

By sensing more things outside.

Whether toward good or bad they swing,

Those circumstances don't mean a thing

Beyond what interpretations you bring.

What works for them might not for you.

It is not about entirely different truths -

Meaning needs timing (to be of any use).

Keep going, until it becomes second nature,

Until it gets imprinted as normal behavior.

In regards to this, you are your own maker.

It's a layer, for now, to avoid stirring up.

At least for now, let this part be enough.

For now, just sip from the top of this cup.

If today were the last day you'd do this,

Would you just as eagerly dive right in?

Or is there something else you'd begin?

Forget about legacy or some high ideal.

The only question is: how do you feel?

Because, you see, nothing else is real.

In truth, this crisis is all about control,

Which does not exist outside your own

Ability to act knowing all you know.

This is not about what they are doing wrong.

This is about you overreaching to feel strong.

So where do you believe your focus belongs?

Your whole self is attuning to consistency.

Everything wants to align with everything.

Where is this movement already benefiting?

No more stories, not one story more.

Let them become a thing you ignore.

Free of them you can actually explore.

Of those who take that path, what happens?

Do they end up with a greater life balance?

Are you noticing the gift or its wrapping?

There is only so much you can handle

At one time, so what can you cancel?

Put more energy into fewer channels.

Maybe you should just let things be,

Do as requested, and cooperatively.

But what if you responded defiantly?

Maybe you should cause a commotion,

Be the tidal wave that rolls the ocean,

Or else sail out across these emotions.

You are an abundance of existing wealth.

You have so much here, within yourself.

You have more than you've already felt.

What exactly are you expecting to happen -

That to come apart and then this to fasten?

Expect instead, to time after time gladden.

Because you have in mind a clear outcome,

And know how it helps you in the long run,

You will do exactly what needs to be done.

Pretend you have your own inner staff:

Put all of them to work on your behalf

To make sure you live, love, and laugh.

You actually already know, and exactly

What you need, quite matter-of-factly

(And it doesn't call for being crafty).

There is no great merit in endless toil,

Especially if it makes your mood spoil:

You must do more of what you enjoy.

When you do more of what you enjoy,

You radiate the most remarkable poise

And remind others they have a choice.

Are you hiding behind things here?

Are you creating safe space for fear?

Can't you make obstacles disappear?

Doing this "big" versus doing it "small,"

Presumes you already understand it all -

Treat not-yet-knowing as your windfall.

Do this from a state that is relaxed

- from a state less addicted to facts;

Welcome what detachment attracts.

Of course you're not afraid: it's "caution"

Getting in the way of you being awesome.

Enough of the excuses already. Blossom!

Spread your energy out into the world,

Out past everything thus far observed -

Imagine your wingspan fully unfurled.

You don't need to know the way forward.

You need to keep your thoughts in order.

You need to keep your energy supported.

Assuming you know all you think you do

Is a recipe for a stale and unsavory stew -

What can a little fresh uncertainty brew?

Try it again, before you say no.

Try it once more, so you know.

Try it once more, and then go.

What do you think about things today?

Are these thoughts likely to go away?

How long are they welcome to stay?

The sight or sound or thought may tempt

You to react. But you are hereby exempt.

Center yourself in yourself to preempt.

Check to see if you feel at all trapped,

Or if into it all you've gotten wrapped.

Free yourself. You don't have to adapt.

This is simply what you've been dealt

For the moment. How has it all felt?

It can soon be where you once dwelt.

Keep going, toward this thing's horizon.

Keep going, what's there'll be surprising.

Keep going - you'll increasingly enliven.

Once you've updated your own set of views

To something that you consciously choose,

You won't be fazed by any amount of news.

Once you realize how depleting that is,

You'll be curious what it actually gives,

And you'll get a whole new set of skills.

The fact that they don't have what you need

Isn't meant to plant in you some bitter seed:

It's to launch you upward with greater speed.

The task may seem gargantuan,

But know that you indeed can

(because you are greater than).

When you cook it slow, it takes more time

From other things you might have in mind.

What's going to simply have to fall behind?

Now that you realize the cause,

Are you ready to actually pause?

You can't give what it withdraws.

Now that you've gotten to the root,

After such a conscientious pursuit,

Thank yourself for being so astute.

Knowing isn't enough. You must take action

To actually move on and to gain real traction.

Get going (this is not the time for relaxing).

Congratulations on choosing a worthy goal.

Now let's see what within you it unfolds.

This is what's most exciting to behold.

Give yourself a little more time to recover.

You've taken a break? Maybe take another.

You yourself are your own healing's usher.

That you are here already is impressive.

But have you also been comprehensive?

Become more thorough than aggressive.

Remember, almost means not quite yet.

So let go of what you admittedly expect

And get back to work on your mindset.

Yes, there's a time this will be complete.

No, it is not something that is concrete.

Yes, it's based on you remaining upbeat.

Don't stop altogether, but do slow down.

Hear the signals coming from all around;

Respond before fate chooses to expound.

If their behavior deeply unnerves,

Or you think of them all as absurd,

Your pride needed to be disturbed.

You have everything you need right here,

Even the baggage that carries those fears:

Everything is useful to help get you clear.

Once you do more than just intend,

Much more than you've ever dreamt

Awaits, so come out and meet them.

The quest is not about answers you hold,

It is about listening to stories yet untold

So that much bigger questions can unfold.

Your emotions all have their sources -

Whether from inside or outside forces.

Ask your heart which ones it endorses.

Whether or not you can forecast a win,

It's harder to back out from halfway in:

If the costs don't match up, don't begin.

Where you can learn inconceivably more,

That is the direction to redirect toward.

What you don't know has worth galore.

There is an approach that will drain you dry

Some predictable time after you start to try:

Take the approach that embraces your why.

Cherish the hard questions most of all,

The ones that make you consider a fall,

The ones that ask how you meet a wall.

You have no extra time to waste.

Is something genuinely at stake?

If so, then by all means, engage.

It is important to map out your support

To know how much time you can afford

To put into what you have to transport.

Have you considered all the scenarios,

Past the ones everyone already knows,

Where your imagination rarely goes?

Once you finish, what about entanglement?

Can you return home as easily as you went?

In other words, of your terms, be adamant.

Have all other options been exhausted?

Have you challenged your own caution?

Have you envisioned you being awesome?

Have the costs and risks been analyzed?

Have useless thoughts been paralyzed?

Have all your objectives been defined?

Have you stepped away from being hectic?

Have you spent enough time in reflection?

Can you now explain your actual objective?

Is there a clear reason to head this way?

A reason you can easily, openly convey?

Then practice what you're going to say.

Some advice with ongoing worth

That may not help, but can't hurt:

Take the initiative. Be there first.

Perhaps you should leave them a way out

At the very least, one verbal escape route

So their chosen option won't be to shout.

Read your life thus far like a chronicle.

You've reached the part that is best of all -

The point when you become unstoppable.

Concentrate things into one single space

In order to leverage your mightiest traits

And keep tasks within your power's gates.

In this situation, yield a bit more room.

Invite them, almost all the way through.

They will tire out and then yield to you.

You don't have to respond or react.

Why not learn from this? Extract.

Why not keep your strategy intact?

There is a lot to learn right here -

So much to gather or commandeer

In your quest for a way that's clear.

Examine everything so as not to overextend -

Especially where you've asked others to lend.

It may be that your timetables need to bend.

Appreciation speaks with more than words

From all who witnessed your brave return.

Congratulations from all who've observed.

What can you personally do to shift one

Aspect of the interconnected outcomes?

Put yourself there - get your task done.

There is a bit of chaos and a bit of chance.

Hone in on one piece of this vast expanse.

Fix your focus on what you can enhance.

There is a level of planning you must do,

But once you begin, cut your plans loose

And make one perfectly immediate move.

Unify your efforts under one clear decision.

That way you will feel less inner friction

As you become your own master tactician.

You've already done the work to compare:

It's secondary, so why do you focus there?

Of how you use your energy, be very aware.

Concise enough that you can say it quickly,

Simple enough to be followed, and strictly

Is how your plan can gain ground swiftly.

Can you say exactly how everything will go?

Of course the answer is always a definite no.

But when flexibility meets preparation? Oh!

Use your ideas to maneuver

Into water that's smoother

So you arrive much sooner.

Keep your body's needs well met

And it will likewise help you get

What you're working toward next.

If you worry the void is bottomless,

You need to do some reconnaissance:

It's all about your own consciousness.

Put an end to that right where it is.

That sort of thinking must get fixed.

Replace it with a fresh idea that fits.

Edit your part right out from this drama.

End it with a period instead of a comma.

Exit whenever you hear, "Once upon a..."

This is not the time for doing that.

Consider where your deadline is at.

This about the plain, simple facts.

You get it - or so you say you do.

But here's where you'll be of use:

Let them speak - just show truth.

Close your mouth one second longer

And you'll grow one degree stronger.

Listening is the best way to conquer.

What will happen is that they'll accuse.

Remaining composed is then up to you.

Power then becomes yours to choose.

If you suspect there is a plot,

But it turns out there is not,

Ask your busy mind to stop.

Sitting there, across from your frustration,

Do you feel the time and energy it's taken?

Do you feel an awareness you've awakened?

You should not speak about their plight.

To embrace their suffering is their right.

All you can do is stay respectful and light.

How does it feel when they launch words?

Does it stir anger or make something hurt?

Before you respond, how do you feel first?

If you speak based on how you feel,

Things may do the opposite of heal.

Discuss common ground that's real.

Listen past all their claims and slogans.

Hear out all their overreaching hopes -

Good can come from this if you're open.

Of course you could, you just have to want to.

You must understand the outcome you choose

And not say anything that lets that break loose.

In this specific case, hold your tongue.

Their opinion is both naive and undone.

Composure will keep you fresh and young.

It won't work if they're busy stewing,

So go figure out what's been brewing,

Then explain the core misconstruing.

No need to overly focus on the end,

But what realization does this lend?

That you won't break if you bend?

To "blow it off," holds some hidden advice -

To do so, focus on your breathing must rise;

To do so, part of you waits on the other side.

But then who would you be without that?

So bow, curtsy, or tip your proverbial hat

To every inconvenience and verbal attack.

A skill you can use for now and hence,

Rather than play scenarios or get tense,

Prepare for the conversation via silence.

Give up on that part of your efforts

So you can give more and do better

Where you know there is treasure.

What you can accomplish through bliss

May be most remarkable because of this:

You achieve more by celebrating what is.

You are only just beginning to approach

The level you'll soon need, to encroach

On all who try to call yours their own.

In time, it will be completely apparent

That your goodness has been inherent,

Provided you remain this transparent.

Anger is a dangerous tool,

Easily making you its fool.

Careful with it - as a rule.

You're going to sit there and take it,

At least until the rest shows its face,

At which time you can spot and chase.

Today may not yet be your victory day,

But something is still going your way,

So relax and let out a quick, "Hooray."

Even entering that room full of noise,

What the power of demeanor destroys!

Carry yourself with a measure of poise.

Where today feels like you're getting less,

Your expectations have things to confess.

But be patient with them - don't press.

Do what you can in the least amount of time,

Even as the number of tasks starts to climb -

Prioritize and see which you can combine.

How much more time could you invest

Until eventually, there's only one left?

Is this a scenario you have addressed?

You may be surprised, even underwhelmed

By the power your rival never even held,

Their only use was to get you compelled.

Don't latch on to the latest highs or lows.

Like tiles in a mosaic, strokes in a fresco,

They're just part of what the whole shows.

You may have been invited to the spectacle,

But don't assume you have to attend at all.

Can you find something more preferable?

Wise choice, to opt out of that mystery,

Because some things are too enveloping

And tuck you under volumes of history.

Drawing into yourself to get more done

Is deceivingly simple, yet simply enough.

Doing so, even alone, you will have fun.

This space is a privilege to be in.

If it were a race, this is the win

You get even before you begin.

The quality of your thoughts -

What you're considering or not -

Decides the happiness you've got.

It's guaranteed to always be there -

The feeling you infuse into the air,

There is no one who can compare.

Wishing you had that

Instantly creates lack.

Amazing, all you have.

The status quo makes no sense,

Follow it to your own detriment

Or lead your own enlightenment.

It's not whether you get through to them -

But how you get through that is the gem.

You to you, what would you recommend?

Where you can be happy, you can grow.

Where you are challenged, even more so.

Therefore, there's nowhere you can't go.

That's enough discontent.

You need a suitable reset,

Or just some good rest.

Have you been here too long?

Are things still going strong?

What is your latest Because?

You cannot manage time. It comes. It goes.

Do what you dislike and it somehow slows.

Get lost in what you love and away it flows.

Upon completion, neither gossip nor gloat -

You can only manage the energy you devote

From head to toe (i.e. as above, so below).

It's not you getting upset - it's your ego.

Forget feeling snubbed, so you can grow.

You're being pruned. Believe it to be so.

This time, be angry silently

And you may get more clarity

By hearing just what's noisy.

If you were to get this one thing done,

You might be able to have a bit of fun.

How might your mind need this spun?

How long could you spend doing nothing?

How long working toward just one thing?

Neither extreme is good. Keep becoming.

Stay calm amidst waters rising quickly.

Slow down amidst panic spreading swiftly.

Stop amidst chaos coloring everything risky.

Alright then, there is no room for opinion.

The time for that was before today's mission.

Now, the task itself is your only dominion.

Pain shows you how much you didn't know

About how much your own body can undergo

As well as how much support it can forgo.

Take the deepest breath in the clearest air.

Wherever you wish to be, feel yourself there.

You are always this able to travel anywhere.

Mind the smaller bits of time in your day,

Letting fewer and fewer of them slip away

By shepherding attention when it strays.

You have a goal, and you have some dates

And therefore, progress you plan to make.

But most importantly, manage your state.

When in doubt, it's best to simplify.

The less you require, you will find,

The more you're able to recognize.

Consider it a ritual, chore, or a need,

There will always be things to clean.

Find your way in this to feel serene.

You probably won't consider it fun -

You probably won't even like to, but

Clean it all again. It has to be done.

They expect you to do exactly as they say,

But you are not exactly built in that way.

Do it as you, come disruption or dismay.

If they burden you with anything heavy,

Warn you'll need time to hold it steady.

Get to it when you are good and ready.

They need you to share their troubled state.

You need to maintain a maintainable space,

Even if that means they'll need to go away.

You can chop tasks from weeks to days

Based solely on your summoned state.

You have higher levels of being awake.

It's alright if you can't stop just yet -

Maybe it's something you need to get.

Patience with yourself is the best bet.

Down every path, there's something to learn

So don't bother second-guessing every turn.

Consciously forward is how wisdom is earned.

First, get the rest you need before you rise.

Next, get the nourishment you need inside.

Then greet the world with arms open wide.

Hurry. It's time to move things along.

One step past here is where you belong,

So you can then see a long way beyond.

Signs and symbols are limited in scope.

They just hint at the angle of the slope.

You are the one always able to say nope.

Imagine if your dream was too small.

What if you can so easily do that all?

Rouse the deepest vision you can call.

If that's what's pressing, why do this?

Because this is where your heart lives?

Then maybe shift things around a bit.

It can't irk you if you won't be troubled,

Even if into your mindfulness it tunneled

Because you have no intention to struggle.

It's good to revisit your important places,

Locations where your energy got elevated.

Mind you, they're milestones, not stations.

If the overall temperature here is cool,

And preference has not been left to you,

Generate your own heat - or just move.

While not everything must be this way,

Time is running out on this task today:

Straighten up whatever is in disarray.

Prepare, or experience the consequences.

Train before anyone is paying attention.

Get ready and you won't need defenses.

Go from the back of the mind to its front,

Of all there is to have, what do you want?

Your answer must be far from nonchalant.

Drawing deep within yourself

Benefits your overall health

And models for others, help.

Of all the things you're do busy doing,

Do you need all this non-stop moving?

Just how much of this is you proving?

You could wrap yourself up in this forever,

Or you can up and change your own weather

Or beneath your own ground be the tremor.

To your great work, first of all,

Rising up higher after every fall.

Now go answer your inner call.

Doubt this to your own detriment:

It cannot be about their assessment.

It can only be about best alignment.

If you run out of things to say,

It is time to politely step away,

Unless you're invited to remain.

You can't be shown this, you have to live it

Because perception has five narrow limits -

Imagination does more the less you give it.

Putting the pieces together, you'll arrive.

You're already almost perfectly aligned

To receive your next great insight.

When they don't work as hard as you,

You work for them, as a general rule.

Work wisely or become history's fool.

Have they delivered what they promised?

Have they failed to, yet exuded calmness?

Have you tricked yourself this is honest?

If they believe they hold power over you,

Disconnects will start to break through.

You're about to start your breakthrough.

There is no need for a big blowout -

No need to demand, or even shout.

Press a finger to your own mouth.

Without becoming pessimistic,

Nor too detrimentally realistic,

Do the acts match the ambition?

The only game you can win at is yours,

Thankfully, you're who's keeping score.

If you want to, you can even play more.

Uproot suspicion, but seed vigilance.

Combine alertness with blissfulness,

As if there were truly no difference.

Can they take what you never offered?

Only if you let them be your author.

Edit them out, even if it's awkward.

Vigilance. Keep your eyes on the road.

Don't be distracted by your heavy load.

Beware conditions you cannot control.

Focus on precisely what you do best,

With a simple, "No," to all the rest.

Be so specific when you say, "Yes!"

To do the right thing at the right time,

Can be the trickiest thing to get right.

Execution tends to outperform insight.

Is this a thing you should be doing?

Is this the to be goal to be pursuing?

Is this a way to your own improving?

Though haphazard, even a bit reckless,

Or occasionally a little disconnected,

Your wildest is still very effective.

What level you reach never matters as much

As how deeply and often you're able to love

The people behind the work on your way up.

Be so careful using the word, "deserve."

There is a part of you this will unnerve,

The part that is happiest when it serves.

Be less concerned about what you're doing

As why you're doing it - who's approving.

May you be the reason you're producing.

You do things for others, of course, yes.

But putting this to the real inner test -

Isn't it meaningful to you, regardless?

There is a lot to be suspicious of

Regarding higher achievement:

Is love ever impressive enough?

Notice your general movement range.

How varied is it? How much the same?

Take your movements to another plane.

And what about your own deeper states?

Don't you ever wonder what else awaits?

Why not visit what creates and creates?

If it's uninteresting, why go farther?

So your disinterest can grow larger?

Why not schedule your departure?

More people to learn more from? Great!

Whether or not the way seems straight,

Where you can learn, you can create.

You are heading right into the unknown

For reasons that are not solely your own:

You'll reap even more than you've sown.

Work never turns into labor

As long as you're always able

To be dazzled by life's fable.

It's understandable you want to succeed.

Not to be mistaken for an actual need,

Understand this is a superficial belief.

You'll start picking up such momentum

That you'll have to revisit what's central

As you do today's work and then some.

Yes, love does call for a bit more patience,

With others and yourself, and displacement

Of what gets in the way of being gracious.

Do they know how much you care?

Based on your intention in the air?

Based on words you put out there?

What kind of relationship are you sowing -

One like weeds that needs constant mowing,

Or one like vines that rise high by holding?

Your sarcasm can engender endearment

(Except for those who genuinely fear it).

Be discerning of who likes to be near it.

Same as a vehicle stuck in the mud,

Relationships get caught into ruts:

Step out, pick a wheel, and lift up.

Nothing is irreparable unless you give up.

While sometimes it's time to say "enough,"

Sometimes it's a louder invitation to love.

It seems like you're being asked too much,

Being asked to change your ways and such.

But is your own measuring of it a crutch?

In the end, you'll decide what to become -

A person who does it that way or someone

Who does it their own way, and with love.

Over your unique brand of wit,

You may come across a critic.

What to do? Well, you pick.

There is no advice that can show the way,

Only words that give you a pleasant delay:

You know what to, and not to downplay.

Who do you see yourself as at your best?

How are you breathing - belly or chest?

What drives you - intention or interest?

Who do you envision you'll become

One moment after all this is done?

Fortunately, you are that someone.

Realize that you are exactly who will be

Unless you greet unknowns continually

And dare them to be more challenging.

Escape meetings that squander time

As a platform for those who whine.

Remember, delays are never benign.

Keep gentle track, don't keep hard score

(Your own time management is what for).

The last thing you need is another chore.

Set your first priority and treat this second

As something with which you will reckon

Just as soon as some free time beckons.

As soon as you're done feeling awkward,

Things can really begin to move forward

As you move deep in beyond this border.

Which parts of how you hope to feel

Are already part of your overall zeal?

(Sorry to spoil your future's reveal.)

Helping others becomes a sham or a lark

Unless you brave your own inner dark

And relax about your own life's arc.

It's your little quirks and sweet gestures

Rather than words composing a lecture.

You give this thing a very real texture.

Release the intention to impress.

It always has the opposite effect.

Just enjoy being yourself instead.

Simplest doesn't mean easy.

Rested doesn't mean sleepy.

Silent doesn't mean sneaky.

The trouble with focusing on a defense

Is that you lock into a state of suspense

Instead of opening up what comes next.

Find someone whose life is your mirror,

Where your own cycle is so much clearer,

And a way out may be that much nearer.

Remember that everyone has a story, too

That they are interested in telling you.

Remember to ask for details, not proof.

Ask for more than you've tried before.

Ask like it's a joy rather than a chore.

Ask in a way that builds real rapport.

Small dreams get fulfilled too,

But not by asking much of you.

Dream dreams you'll live into.

Everyone masters a different frequency.

If you dislike one, move on peacefully.

But the ones you love, enjoy dreamily.

Each in your wide array of friends,

Is a different, inward-turning lens.

What each reveals of you depends.

To think you have to hurry because of them

Is to assume one beginning leads to one end.

Branch off in any direction from that stem.

Those who dump on you one crisis

May think this gives them a license

To bring more. Here, no is wisest.

There's no rush to accept your own beauty.

Still, the time that it takes you does truly

Reroute your journey. It does, absolutely.

Your habitual search - why not just stop?

You're not here to pursue, hunt, or shop.

You end up with what you've already got.

Connection - what if that's the whole point?

What if opportunities aren't here to exploit?

What if what you're here to do is give voice?

Consider how you impact the whole:

Your presence helps mindsets grow.

Yours is a delicate and crucial role.

Be far more eager to be shown you're wrong

Than to have your opinion hailed as strong.

You can't grow where you already "belong."

That kind of talk may feel so entertaining.

But it gives your mind improper training

For sincere thoughts that need explaining.

Today can feel like a brand new start,

But how can it be without the heart?

Feel before you take on this new part.

When you give yourself the chance to express

Just to yourself what you desire to do next,

You also discover needs you need to address.

Nothing drains a day like meaninglessness.

You can endure thankless work and stress,

But you must have your heartfelt progress.

This cannot be done in one day,

But don't let an hour slip away.

Perfect your process and replay.

When this is done, you'll be on to your next

Journey, peak, challenge, struggle, or test.

Be sure to bring the lessons of this quest.

In a grand scheme of things with lifelong use,

That goal is irrelevant, to the point of moot -

Unless it draws out what's meaningful to you.

It's time to let this carry you along,

Taking you to a new horizon's dawn.

Afloat on fate is where you belong.

You can do so much without a method,

And so little without being connected.

Without trying, affect and be affected.

Stop in the middle of what you're doing

And carefully inspect without ruining

Inner paths you're actually improving.

Don't do that. Choose neither instead.

Just for a moment - just in your head.

Now let your wildest curiosity spread.

What if you were far more questioning

Of the clamor that's become deafening?

Which ideas are officially trespassing?

Give that up and put this down.

What you need to do is ground

Yourself and then, rebound.

With a little bit of healthy stress,

You'll come out doing your best.

Now give this little trick a test.

There is only so far to push yourself

Before borrowing tomorrow's health,

Which deducts from tomorrow's wealth.

This is so very far from the end.

The sun will rise on this again.

Soon, if you must know when.

You haven't been able to get it to budge,

But it's now to where one little nudge

Will end up being more than enough.

The key is to shift yourself into a state

Where everything you attempt feels great

As you learn and pivot from each mistake.

Little changes will make a big difference.

Start with your surrounding environment

Then on to what has subtler significance.

Focus not where you feel greatest need

But on the source that helps you heal

Then let it know with what to deal. 

About those distractions...

For minutes of satisfaction,

They cost hours of traction.

Interruptions are your greatest adversary.

You would do well to consider them scary,

For all the bleak consequences they carry.

Let nothing interrupt you in this phase

Where sustained focus is the single way

You're going to get through this maze.

This is the time to shut interruptions down.

Are they from one side or from all around?

It is time to tally up their exact amount.

Something is once again trying to interrupt.

Though you feel like you know who or what,

Nothing but objective truth is good enough.

Nothing can obstruct,

No one can interrupt,

Momentum built up.

If you knew the cost of one interruption,

You'd accuse them of attempted corruption.

Let no one make your time their assumption.

Enough of allowing more interruptions,

Follow your dream's clear instructions:

"Fulfill me without further discussion."

What starts as a polite interruption

Becomes several rude repercussions.

Refuse without further discussion.

You've wished you'd waited longer

To let an awareness grow stronger,

So this time, sit here and ponder.

It could be worse, especially if you rush.

So tell your intensity to relax and hush:

Patience can turn an iceberg into slush.

Self-trust is both a weapon and a tool: 

Your mind believes what you tell it to,

More powerfully the more love you use.

You'll do best to find your tribe,

People who exude a similar vibe,

Making you feel even more alive.

In case you're wondering if you should,

Or that you'll risk being misunderstood,

Last minute changes can be very good.

Hold back. Don't exert your full force

Until the commotion runs its course.

Until then, stay close to your source.

Where can they go without you?

They will be needing help soon.

Give it, as graciously as you do.

Your strength defies all those threats

That may not have gotten news yet,

But that will dissolve nevertheless.

Raise the standard of conversation

So when anyone wishes to engage,

They rise to meet you or go away.

Challenge any ideas that go unquestioned.

Challenge expectations everyone mentions.

Challenge yourself to leave an impression.

Go where you've heard from reliable people

That you will be welcomed in as an equal

And leave feeling even more peaceful.

And now, what about your neighbor?

Are you a reason that they feel safer?

Can you do something even greater?

Does this part also need to be pleasant,

Or can you accept it as a painful segment

In the scope of a much larger lesson?

Do you know what you're capable of -

From chaos up to, and including, love?

Do you know the power of your touch?

If you talk it through very gradually,

You'll reconstruct things accurately.

Thought can work this immaculately.

If you believe you can do this passively,

This needs to be addressed and rapidly:

The only way to be involved is actively.

The words used may sound distressing,

But that's not the energy you're letting

In, so filter them with keen assessing.

There are too many here to solve them,

So peel back the layers of this problem.

Find one that's closest to the bottom.

Don't choose the answer that feels right.

Choose one you can hold up to the light

That won't make you doubt your sight.

How carefully did you think this through?

Have you tried on opposite points of view?

Have you found your assumptions are true?

To prevent energetic leakage,

Spot where darkness creeps in.

Seal cracks and shine, beacon.

"No" is your command. "Yes" is even more so.

One makes sure you stay. One prepares to go.

Use each in all its force, never an "although."

Their obnoxiousness might raise your pulse,

But you're freed from answering to insults.

A badly-written test can't get good results.

You only have to listen once.

If they lie, then you're done.

So, how many replays? None.

Whether or not you're now hurting,

Open up to at least one other person

To share where you feel uncertain.

If they don't deliver, don't begrudge.

But no second chances - don't budge.

Let your wasted time be their judge.

Memories trap one past in your mind, but

Change comes to what you leave behind.

There is nothing your thoughts confine.

This is nothing that you can do off-handed,

And something that goes far beyond manners:

You have to make a choice about standards.

You hold yourself to a fine set of standards,

But has anyone else questioned or answered

You with the same self-exploring candor?

You are allowed to say that was enough,

But not to say the road was too rough.

Recall those who consider you tough.

Your interest doesn't have to be entire.

You don't have to bow down to admire.

You can collaborate and not conspire.

If you hadn't used that version of yourself,

Their version might've stayed on its shelf.

Now you have to be transcendence itself.

What was it you were intending to protect

That in the end showed what you project?

Regroup. You have a lot of learning left.

Feel how standing your ground wears you out?

As fighting in the wrong war would feel foul,

Really, truly ask what you're fighting about.

Soon as a trickster notices you clutch,

They will toy with you over that stuff.

What do you cling to and, how much?

When you encounter some kindred souls,

You might hear yourself sounding bold.

It's because the depth of you just knows.

You're going where no one else has either.

So if you get a visit from anxiety's fevers,

Brave the shivers to journey even deeper.

Going where you normally won't,

Visitors visit who normally don't.

So venture out from your home.

The new is more tiring than the familiar.

Who works harder, a cleaner or a builder?

So the rest you need shouldn't bewilder.

Allow yourself to say no next time.

It's not that it busied up your life -

It's that it doesn't match your why.

Reasons get so entangled they're misleading.

Belief gets so self-absorbed it seems greedy.

But truth says, "I don't know, it's a feeling."

Think up a plan -

As fast as you can.

What just began?

Say yes without knowing.

Be busy without showing.

Get there without going.

Say no without excuse.

Let go, not just loose.

Don't plan - produce.

Is this now a problem you understand?

Have you, ever since you first began?

Can you make it basic, not advanced?

What approach are you taking to this?

One that any others would agree fits?

What other ways could you design it?

You assume it's about the issue, 

But it's almost only about you.

What have you committed to?

Let whatever you assert

Be actually studied first

Or the stumble will hurt.

Despite what everyone already prefers,

Answer maybe, and await what occurs.

A bit more time is what this deserves.

Whether or not you're comfortable with it,

This is not the opportune time to commit.

Find out for yourself if they're equipped.

This is no time for a final answer.

You need a little truth enhancer

To contact the real commander.

One more detail could do it -

Give insight to get through it.

Why not go out and pursue it?

Do what you want, when you want tomorrow.

To whom will that give joy, to whom sorrow?

Who'd be your traveling mate, who'd be cargo?

If you could use some timeless sage advice,

Conjure it from the elders who live inside,

All the versions of you in your own mind.

You know you need to get up from this place,

To venture out into newer, more open space.

Onward, to the untold adventures that await!

This incident is an invitation disguised.

To follow where it leads would be wise.

Onward, to where you will next arrive.

It's alright that you turned it down before.

This time around you have so much more

Awareness, resolve, and tenacity galore.

Do you recognize your current mentor?

Not necessarily the one you had sent for,

But one who can get you to sense more.

This is only the first crossing.

So before you consider pausing,

Listen for your purpose calling.

Think of them as enemies or allies,

But what are they really in disguise?

Guides on the path of being alive.

Congratulations on surviving the start.

But you have reached the innermost part

Where the one way out is through heart.

Facing this fear is the one that transforms,

The one that forever destroys your norms.

No matter what, keep on moving towards.

What will you do with this reward?

What it was originally meant for?

What you now wish to explore?

This is all part of the larger adventure,

And why it was wise to do this together.

Their benefit is already beyond measure.

It's been rough, but you must rise again.

Get right back up and see this to the end.

If needed, by all means, rely on a friend.

You have won all the insight you've gained,

From days of struggle across weeks of strain.

You're so different now, you could be renamed.

Even though you believe you are right,

You are "fighting" the wrong "fight."

So rise above this simplistic "side."

Admit that that has become unmanageable.

Now you can figure out what you'll handle,

And what, for now, will be understandable.

Some former strengths need to be restored,

Ones that asked least yet were most ignored.

Into these, your time must now be poured.

It may be most effective to surrender,

To invite whoever can to do this better

To take the lead on this one adventure.

Go deep within and take inventory -

Of what you value, where you worry,

And when you are fully in your glory.

This would be a time to be exact,

To explain where everything is at,

And say if you're feeling trapped.

Remove what you need out of this frame,

So your results don't just stay the same.

Be clear, or as they say, "make it plain."

Are you connected to this whole thing?

Is there a deep meaning that it brings

Whenever it's about to be occurring?

You're given enough time to be lazy,

And enough time to work like crazy.

The excuses - what would they be?

Traveling far doesn't mean you've arrived

Any more than breathing means you're alive.

Challenge the unspoken reasons you strive.

May your vision come with patience as well

So you have more than a short story to tell

About the highs and woes that once befell.

Many things come in, then go out of style.

Since many things only last a brief while,

Why not make yourself more versatile?

It's going to come out regardless,

So rather than hide in darkness,

Open up all your compartments.

Whether or not your work is done,

The time for transition has come.

No plan in place yet? Make one.

"I'm already here," isn't a reason to stay.

"I hate it here," isn't a reason to go away.

"I'm ready," is the best thing you can say.

Be so careful about your patterns.

While it's necessary to have them,

They end up being what you battle.

You can draft this whole upcoming chapter,

But do you aim to know what comes after?

Why not fill this plot with more laughter?

Change will get most of its way,

And perhaps give you a little say.

So what game will you ask to play?

Figure out who you are.

Even if it feels bizarre,

Dive farther than far.

Minds only get older because

Their owners grow tired of

Feeding them healthy stuff.

It's going to get easier to say no

To today's plans after tomorrow.

Resist this resistance to growth.

Packing up, don't bring everything along.

In your luggage, only what's light belongs.

Carrying isn't the best use of being strong.

Without fixating too much on what's ahead,

Nor forgetting what your elders have said,

Invite your future self's wings to spread.

Deny no one the right to their own fears.

Tell no one to cut short their own tears.

As for you, transcend your own years.

Is there time to finish this? Definitely.

Especially if you approach it intensively,

Filling each minute with double density.

It's going to happen all of a sudden,

But don't let that burst your bubble:

You needed every bit of discussion.

Knowing you need a break

Is all wonderful and great.

What plans did you make?

The best way to know what's in you

Is through the challenges that prove

What real training you've been up to.

It's wonderful to cherish connection,

But staying festers into an infection.

Change is its own form of protection.

Who can really say if that is the right path?

Does it even add up when you do the math?

What you can know is if you feel attached.

Not knowing is most distressing

When you're intent on guessing.

Enough of this energetic betting!

Give yourself a pat on the back,

Because when doubt did attack,

You kept everything on track.

Truly, there is more to handle here,

But until the rest of the way is clear

Consider patience your latest career.

How long can you linger in limbo?

Right up until heart and mind both

Cooperate to climb out the window.

Leave yourself plenty of time

To declutter home and mind

For some interior redesign.

The counsel you keep will decide which

Direction to take and how you'll equip,

As well as what you'll stop awhile to fix.

People you feel drawn to, ask more questions.

There is something they are there to mention,

Your own whole-being, incarnated suggestion.

The whole thing is about to come together,

Across so many different parts made better

Because you bravely outlasted the weather.

Success will require you become ruthless,

Hunting down activities that are foolish,

And spotting imperfections like a jeweler.

Leadership is nothing to take lightly,

But your stepping up into it is timely.

To be most effective, shine brightly.

This is your leadership advice for today:

It is not what you say, but how you say it

That will convince others to try your way.

After awhile, you may become complacent,

When there arise fewer problems to chase.

Whatever time of day this occurs, awaken.

It is not what you do, but how you do it

That makes them help see you through it.

So apply all the goodness you can to it.

You'll never know exactly where this goes.

When you'll get there? Who really knows!

So your expectation office needs to close.

Trust yourself to think just enough.

Trust yourself to perseveringly love.

Trust yourself to make this all fun.